Su Chen stretched out his hand to grab the dice in front of him with a dark face.

There was no other way.

The ladder really wanted to play him to death.

Each of these identities was seeking death. No matter what identity he picked, Su Chen would escape death.

"Holy shit!"

Su Chen shook the dice and veins appeared on his forehead, four?


Su Chen actually rolled the number four.

Isn't he going to become a disgusting and ugly zombie?

I guess!

Su Chen didn't have time to say anything, fourth Daoguang Sect sucked him in instantly.

Su Chen appeared in a hotel in an instant.

He hurriedly checked his body.

There were no missing arms or legs, nor was he dirty and smelling disgusting.


Su Chen He was speechless.

He felt very stiff all over and it was a bit difficult to walk.

Damn, he really has become a zombie.

What should he do?


Should he hide for a year and a half and return to the ladder?

Su Chen thought about it. How to survive ten days and climb to the next level after surviving ten days?

As long as he completes a small goal, he can return to the ladder. After one hundred levels, the six light gates will be reset.

Damn it, none of the identities in the first hundred are. Okay.

Su Chen walked stiffly towards the window of the hall not far away. He wanted to see what kind of world this world was.

"Run, zombies. There are zombies. Go upstairs quickly. Let’s go to the roof and wait for the army’s rescue."

"Don't mess around, don't run around, go upstairs one by one"

"Give me a hand, give me a hand quickly, I have money, who can help me?"

"Get out of the way, money is useless. The zombie outbreak lasted three days. If you have money, you can prevent the zombies from biting you."

"Mom, I'm afraid, I'm afraid!"

"ah! save me, save.....Ahhhh!"

Suddenly, there were chaotic shouts in the hotel's banquet hall, and then a person ran upstairs in panic.

Su Chen looked at the fleeing crowd in the banquet hall, and he hurriedly hid behind a pillar.

In the banquet hall Dozens of zombies appeared, and

Su Chen was worried that the fleeing crowd would find him. If someone in the crowd had a gun, he might be shot in the head to end the trial.


After more than ten people escaped from the banquet hall, zombies chased Su Chen one after another.

Damn, zombies are really disgusting.

After Su Chen saw that there were no zombies and no one around, he walked to the window and looked at the outside world..

A modern and prosperous city, but there is black smoke everywhere, the roads under the buildings are in a mess, cars collide with each other, there are still smoke and fire in some places, and the streets are full of wandering zombies.

There was a zombie crisis three days ago?

Su Chen thought about what the fleeing people said, and thought about how to survive the first ten days.


A woman was hiding in the curtains in front of the window.

She saw Su Chen walking to the window and never leaving. The woman panicked and threw the vase at Su Chen.

Bang! Oh my god!

Su Chen was hit by the vase on the body. After taking a few steps back, he didn't expect that there was another person hiding here, a beautiful woman wearing an O1 outfit, and she also hit him with a vase.

The woman hit Su Chen and hurriedly ran to the stairs. She didn't expect that there would be a zombie. She did not leave the banquet hall.

The woman’s name is Lin Yun.

She is the president of the Lin Group and a rich woman with a net worth of tens of billions.

After the zombie crisis broke out, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Yun She was meeting incoming clients in a five-star hotel. She did not expect that a zombie crisis would break out. The bodyguard died trying to save her. Lin Yun waited in fear for three days for the army to rescue her.

Su Chen looked at the escaped beauty speechlessly, a stupid girl. The zombies chased the crowd up the stairs. Wasn't Lin Yun seeking death by going up the stairs?

Su Chen walked towards a passage in the banquet hall. He wanted to find a room to hide first. He didn't have the strength to become a After killing a slow-moving zombie,

Su Chen might not be able to defeat even an ordinary adult.

After a while,

Su Chen found a guest room with an open door. He entered the room and closed the door.

Ta da da.....

A crisp sound of high heels came over, bang!

The room was opened and closed quickly.

Lin Yun patted her chest and collapsed on the ground. It was too dangerous. She almost threw herself into a trap and ran into the zombies.

At this moment,

Su Chen sat on the bed and looked at Lin Yun speechlessly.

Who the hell is this?

This is Lin Yun's room? what to do?

Kill Lin Yun?


Lin Yun walked into the room after resting for a while and shouted.

She didn't expect the zombies from before to appear in her room. Lin Yun hurriedly backed away to escape from the room.


Lin Yun opened the door to escape, but she found that in the corridor More than a dozen zombies appeared, and Lin Yun hurriedly closed the door.

Lin Yun felt dead.

There was a zombie in the room, and there were more than a dozen zombies in the corridor. She couldn't escape.

After a while,

Lin Yun looked strangely. Looking at Su Chen in the room, why didn't the zombies attack her?

Is there something strange about this zombie?

Lin Yun found that apart from Su Chen's pale face, Su Chen's clothes were very clean and did not have the stench of some zombies. Could it be that this zombie is still human? Consciousness?

Lin Yun looked at Su Chen and asked anxiously,

"`.Do you have human consciousness?"

Su Chen rolled his eyes at Lin Yun when he heard her words.

He was considering whether to kill Lin Yun. Su Chen didn't expect that Lin Yun would find out what was special about him.

"You do have human consciousness, no wonder you didn't attack me."

Lin Yun saw Su Chen rolling her eyes, and she felt relieved. She was a zombie with human consciousness. Lin Yun guessed that Su Chen would not eat her.

Lin Yun walked towards Su Chen carefully and asked,"How are you conscious? Aren’t all zombies unconscious?"

Su Chen curled his lips as he looked at Lin Yun walking over.


Lin Yun was really beautiful.

She was in her prime in her thirties, and her O1 outfit showed off Lin Yun's curved figure. She was exquisite. With a stunning face, especially Lin Yun’s Dashan, does she eat papaya every day?

"My name is Lin Yun, and I am the president of the Lin Group in Shanghai. What is your name?"

Lin Yun saw Su Chen curling her lips again, and she relaxed completely. Su Chen was really a conscious zombie.

Su Chen took the pen on the bedside table and wrote his name on the sheets in a crooked way.

Well ,... Damn, my fingers are stiff.

Su Chen can't even write a word now.

"Suchen? Your name is Su Chen?".

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