Far away on the yacht,

Xu Xuan held a sword smeared with essence and blood and easily split open the mutated shark's body.

After the swords of Shangguan Yalan and the other girls were smeared with essence and blood, they angrily chopped at the mutated sharks one by one.

Lin Yun may not be dead, they must quickly kill the mutated shark to rescue Lin Yun.

Ouch ouch.....

The mutated shark rolled over and tried to dive into the sea to escape, but its body was hacked with blood and flesh by swords. The huge wounds made the mutated shark roar in pain.

"Stop the mutant shark and never let the mutant shark escape."


"Chopping the fins of the mutant shark prevents the mutant shark from diving into the sea."

"Cui Siying, Zhao Ya, the three of us chopped the mutated shark's head together"


Shangguan Yalan and the girls quickly attacked the mutant sharks.

Some of them were knocked away by the mutant sharks, but they quickly dodged and attacked the mutant sharks.


Ten minutes later, the mutant shark moved slower and slower, and its fins were cut off one after another.

Song Yuxi and Xu Xuan attacked and killed them in the sea. They dived into the sea to prevent the mutant shark from diving into the sea. The mutant shark was undoubtedly dead. There were huge wounds on the body, and the mutated shark kept rolling in pain.

At this moment, three warships arrived not far from the yacht, and a staff officer asked,

"General Wei, the women on the yacht are all very powerful. They must all be evolutionaries."

"Yeah, we shouldn't have abandoned the yacht before."

General Wei nodded and replied.

The dozens of women on the yacht were too powerful.

Countless mutated sea beasts rushed onto the yacht and were killed. Moreover, they were killed by the women's swords, even hundreds of meters away. Several women also wanted to kill the mutant shark.

General Wei regretted it very much.

If he had ordered the warships to stop to rescue these women, more than ten other warships would not have sunk, and he would not have the face to go to the yacht. The women asked for help.

The staff officer frowned and asked,

"General, what should we do? General Wei shook his head and replied,

"Let's leave. The mutant beasts on the three large cruisers can't break into the cabin yet. We don't have the face to ask those women for help. Return to the base. The mutant beasts on the 10,000-ton cruiser won't stay on the cruiser forever."

"Yes, General."

The staff officer saluted General Wei and said that the huge mutant shark is about to be killed.

They will not be in danger if they leave now. As for the mutant beasts on the big drive, they are unable to deal with them. For a warship without ammunition, they can only expect mutations. The beast left the warship after a while.

On the yacht,

Liu Rong suddenly jumped up and shouted,

"Su Chen, look, the three warships have left"

"I see it, Liu Rong, if you keep jumping, your mountain will jump out."

Su Chen stared at the alluring Liu Rong with big eyes.

Damn it,

Liu Rong should be the woman with the largest breasts among the women.

A beautiful woman is indeed a beautiful woman.

Liu Rong's face was red, she hugged her breasts and cursed,


"Come on, you're dangling in front of me. I can't help but look at it."

"Color embryo!"

"I....Come on, I'm too lazy to talk to you, a big bear woman."

"You are such an asshole. Su

Chen threatened maliciously,"Liu Rong, if you keep scolding me, do you believe that I will kill you tonight?""

"Su Chen....Sir, are you my opponent?"

Liu Rong looked at Su Chen and shook her fist in a funny way.

She is a policeman (for Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) and she is also a policeman who is an expert in fighting. Although Su Chen is an immortal cultivator, But now he is just an ordinary person, an injured ordinary person. Without magic power, Su Chen can knock down Su Chen with one hand.

Su Chen reminded disdainfully,

"Come on, Liu Rong, you are so courageous. Do you believe that I ordered all the girls to lie down naked and send them to my bed?"


Liu Rong was stunned for a moment.

She thought about how the girls on the yacht obeyed Su Chen. If Su Chen let the girls take action against her, Liu Rong would be in a very tragic situation. Even Leng Qingxue would not be able to save her.

Su Ruolan suddenly shouted,

"Sir, the mutant shark was killed. The captains of Shangguan Yalan killed the mutant shark."

Su Chen looked over and hurriedly ordered,"Su Ruolan, quickly ask Mu Hanxi to drive the yacht over."

"Yes, sir!"

On the mutant shark,

Shangguan Yalan and the girls broke open the mutant shark's body to look for Lin Yun.

Lin Yun is an immortal cultivator.

As long as she is not bitten and killed by the mutant shark, Lin Yun has hope of survival.

"Sister Lin Yun, you must stay alive."

Song Tian'er got into the mutant shark's body to look for Lin Yun.

Lin Yun was swallowed by the mutant shark to save her. Song Yuxi must rescue Lin Yun from the mutant shark's body.

After a while,

Zhao Ya suddenly shouted,

"`.Found it, I found Lin Yun, Lin Yun is still alive, she just passed out."

Shangguan Yalan and the girls rushed over quickly.

Lin Yun was found by Zhao Ya and was not dead. This was the best news they heard.

Cui Siying came to Zhao Ya and shouted,"Quick, feed Lin Yun with the juice of the spiritual fruit."


Song Yuxi hurriedly took out a spiritual fruit and crushed it. The juice of the spiritual fruit flowed into Lin Yun's mouth drop by drop.

"Cough cough cough...."

"Sister Lin Yun!"

Lin Yun coughed and woke up. Song Yuxi hugged Lin Yun who woke up and shed tears of joy.

"The yacht is coming, I took Lin Yun on board first"


Three months later, in a manor in Magic City,

Su Chen was playing golf leisurely on the lawn.

More than two months ago, the zombie wave in Magic City dissipated, and

Su Chen took the girls back to Magic City. They found a luxurious manor to live in in the suburbs of Nuozhou.


After Su Chen swung his club and hit the ball, he looked at the playfulness of the girls around him and whispered to Daoxian,

"It’s been more than half a year, and I hope I can spend it peacefully in the future."

Thirty-eight women, as well as Liu Rong and Leng Qingxue, they have all become immortal cultivators, powerful women.

They can walk around in the magic city, whether they encounter evolved zombies or powerful monsters. All the girls can easily kill the mutated beast.

Zhao Ya came to Su Chen and asked,"Sir, what should we do next?""

Su Chen hugged Zhao Ya's soft waist and said,

"In cultivation, you must cultivate to the Nascent Soul Realm as soon as possible. Evolutionary mutant zombies and mutant beasts will continue to evolve. If you want to survive in this world, you must continue to become stronger."

【The zombie world will be over in a few chapters, and the realm war is about to begin.】

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