Before Su Chen finished speaking to the female zombie, the female zombie quickly sat on the grass obediently.

However, the female zombie moved too fast, and the clothes on her body burst, revealing her fair skin and beautiful scenery. got up.

Su Chen awkwardly wanted to watch but felt embarrassed. If there weren't several other women around, he could watch openly, and he could also let the female zombie stand naked in front of him.

"Xiaohe, take the female zombie to change into some clothes."

"OK sir!"

The two women came over with smiles on their faces. They picked up the female zombie and walked towards the villa.

The female zombie's clothes were exposed again, and this time the clothes were exposed very thoroughly. Except for the underwear, all the female zombie's body All the clothes have become rags

"What's going on with him?"

Su Chen shook his head and walked to the lake.

There are still more than 200 days before he can return to the ladder to heaven. He has climbed the 9100th floor, and there are still 900 floors left. There are still 900 floors to climb. It’s 10,000 levels. After seven or eight years of climbing, plus the time in the trial world, it took Su Chen decades to climb the ladder, almost a hundred years. If he had climbed all the ladders, he might have been able to climb the ladder in the small trial world. It will take hundreds of years.

Nine months later,

【Trialist, your 100-level trial is over, you have a quarter of an hour, and you will return to the ladder after 780 quarters. 】

Su Chen, who was resting, opened his eyes. He looked at Zhao Ya in his arms and sighed. It was time to leave. It had been almost three years, and Su Chen had managed to survive.

Zhao Ya opened her eyes when she heard Su Chen sigh. He opened his eyes and asked,"Su Chen, what's wrong?"

Su Chen stroked Zhao Ya's hair and said,

"I'm leaving. In fifteen minutes, I have to leave this world."

Zhao Ya sat up hurriedly after hearing Su Chen's words. She ignored her still naked body and asked hurriedly,

"So urgent? I immediately informed Shangguan Yalan and the others."

Su Chen kissed Zhao Ya and said,

"No, Zhao Ya, I don’t like to be separated. I will come back again in three months. There is no need to inform them this time."

"this.....Okay, what about female zombies?"

Zhao Ya nodded when she heard Su Chen's words.

The girls were mentally prepared.

The time for Su Chen's departure was getting closer and closer. They also knew that Su Chen would leave one day.

It didn't matter whether they said goodbye or not.

The parting scene was It’s not good.

Besides, Su Chen will be back in three months. The girls can go on a business trip as Su Chen.

Su Chen thought for a while and said,

"The female zombie is not a human being. I will keep her in a small space. If the female zombie is left alone, I am worried that something will happen. Without my restraint, the female zombie may massacre you and other humans."

Zhao Ya nodded in agreement,

"That's fine, the female zombie's strength has improved too quickly. If we don't work together, we alone can't defeat the female zombie."

Su Chen was very speechless when he thought of the female zombie.

For several months, the female zombie had secretly been lying next to him almost every night.

The female zombie did not appear when Zhao Ya was around. As long as Su Chen was alone at night When he rested, female zombies would appear. Several times, Su Chen almost couldn't help but eat the female zombies.

After a while,

Su Chen recruited the female zombies and took them into the system space.

The time was coming, and he was going to prepare to leave this world..

Su Chen kissed Zhao Ya hard and said,

"Zhao Ya, I’m leaving. You must practice as soon as possible. Don’t hesitate to use the cultivation resources I left behind. I will bring you cultivation resources in three months."

"I understand, Su Chen, see you in three months."

Zhao Ya touched Su Chen's face and nodded. They can afford to wait for three months. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Zhao Ya is reluctant to leave Su Chen, but this time It was not the decision between Su Chen and her.


A ray of light suddenly enveloped Su Chen. In an instant, Su Chen disappeared beside Zhao Ya.


The six women who were protecting Su Chen in the manor appeared next to Zhao Yashen (abfi) one after another. They all saw the light just now.

A beauty with short hair asked,

"Sister Zhao Ya, has your husband left?"

Zhao Ya nodded and replied,"I left, but will come back in three months. The manor must be protected. When Su Chen comes back in the future, he will still live here."

"Yes, Sister Zhao Ya!"

The six girls nodded one after another.

They would continue to guard the manor without Zhao Ya's words.

Three months is a very short period of time. As long as they start practicing, three months will pass in the blink of an eye.

Survivor Base,

Shangguan The Yalan girls and other women all looked in the direction of the manor. Has

Su Chen left?

They all felt that Su Chen's aura disappeared, and they women also noticed the white light that flashed just now.

"Su Chen left"

"Don't worry, it's only three months, time will pass quickly"

"Yes, we also need to start practicing in separate groups"

"Get ready. The expansion of the survivor base is almost completed. We want to leave a safe survivor base to this world."

"Okay, let's prepare each."

Ladder to heaven,

Su Chen instantly appeared on the 9100th floor of the ladder, and finally came back.

Damn, what identity will it be next time?

Su Chen looked back at the six light gates and his face turned dark.

What kind of bullshit identities are these?

Doesn't the ladder just give up until he is killed?

The first light gate: ant soldiers!

The second light gate: three-year-old orphan!

The third light gate: slime!

The fourth light gate: skeleton soldiers! The fourth light gate: skeleton soldiers! Five light gates: first-level cannon fodder!

Sixth light gate: Goshawk in his infancy!

Su Chen sat down helplessly looking at these identities, unable to continue.

These identities were all trying to kill him.

Two human identities and a three-year-old orphan are okay, but the identity of a three-year-old orphan cannot be in an ordinary world. Su Chen guessed that it might be a war-torn world or a world of monsters and monsters.

A first-level cannon fodder identity, what kind of world would this be? ?

Game world? Ancient world? Western magical world? Or fantasy and mythological world?

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and wanted to curse the ladder. These two human identities are also more dead than alive.

"Damn it, the remaining identities are even more lifeless. Bullshit slimes, bullshit ant soldiers, bullshit skeleton soldiers, and bullshit goshawks. I may not be able to hold on to these identities for a day."

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