Ning Daoqi saw that Changsun Wuchu was about to drink the fairy tea, and he hurriedly stopped him.

This was fairy tea, a fairy tea that could change one's body and even improve one's cultivation level.

Ning Daoqi had previously sensed the presence of aura in the teahouse. Breath, and breath that is good for cultivation.

Is it because of the fairy tea?

Who brought out the fairy tea?

Su Chen, who doesn't know martial arts, and Changsun Wuchuan? They can't have fairy tea,

Li Xiuning?

She is just a scumbag, and it is impossible for Li Xiuning to bring out the fairy tea. Could it be that the fairy tea is a gift from heaven?

When Li Xiuning and Changsun Wuchu heard Ning Daoqi's words, they both showed shocked expressions. poisonous?

Are they idiots?

The smell of fairy tea makes them feel very comfortable. Is this poisonous fairy tea?

""Zero One Zero" is so shameless, so shameless.

Ning Daoqi is a majestic grandmaster. They didn't expect that Ning Daoqi would be so shameless and shameless.


Suddenly a man in black appeared in the teahouse, and he quickly snatched him away. The teacup in Changsun Wuchu's hand escaped,

"Looking for death, Bi Xuan, you die."

Ning Daoqi didn't expect that Bi Xuan would suddenly appear, snatch the fairy tea from Changsun Wuchuan's hand and run away. He chased after him angrily. Bi Xuan couldn't take the fairy tea away and drink it.

"What the fuck!"

Su Chen shook his head speechlessly.

Before he could despise Ning Daoqi, another great master Bi Xuan suddenly appeared and snatched a cup of rubbish spiritual tea. All the great masters were shameless existences.

Li Xiuning and Changsun Wuchuo looked out the window one after another. They didn't expect anyone to grab the fairy tea.

Bi Xuan?

Bi Xuan, the great master of the Turks?

A cup of tea actually attracted two great masters.

Li Xiuning turned around and asked Su Chen,

"Su Chen, what kind of tea is your tea?"

Su Chen curled his lips and replied,

"Ordinary tea!"

Li Xiuning was very angry when she heard Su Chen's words.

Ordinary tea?

Damn you bastard, is this ordinary tea?

Can ordinary tea smell good to the body? Can ordinary tea make her feel like her meridians are being expanded? Ordinary tea Will the two great masters compete for the tea?

"Ordinary tea? Are you bluffing us? Will ordinary tea make two grand masters fight over it?"

Su Chen said with a smile,

"What kind of tea do you think it is? Spiritual tea? Fairy tea? If it were spiritual tea or fairy tea, do you think I wouldn't have any cultivation realm?"


Li Xiuning couldn't answer for a while, yes, if it was fairy tea, how could Su Chen have no cultivation at all?

Immortal tea is Su Chen's tea.

Su Chen must have drunk a lot of fairy tea. It is impossible for him to have some cultivation realm after drinking fairy tea.


Su Chen can turn into many treasures. Isn't this bastard an immortal?

"Xiuning, forget it, if the fairy tea was robbed, it would be robbed, and we won’t be able to get it back."

Changsun Wuchuan shook his head at Li Xiuning. She felt very helpless. A cup of tea was actually snatched away from her hands by two great masters. Changsun Wuchuan could drink the fairy tea quickly, but her After a little hesitation, the fairy tea was snatched away, and Changsun Wuchu was also very depressed about this. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Su Chen touched his chin and said to Changsun Wuchu,

"Little beauty, if you kiss me, I will give you another cup of tea"


Changsun Wuchu stared at Su Chen and immediately refused,"

Kissing Su Chen?

Is this possible?

Although Su Chen knew her very well, how could she kiss a stranger?

"Tsk, little beauty, it’s not like we haven’t kissed before. I know your body very well. Even if you kiss me, it won’t do anything."

"you.....You are shameless!"

Changsun Wuchuan clenched her fists with shame and anger on her face. It

's so disgusting. She didn't expect Su Chen to be so shameless.

However, when Changsun Wuchuan thought about the secrets Su Chen said, she became panicked.

Su Chen knew her too well. Now,

Su Chen knew all about Zhangsun Wuchu's physical features, her sensitive areas, and even some of the privacy in her private life. Zhangsun Wuchu could n't understand why Su Chen knew all about her. ?

Li Xiuning stood up, glared at Su Chen and shouted,"Asshole, do you want to die?"

Changsun Wuchu is her brother's fiancée. Is Su Chen trying to take advantage of her brother Li Shimin?

A shameless pervert,

Li Xiuning will never let Su Chen have an idea of ​​​​Changsun Wuchu."

Su Chen curled his lips and reminded ,"Li Xiuning, do you want me to tickle you?" I know you are most afraid of being tickled"


Boom boom boom....

Suddenly, there was a violent roaring sound from the direction of Si Ma Bridge.

Su Chen hurriedly looked out of the window.

A hole appeared next to Si Ma Bridge, a three-meter-high hole, and hundreds of people from the world appeared around it.

Su Chen frowned and whispered,

"Yang Gong's treasury has been opened, but why is it next to Si Ma Bridge? Shouldn't Yang Gong's treasure house be underwater, or connected to a dry well? Who are those people next to you?"

Li Xiuning and Changsun Wuchu also looked over hurriedly.

When they found Li Shimin appearing next to Si Ma Bridge, Li Xiuning and Changsun Wuchu understood what happened.

Li Shimin came to Chang'an City to compete for Yang Gong's treasure house. They guessed from the roaring sound just now. It was Yang Gong's treasure house that was opened. It turned out that Yang Gong's treasure house was actually here at Si Ma Bridge.

Swish, swish, swish.....

Within a few breaths,

Jianghu people continued to appear on Si Ma Bridge, and many Jiang Hu people left Si Ma Bridge with ease.

Su Chen leaned on the chair and said with a smile,

"0.7 This is interesting. It is impossible to enter Yang Gong's treasure house secretly. The Jianghu people in Chang'an City have been alarmed. A big melee should be about to begin.

Li Xiuning asked with a serious face,"Su Chen, are you also planning on Yang Gong's treasure house?""

Su Chen mocked Li Xiuning,

"Li Xiuning, do you think I, a loser, would take advantage of Yang Gong's treasure house? Or do you think I want to seek death?"

Li Xiuning stared at Su Chen and guessed,

"You are too mysterious, Su Chen. Although you don't know martial arts, I think you are very extraordinary. You must have a purpose in coming to Chang'an City, and you should have known that Yang Gong's treasure house was at Simaqiao."

Su Chen sneered at Li Xiuning disdainfully,

"It's none of your business, Li Xiuning, you're not my wife, why are you asking so much?".

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