Su Chen stood up and walked to sit next to Li Xiuning.

He met Changsun Wuchu and Li Xiuning in the teahouse. If Su Chen didn't tease these two beauties, he would be sorry for Li Shimin, who killed his brother and imprisoned his father.

One is Li Shimin's sister. , one is Li Shimin's fiancée.

Although they are not the same as the eldest grandson in Tianxuan Continent, and Li Xiuning has different appearance and bumpy figure, they are still the same person after all.

When Li Xiuning saw Su Chen sitting directly next to her and saying some shameless words, she yelled with a cold face,


Su Chen smiled and teased,

"Beautiful girl, I see you are not young anymore. You are not married at your age. There must be something wrong with your body."

"Boy, do you want to die?"

"Beauty, your ears seem to be red. You must be wearing purple underwear today, right?"

"you wanna die!"

Su Chen took Changsun Wuchu's tea and drank it and continued.

"Li Xiuning, you have a scar on your calf, or an arrow wound. Also, it seems that your menstrual period has just passed six or seven days, and there are still scars on your chest....."

"Shut up, damn it, how do you know this?"

Li Xiuning didn't wait for Su Chen to finish. She interrupted Su Chen angrily and cursed.

Li Xiuning was very surprised.

How could Su Chen know some of her privacy? She and Su Chen had never met. Li Xiuning came to Chang'an. She had only been in the city for more than a day, and she couldn't figure out how Su Chen knew these secrets.

Changsun Wuchu lowered his head with a flushed face.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would drink Tian's tea and tell some of Li Xiuning's secrets. Li Xiuning and Su Chen didn't seem to know each other. How could Su Chen know Li Xiuning's privacy?

"We are husband and wife!"


Li Xiuning slapped the table hard and shouted,"Boy, if you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will kill you."


Su Chen curled his lips and ignored Li Xiuning.

He looked at Changsun Wuchu and smiled.

Changsun Wuchu blushed and lowered his head. Su Chen guessed that he drank Changsun Wuchu's tea, and Changsun Wuchu was shy. , the eldest grandson Wuchuan, who is more than ten years old, is still a little tender.

"little beauty....."

Su Chen whispered some private words to Changsun Wuchu.

Changsun Wuchu was good.

He would not let Changsun Wuchu marry Li Shimin, who killed his brother and imprisoned his father. If Li Shimin also appeared in Chang'an City, Su Chen would let the Yinkui sect people killed Li Shimin.

Changsun Wuchu looked at Su Chen in surprise.

She didn't expect that Su Chen also knew her privacy.

Although Su Chen only shared some private information, no other person could know these secrets.

Who is Su Chen?

Couples from previous lives?

This is a lie, but how could Su Chen know so much about her? Moreover, even Su Chen knew her most private secret.

Changsun Wuchu asked with a complicated expression,

"Who are you?"

"My name is Su Chen!"


Changsun Wuchu frowned and started thinking,

Su Chen?

She has never heard of this name. Why would Su Chen know her so well? Su Chen waved his hand and a cup of tea appeared in front of Changsun Wuchu.

"Changsun Wuchu, drink this cup of tea and your chest tightness and asthma will be cured quickly."

Changsun Wuchu and Li Xiuning looked at Su Chen with wide eyes, a cup of tea?

Su Chen waved his hand, and a steaming cup of tea appeared on the table.

Is Su Chen a god? Or a demon?

"Who are you?"

Li Xiuning asked Su Chen with a serious face. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She doesn't believe there are gods in the world, nor does she believe there are any monsters. Li Xiuning guessed that Su Chen might be able to do magic, or He knows some tricks used by alchemists to deceive people.

Su Chen took out a purple spirit stone and put it on the table and said,

"Li Xiuning, who do you think I might be? Do you recognize this?"

"This is?"

Li Xiuning looked at the sparkling spirit stone.

What is this?

Why did she feel (bad) a very comfortable feeling on her body, and she also felt that the meridians all over her body were being expanded. Swish, swish, swish..

Su Chen kept taking out some items and putting them on the table, and then put them away again. These items included treasures from various worlds, some spiritual fruits and fairy fruits, and some delicacies made for her by her woman.

Li Xiuning and Changsun Wuchu opened their sexy little mouths and couldn't close them. They were frightened by the items Su Chen took out.

Every item is a treasure, and there are also fairy-like treasures, fragrant and delicious weird spiritual fruits and fairy fruits, as well as all kinds of sparkling treasures, and even delicious food.

"I'll do it!"

Su Chen accidentally took out a white bellyband, and he quickly put it away in embarrassment.

This was Bingji's bellyband, and

Su Chen also forgot to return it to Bingji.


"Color embryo!"

Li Xiuning and Changsun Wuchu yelled at Su Chen with blushing faces.

They did not expect that Su Chen would take out a white bellyband, a shameless pervert, and a lecher. Li Xiuning and Changsun Wuchu felt that Su Chen was not a good person.


An old Taoist priest suddenly came to the teahouse quickly.

After he looked at everyone in the teahouse, the old Taoist priest walked towards Li Xiuning. When

Li Xiuning saw the old Taoist priest walking over, she asked doubtfully,

"Ning Daoqi?"

The old Taoist priest nodded to Li Xiuning and said,"It turns out that she is Miss Li Xiuning of the Li clan."

"Taoist Ning, what's the matter with you?"

"Miss Li, did anything strange happen here just now?"

"The weird thing is? No!"

Li Xiuning's heart tightened when she heard Ning Daoqi's words.

What's strange?

Is it because of the treasures that Su Chen took out? Did Ning Daoqi come over after sensing the treasures?

Su Chen looked at Ning Daoqi, a Buddhist thug, with disdain. A scum in the Taoist sect, a Taoist priest can do this, this is really a shame to the Taoist sect.

"This cup of tea?"

Ning Daoqi suddenly saw the tea in front of Changsun Wuchu.

He felt very relaxed when he smelled it, and his whole body felt warm as if it was changing his physique. This is the spiritual tea, the legendary spiritual tea drank by immortal cultivators..Su

Chen hurriedly picked up the teacup and handed it to Changsun Wuchuan and said,

"Changsun Wuchu, drink your tea quickly, otherwise your tea will be snatched away by shameless people."


Changsun Wuchu took the tea and nodded.

She found that Ning Daoqi was looking at the tea in her hand.

This is a certain immortal tea.

Ning Daoqi, the great master, looked salivating. Changsun Wuchu wanted to cure her. If you are sick, drink it quickly

"No, this tea is poisonous. Miss, please don’t drink it. Leave it to the old man, who will dispose of this cup of tea."

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