Su Chen didn't expect that Xu Ziling would stop him. He was a stupid bitch.

When the four gangsters wanted to kill him at the beginning, why didn't Xu Ziling stop him in time?

Su Chen has no level of cultivation now. After the four acquired scum were defeated, Xu Ziling actually wanted to stop him. Is he a fool? Or an idiot?

"Stop, if you don't stop, don't blame me....."

Click! Click! Click! Click!

Su Chen didn't wait for Xu Ziling to finish speaking, he broke the necks of four Jianghu people one after another.

Threaten yourself?

Su Chen has now killed four Jianghu people.

Does Xu Ziling dare to take action against him?

Xu Ziling stared at Su Chen with an ugly expression. He did not expect that Su Chen would kill four Jianghu people,

Yin Kui faction?

Xu Ziling believed that Su Chen was from the Yinkui sect, and the Yinkui sect was a group of demons who did all kinds of evil.

"Devil, you deserve to die, I will do justice for God."

Su Chen cursed disdainfully,

"Damn you, you are such an idiot."

Xu Ziling drew out his long sword and pointed at Su Chen and shouted,

"You kill people for no reason, aren't you a devil?"

Su Chen crossed his arms and mocked,

"Pretty boy, are you blind? Four Jianghu people want to kill me, why can't I kill four Jianghu people?"


Xu Ziling was speechless for a moment.

Previously, four Jianghu people wanted to kill Su Chen, but Su Chen had already defeated the four Jianghu people. Was it necessary for Su Chen to kill the four Jianghu people?

Su Chen looked at Shi Qingxuan and said nonsense,

"Shi Qingxuan, I know you, I know everything about you clearly, Xu Ziling is a holy bitch, he likes Wanwan, and also likes Shi Feixuan, there is no result for you to be with him, and you are mine Fiancée, you better stay away from this idiot"


Shi Qingxuan stared at Su Chen coldly.

She has nothing to do with Xu Ziling. Xu Ziling likes anyone to have anything to do with her, what kind of fiancée?

She and Su Chen have never met. How can Shi Qingxuan be engaged to Su Chen?

"Shi Qingxuan, don’t believe it. You have a mole on your left arm, a heart-shaped mark under your right chest, and a mole on your butt......`."

"Shut up!"

Shi Qingxuan stared at Su Chen with shame and anger and shouted,

Damn it, the red moles and marks on her body, and her butt.....How could this bastard know that Shi Qingxuan had never met Su Chen? How could this bastard know everything about her?

Xu Ziling looked at all this in confusion, what is going on?

Is everything Su Chen said true?

No, how could Su Chen know everything about Shi Qingxuan's body? Could it be that Su Chen is a thief?

Su Chen smiled and said to Shi Qingxuan,

"Do you believe it, Shi Qingxuan, you like to eat light food, especially tofu and lettuce, and your belly....Ahem, the underwear is all white and embroidered with lilies."

"Shameless thief, I will kill you."

Shi Qingxuan took the jade flute and attacked Su Chen.

She wanted to kill Su Chen.

Shi Qingxuan guessed that Su Chen must have spied on her, and maybe more than once or twice.

"I'll do it!"

Su Chen didn't expect to say too many bad things.

He hurriedly turned around and wanted to jump off the building to escape. Shi Qingxuan was in an innate realm, and Su Chen was no match for Shi Qingxuan.


Su Chen quickly jumped off the building and ran away.

He would not stay and be killed by Shi Qingxuan or beat up

"You can't escape."

Shi Qingxuan saw Su Chen jumping off the building and escaping.

She quickly chased after him with Qinggong.

Su Chen was a waste who didn't know martial arts. Shi Qingxuan didn't believe that Su Chen could escape from her.


Xu Ziling also hurriedly chased after him.

His face looked pale at the moment. It's almost dark.

Shi Qingxuan actually saw Su Chen all over, more than once or twice. Xu Ziling wants to kill Su Chen. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Shi Qingxuan, you don’t need to hunt me down. I haven’t spied on you. I don’t know martial arts. Do you think I can spy on you?"

Su Chen was speechless for a while.

If he hadn't been physically stronger than ordinary people, Shi Qingxuan might have caught up with him long ago. Shi Qingxuan chased

Su Chen with an indifferent expression, and she was also very surprised.

An ordinary person,

Su Chen Shi Qingxuan, who was not yet at any level of cultivation, did not expect that he would not be able to catch up with Su Chen.

People were coming and going on the street, and

Su Chen mixed with the crowd and soon left Shi Qingxuan behind.

In a small alley,

Su Chen gasped and secretly walked Looking at the street, he didn't expect that a majestic

Heavenly Emperor of the Realm would be chased by a scumbag woman today.

Damn it, if Su Chen had one percent of the realm of cultivation, he would still use it. Escape? Huh? One percent of cultivation? Su Chen felt that if he had even one percent of cultivation, he might destroy the world. Whoosh! Bang!

"`.Let me go, who?"


Su Chen was quickly tapped on his acupuncture points.

He was confused for a moment.

Who could it be?

Shi Qingxuan just chased him on the street, and Xu Ziling also chased after him. Who could be behind him who suddenly tapped his acupuncture points?


A woman in green mentioned Su Chen and left quickly.

On the street,

Shi Qingxuan looked around angrily. She did not expect that Su Chen would escape without a trace.

An ordinary person actually got rid of her?

On the street Although there were many people, how could Su Chen, an ordinary person without martial arts, escape? Shi Qingxuan felt that Su Chen had hidden his cultivation level, and that bastard must be a master of martial arts.

Xu Ziling caught up and asked,"Qingxuan , you didn’t catch up with that young man?"

"If there is no (good money, good), let him escape."

Shi Qingxuan looked at Xu Ziling with a cold face. She didn't want to stay with Xu Ziling anymore.

Wanwan and Shi Fei Xuan?

Shi Qingxuan didn't want to see that one was a witch from the Yin Kui sect, and the other was the sect who killed her mother. Shi Qingxuan didn't want to face Wanwan or Shi Feixuan.

Half an hour later, while eating in a courtyard,

Su Chen was thrown into the courtyard, and an extremely beautiful beauty appeared in front of him.

Su Chen saw that he had been arrested It was an extremely beautiful woman.

He exclaimed in surprise,

"I'll go, Zhu Yuyan, untie my acupoints quickly, I'm your husband."

Su Chen regretted it as he said that.

Damn it, the Zhu Yuyan of this world is not his wife. The cruel Zhu Yuyan wouldn't kill him with one palm, right?

Zhu Yuyan glared at Su Chen with a fierce face and shouted,

"Husband? Boy, do you want to die?".

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