Su Chen looked at the turntable and it didn't matter.

The fifth grid occupied two-thirds of the area.

There was a 90% chance that he would be transferred to the fifth grid. The cultivation realm, spiritual treasures, and the law of chaos would all be destroyed. With the seal of the ladder to heaven, Su Chen could only hope that he was not going to a powerful world.

The turntable started spinning.


After a while, the turntable stopped.

Su Chen shook his head when he saw the area he was pointing to. What he really wanted was to seal all cultivation realms, spiritual treasures and the laws of chaos.

The girl on the ladder leaned in Su Chen's arms and said,

"Su Chen, your luck is not good."

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and said silently,"The turntable is disgusting to me. It's no wonder that I have good luck."

The girl on the ladder kissed Su Chen and said with a smile,

"Haha, don't be angry. Since the ladder has sealed all your abilities and spiritual treasures, your trial world"Nine Seven Three" will not be too powerful."

"Not too powerful? If I go to the trial, I will become an ordinary human being. It will be a mortal world. What can I do?"

"Su Chen, aren't you very good at dealing with women? You can find a strong woman to help you complete the trial mission. Su

Chen exclaimed in surprise,"I'll go and you actually ask me to be a pretty boy?""

"You can also go find a man!"

The girl on the ladder rolled her eyes at Su Chen and said,

"Being a pretty boy?

Aren't the little bastards always being a pretty boy?

" Nuwa, the Queen Mother, and the powerful women like Yin Ji, didn't they always protect Su Chen before?

Su Chen She was very successful as a pretty girl.

Even she was able to defeat this bastard. Wouldn’t the Ladder Girl also have to protect this bastard in the future?


Su Chen's face was so dark that he didn't want to talk to the girl on the ladder.

She was looking for a man?

Damn it, even if he died, he wouldn't be able to find any man.

A pretty boy would be a pretty boy.

For the purpose of the trial mission,

Su Chen thought it would be good to be a pretty boy. However, when looking for a woman, he also had to find some very beautiful beauties.

Su Chen stroked the face of the girl on the ladder and said,

"Girl, start the teleportation. I want to complete the trial mission quickly and then continue to climb the ladder."


The girl on the ladder waved her hand, and

Su Chen disappeared on the ladder in an instant.

She touched her hot face and was speechless.

The girl on the ladder found that she was becoming more and more dependent on Su Chen. Su Chen touched her waist, kissed her, and touched her. Face, these simple contacts made her very attached.

But she couldn't stay with Su Chen.

The little girl on the ladder had to leave the Chaos World as soon as she escaped from the ladder, otherwise other Hongmeng Supremes would find her aura, and so would the Chaos Spirit World. Let other Hongmeng Supreme discover its existence

【The Double Dragon World of the Tang Dynasty, trial mission, seize the evil emperor's relics!

Su Chen instantly appeared on a busy street. Before he had time to take a look at what kind of world this was, the ladder issued a mission to him.

Let me go,

Datang Shuanglong World?

Isn’t this the world of Zhu Yuyan and Fan Qinghui?

Shi Feixuan, Wanwan, Bai Qing'er, etc., these women are all from this world.

Well, it

’s the same small world again.

The Shuanglong characters of the Tang Dynasty in Xuantian Continent will appear in this small world. This is exactly the same as the small world of Yitian Slaying Dragon.

Su Chen walked towards the restaurant on the side. He wanted to understand how far the world had developed.

Evil Emperor's relic?

This task is not easy to handle.

Evil King Shi Zhixuan is a lunatic. Even Zhu Yuyan died without killing Evil King Shi Zhixuan. Now that he is an ordinary person, how can he obtain the Evil Emperor's relics?

"Guest officer please!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Waiter, let’s have some good wine and food."

"Well done, sir, wait a moment!"

Su Chen sat at the window on the second floor and looked at the street. This should be Chang'an City. The Evil Emperor's relics are under the Si Ma Bridge, but Su Chen couldn't figure out where the specific entrance was.

"Qingxuan, let’s sit here to rest and have some food."

"Okay, Xu Ziling, will my father really come to Chang'an City?"

"It will definitely happen. The legend of the Evil Emperor's relics will appear in Chang'an City. Good and evil forces will appear in Chang'an City. Your father will definitely come to Chang'an City after getting the news."


A man and a woman appeared next to Su Chen. They were talking and checking out some people in the restaurant.

After Su Chen looked back at Shi Qingxuan and Xu Ziling, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Qingxuan and Tianxuan Continent in the small world Shi Qingxuan in the movie, they are not the same person, and their looks are also different. Although Shi Qingxuan is also very beautiful, she is not as beautiful as Shi Qingxuan in Tianxuan Continent0.

"Boy, give up this position."

At this time, four Jianghu people came to Su Chen and shouted angrily.

Su Chen curled his lips and said,

"What if I don't let you?"

A rude and burly man patted the knife in his hand and threatened,

"Boy, do you want to die?"

An ordinary person is dressed gorgeously but has no martial arts skills. Will they, the Jianghu people, care about a rich man?"

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and said speechlessly,

"wanna die? Do you want to die? Do you know my identity?" It's easy for Su Chen to kill these four little scumbags even if he doesn't have any martial arts strength."

The rude man asked doubtfully,

"Boy, what are you?"

"Does Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan know? Does Wanwan know? Do you want to be hunted down by the Yin Kui faction?"

"Are you from the Yin Kui sect?"


"Boy, do you dare to play tricks on us?"

"Playing tricks on you? Some scum, I have a close relationship with Zhu Yuyan, if you dare to touch me, the Yinkui sect will massacre your whole family."

Su Chen was talking nonsense while drinking.

While he was threatening the four Jianghu people in front of him, he also wanted to see the reactions of Xu Ziling and Shi Qingxuan.

In the plot,

2.8 Wanwan had feelings for Xu Ziling, but Xu Ziling ended up with him. Shi Qingxuan is together

"you...You're talking nonsense, come on, let's kill this kid together"


The four Jianghu people drew their weapons and slashed at Su Chen.

Su Chen quickly stood up and rushed over. He clenched his fist tightly and punched him.

"Some scum, come and taste my fist as big as a sandbag."

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

In three breaths, four Jianghus were attracted by Su Chen one after another.

Su Chen didn't stop.

He felt that fighting like this was very enjoyable. The punches hit the flesh. Su Chen had not fought so happily for a long time.

Next to him , Su Chen felt that fighting was very enjoyable. Xu Ziling suddenly stood up and shouted,

"Stop, if you keep fighting, these four people will be killed."

"none of your business"

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