In the magic city, huge roars are heard every day.

There are evolved mutant zombies and evolved mutant beasts. Zombies and mutant beasts are constantly getting stronger.

If the Shangguan Yalan girls do not speed up their cultivation, they will one day be killed by mutant beasts and evolved zombies. Only by constantly improving their cultivation level can the girls stand at the top of the world forever.

Zhao Ya leaned into Su Chen's arms and said,

"Sir, we all understand that we have been practicing hard these past few months. Shangguan Yalan and Xu Xuan are about to advance to the Nascent Soul Realm."


Su Chen sat down with Zhao Ya in his arms.

Shangguan Yalan and Xu Xuan's cultivation talents are the best among the girls. Their cultivation talents are in the middle and upper reaches in the world of immortal cultivation. His blood can only stimulate improvement. Their bones~.

The Nascent Soul Realm is only the beginning of the realm of cultivating immortals. The road for the girls to cultivate and grow in the future is still very long.

Swish swish swish.....

After a while,

Shangguan Yalan, Xu Xuan, Lin Yun, Song Yuxi, Cui Siying, Leng Qingxue, and Liu Rong all appeared happily next to Su Chen.

Leng Qingxue said hurriedly,

"Suchen, we found a suitable place"


Su Chen was a little confused when he saw the happy looks of the girls.

What happened today?

Why do Leng Qingxue and the girls look so happy?

They didn't practice to advance, and they didn't go out to hunt powerful zombies and mutant beasts.

Su Chen couldn't understand. Why are these girls so happy?

Leng Qingxue said with a smile,

"There is a castle in a playground. The castle has walls six or seven meters high and a large space of six or seven football fields. We can place the survivors we rescued in the castle."

Shangguan Yalan also said with a smile,

"Leng Qingxue was right, and we also contacted General Wei of the Navy. There are more than a thousand soldiers in the naval base, and General Wei also decided to let more than a thousand soldiers come."

Shangguan Yalan and Xu Xuan are very happy today.

In the past few months, they have rescued more than 2,000 survivors in the magic city. These survivors are civilians worth saving.

But how to resettle these survivors? ,

Shangguan Yalan and the girls couldn't think of a solution for several months.


Mu Hanxi's drone accidentally discovered the castle in the amusement park, and the girls thought of how to place the survivors.

The castle in the amusement park has tall The city wall has a very large space inside, and there are three hotels of different sizes. Survivors will be very safe if they are placed in the castle.

"You decide."

Su Chen understood.

He knew what the women had done in the past few months, and Su Chen didn't care about the survivors they rescued.

A world cannot be without human beings.

As long as the women save people who are not inferior to beasts, they will If you want to save it, save it.

The girls might even be able to build a base city, a city where humans can survive in the end of the world.

"Su Chen, don’t you object?"

Liu Rong felt that Su Chen was a little strange today.

Su Chen had always ignored the survivors, and he did not want to save the remaining survivors in Demon City.

Liu Rong thought that Su Chen would object, but Su Chen did not object. She felt Something was very wrong.

Su Chen stroked Zhao Ya's body and said,

"What am I against? This world cannot live without human beings. If you women were the only ones left in the world, your lives would be meaningless. As long as there are no survivors who are inferior to humans and there are no humans with evil intentions, I will not object to you saving them."

Leng Qingxue said hurriedly,

"Su Chen, don't worry, we will personally kill those people who are no better than animals. The people we save are ordinary civilians. We can protect them honestly. If they have evil intentions, we can also execute them. them. Cui

Siying nodded and said, (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, in the end of the world we will not be merciful, nor will we be a holy mother bitch. We will kill those who deserve to be killed."

The other women also nodded one after another. They were very happy that Su Chen could agree. They felt very uneasy thinking about a world without humans. If women like them were the only ones left in the world, there would be no point in their lives.

"You decide this matter, go ahead and do whatever you want."

Su Chen let go of Zhao Ya and stretched his waist.

It's been more than half a year, and there are still more than seven hundred days before Su Chen will leave this world. He doesn't want these women to be left in this world after leaving.

As long as he is safe,

Su Chen I will not interfere with the decisions of the girls anymore.

Shangguan Yalan said to the girls,

"Let's discuss it. Cui Siying and Xu Xuan, you take the team to clean up some castles in the playground. Leng Qingxue and Song Yuxi, you go gather the survivors and prepare to go......"

0 Asking for flowers

Liu Rong looked at Su Chen who was walking away.

She felt that something was very wrong with Su Chen today, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

A year later, there were more than 30,000 survivors in the amusement park. The zombies in the amusement park were cleared away by the girls. Five or six-meter-high walls were built by the survivors. The amusement park became a refuge for survivors. base. Shangguan Yalan and her daughters manage the survivor base. More than a thousand soldiers from the navy have become the security force. All soldiers are also under the control of Shangguan Yalan and their daughters.

"Sister Yalan, why don’t you come to the survivor base?"

"I don’t know, maybe Mr. likes to be clean"

"It’s been more than a year, and there are more and more survivors in the survivor base. I don’t know if there are any survivors in Magic City."

"Leng Qingxue and Liu Rong have been looking for survivors. As long as there are still survivors, they will be found sooner or later."

"Well, the lowest cultivation level of the forty of us women is mostly at the Nascent Soul Realm. The eight of us have also advanced to the Divine Transformation Realm not long ago. The evolutionary mutations and mutated beasts in the Demon City are no match for us."

"This is because of the spiritual fruit given to us by our teacher, so that we can become stronger and stronger in cultivation."

On the open-air balcony on the upper level of the castle,

Shangguan Yalan and the girls were drinking tea and chatting here.

They stretched their graceful figures one by one, their fair skin became more moist and smooth, and their proud and concave mountains made people salivate at the sight of them.

The women who are getting stronger and stronger are becoming more and more alluring and full of attractive charm.

In the manor,

Su Chen lived a boring life basking in the sun for more than five hundred days. This trial will end in more than four hundred days.

Su Chen is thinking about the next identity trial on the Hundred-Level Ladder. What will he become? Plant? Animal? Warcraft? Or some other race in the fantasy world?

"It's almost over, there are still more than 400 days left, and I hope that the remaining 400 days can be spent safely and soundly."

In the magic city, after Liu Rong killed several evolved zombies, she stood on a building and frowned.

"Is Su Chen leaving them? He lets the girls do whatever they want. Does this mean he wants the girls to learn to be independent? If Su Chen leaves, what will happen to these women?".

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