Lin Yun looked at the crooked name.

She looked at Su Chen and became curious.

How could Su Chen be different from other zombies after becoming a zombie? His body was clean and there was no disgusting odor. How did Su Chen retain his body? Human consciousness?

Su Chen was too lazy to talk to Lin Yun.

He leaned on the bed and thought about what to do in the future~

And is this world a world with a zombie crisis? It’s still a plot-world.

Lin Yun saw that Su Chen was unwilling to pay attention to her. She shook her head and sat on a chair on the side. It has been three days.

It has been three days since the zombie crisis broke out.

Where is the army?

Where are the police?

Lin Yun has not noticed the presence of the army or police for three days. Are the army and police unable to protect themselves?

One night passed, and the next day,

Su Chen got up from bed and looked out the window.

The world outside was still the same as before. Except for countless zombies wandering around, there was no one alive.

Lin Yun saw Su Chen getting up.

She handed a bag of bread to Su Chen and said,

"Su Chen, are you hungry? I still have some bread here."


Can a zombie eat bread?


That's not right.

Aren't zombies very eager for flesh and blood? Why doesn't he have any desire for flesh and blood?

Su Chen thought about it and thought it was because of the ladder.

Although he is a zombie, But it is impossible for Tianlai to impose some of the bad habits of zombies on him. After all, Su Chen came to this world to test, not to eat people.

Lin Yun saw that Su Chen was indifferent to the bread, and she took back the bread in embarrassment.

The zombies seemed not to eat it. Bread, does Su Chen also eat people?

Lin Yun looked at Su Chen and said carefully,"Su Chen, we don't have much water left."

If there is no water, there is no water. What does it have to do with him?

He is not thirsty.

Su Chen rolled his eyes at Lin Yun and lay on the bed again.

Yesterday should be regarded as one day. Ten days have passed and one day has passed. There are still nine days. Time has passed a little. Slow down, one step takes ten days, one hundred steps takes a thousand days.

Damn it, do you have to spend a thousand days hiding?

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly, there was an explosion outside the hotel.

Su Chen and Lin Yun looked over hastily.

On the street, an army convoy appeared on the road. Armored vehicles, tanks, and military trucks. Thousands of troops were crossing the road. It seemed that these troops were leaving the city.

Lin Yun shouted happily ,

"Su Chen, it's the army. Look, the survivors around you are running towards the army. Let's go and seek asylum from the army."

Su Chen looked at the happy Lin Yun and shook his head.

Thousands of troops were useless. The surrounding zombies were attracted by the sound of explosions and gunshots. In a short time, thousands of zombies, tens of thousands of zombies, and even tens of thousands of zombies appeared. One hundred thousand zombies would swamp thousands of troops.

Su Chen took a pen and wrote some words on the sheets.

How could he go there now as a zombie and die?

Even if Su Chen was a normal human being, he would not be stupid. Pull the ones to seek death

"You let me leave alone?"

Lin Yun looked at the sheets and became confused.

She didn't expect that Su Chen was unwilling to leave. Is it because Su Chen was a zombie?

Be careful?

What does the word"be careful" behind Su Chen mean? Couldn't the army protect her? ?

Su Chen nodded.

Although Lin Yun is a top beauty, he is now a zombie, and beautiful women are useless by his side.

As for whether Lin Yun can survive, it can only depend on her luck. ( To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I left, hoping to see you again in the future."

Lin Yun said to Su Chen and left in a hurry.

All the zombies in the hotel ran out. She will not encounter zombies when she goes out now. As long as Lin Yun runs into the range of the army's firepower, she can be protected by the army.

At this moment,

On the road, various firepower of the army continued to bombard the zombies that rushed up. The firepower of the army was very powerful, but there were too many zombies. They shot and killed them all, and the zombies behind them gathered again without fear of death.

A general looked serious. commanded,

"Order the engineers to speed up the road clearing. There are too many zombies. We can't continue like this."

"Yes, sir!"

"General Liu, the surrounding survivors are running over. Do we want to save them?"

"Save, all survivors who come over must be saved. We cannot watch survivors being killed by zombies."


General Liu looked at more and more zombies and asked for flowers.

He felt very helpless. It was impossible to escape from the magic city.

However, this was an order from his superiors. He wanted to escort some important officials and their families to the sea base. General Liu Pray that the road behind will not be too congested and the bridge will not be blown up.

A soldier suddenly shouted,

"Oh no, zombies also appeared behind us, we are surrounded by zombies"

"The tank moved forward, clearing a path for me."

General Liu immediately ordered, there is no other way.

The tanks were originally used to protect the surrounding iron walls, but the convoy cannot be surrounded by zombies, otherwise more than 4,000 troops and thousands of people will die here.

At the hotel,

Su Chen looked at the troops He shook his head.

The army was going to be doomed.

The roads were full of broken and crashed vehicles. The huge convoy did not have engineering vehicles to clear the roads. The army wanted to rely on ordinary vehicles to clear the roads. This speed was too slow.

Half an hour later, less In the outer protection of the tank, the army suffered some casualties, and after some bitten soldiers turned into zombies, the entire convoy suffered.

Lin Yun just ran into the army's convoy, and she was stunned before she could be happy.

The army The convoy became chaotic, the soldiers turned into zombies biting the fighting soldiers, and the survivors in the convoy shouted to escape.

"Go back quickly, the army is no longer good. If we stay, we can only wait to die."

"Wife, leave quickly, we have to go to the previous hiding place"

"Run away, Lao Wang, run away quickly"

"Mom, Mom, let’s leave quickly, the zombies are coming around"

"Don't mess up, don't affect the army's battle, damn, don't mess up."

Lin Yun looked at the messy military convoy. She hurriedly turned around and ran towards the hotel.

Be careful?

She understood why Su Chen asked her to be careful. There were too many zombies around, the road was blocked, and the military convoy did not clear the road as soon as possible. , the zombies will devour everyone.

Su Chen looked at the chaotic army convoy and shook his head.

Everything was late.

Thousands of troops may not be able to survive many people. Ordinary mortals cannot deal with the huge number of zombies.

"Huh? Lin Yun is still alive? Why did she run back to the hotel with a woman to beg?".

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