Under the ladder to heaven,

Empress Nuwa and Concubine Yan saw Su Chen appear and climb up to nine thousand one hundred levels at once.

They were both surprised and happy.

In just a moment,

Su Chen climbed to the 9,100th floor, and there were still 900 floors before he could climb to the 10,000th floor.

Empress Nuwa and Concubine Yan, they were very excited about Su Chen. Climbing 10,000 floors is very confident.

Hu Ji:"There are nine thousand one hundred floors. Su Chen will definitely be able to climb to the ten thousand floor."

Cai Lin:"That's right, my husband climbed to the one hundred floors in an instant. There are still nine hundred floors left. I hope Su Chen can climb up to the ten thousand floor." I am very confident on the first floor."

Empress Nuwa:"Me too, the little bastard is really unexpected. It is very surprising for a quasi-sage to climb nine thousand floors. The little bastard is surprising us more and more."

The ruthless empress:"My brother wants to go against the will of heaven and climb a hundred floors in an instant. For the remaining nine hundred floors in"207", he should climb ten thousand floors in one day."

Kesha:" Concubine Yan, should we tell other women to come and witness Su Chen's miracle?"

Concubine Yan:"Tell me, I believe that my husband can climb to the 10,000th floor. We should let other women come to witness his climb to the 10,000th floor."

Yan Lingji:"You should inform. I will order the secret guard to inform the other women so that they can come and see the miracle created by your husband."

Po Meng, Liu Shen, and the Queen Mother of the West looked at Su Chen on the ladder. Can't believe it.

Su Chen was about to climb the ladder.

He disappeared for a trial in an instant. In an instant, he successfully climbed to a hundred floors. After climbing one hundred floors and one hundred floors, they also felt that Su Chen could climb to ten thousand floors.

The four sisters Su Yan and Su Yue stopped playing. They were also frightened by Su Chen's climb.

Climbing a hundred floors at once, they all felt like Su Chen was on drugs.

A hundred floors?

Su Yan, Su Yue, and Elena found it very difficult for them to climb the first thousand floors. Their father climbed one hundred floors at a time, and he was still on the nine thousand floors. They were both happy and depressed.

Elena:"Sister, dad must have taken the precious medicine."

Su Yue:"Elena, it's impossible for dad to take the precious medicine. Do you think it's useful to take the elixir on the ladder?"

Su Yan:"Yue What Er said is right. The trial of the Heavenly Ladder should seal the realm of cultivation, or seal some realms of cultivation. Dad's spiritual treasures and treasures should also be sealed. Dad is too awesome. There are 10,000 levels of the Heavenly Ladder. , I guess dad will climb to the top today."

Su Yao:"Father is so powerful!"

On the 10,000-level ladder, the girl on the ladder looked at Su Chen on the 9,100-level ladder with a smile. She became more and more interested in Su Chen. The more satisfied you are, in the world of chaos, Su Chen may be the only creature who can go to the world of Hongmeng.

"Little bastard, if you don’t want to be discovered by other Hongmeng Supremes in the Chaos World, you have to grow up quickly. I will be on the 10,000th level of the ladder, waiting for your arrival here."

On the 9100th floor,

Su Chen stood up looking at the six light gates. No matter whether he could hide or not, the climbing trial had to continue.

"Ladder, start rolling the dice!"


A dice instantly appeared in front of Su Chen

"Tiandaobao....Forehead! Buddha protects....Forehead! Damn it, who will bless him?"

Su Chen instinctively wanted Tiandao and Buddha to bless him when he rolled the dice, but he suddenly thought that these could protect him.

Tiandao is the clone of the system girl, and he still obeys his orders.


He can do it with just one finger. After destroying the Buddha, the Tathagata Buddha also died in the wilderness.

Su Chen rolled the dice at random, speechless.

"Holy shit, one? Is this him, Ant Soldier? This time it's death....."


Su Chen saw that the dice rolled out one, and his face was so dark that he was sucked in by the light door before he could finish speaking.

Under the ladder,

Nuwa and her daughters saw Su Chen suddenly disappearing, and they all looked expectantly towards the 9,200th floor.

"Oh no, something happened in the prehistoric fairy world."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Po Meng screamed with an ugly face.

She did not expect that the ancient heaven would go crazy, and the news that Pingxin sent her was very shocking.

The ancient world of immortality The immortals and creatures wanted Su Chen to return. The ancient heaven actually killed tens of millions of immortals who questioned it. The immortal world of the ancient world was still punished by thunder to destroy the questioning immortals.

Empress Nuwa asked,

"Po Meng, what happened?"

The other women also looked at Granny Meng.

Something happened in the Ancient Immortal Realm?

Could it be that the Fierce Beast Realm has begun to invade the Prehistoric Immortal Realm? Isn't it still about two years before the space passage will be completely opened? Could the space passage in the Fierce Beast Realm be opened in advance? Already?

Sister Mengpo said to Nuwa and her daughters,

"The ancient heaven went crazy. The immortals and creatures in the ancient world prayed to the ancient heaven to let Su Chen return. Not only did the ancient heaven not agree, but they also issued thunder punishments........0."

When Nuwa and her daughters heard Po Meng's story, their expressions all turned very ugly.

Does the Primordial Heavenly Dao want to seek death?

What does the Primordial Heavenly Dao want to do to destroy the immortals and living beings in such a wanton manner?

Liu Shen said,

"The prehistoric Heavenly Way is about to end. If Su Chen knows about this, he will definitely destroy the Prehistoric Heavenly Way first. Cai

Lin nodded and said,

"Yes, the ancient Heavenly Way is dead. Su Chen may be eager to destroy the Ancient Heavenly Way and seize the origin of his Heavenly Way."

Nuwa Empress frowned and reminded,

"It's a bit strange. The Great Ancient Heavenly Dao should understand that only Su Chen can save the Great Wilderness Immortal World. Why does the Great Ancient Heavenly Dao not agree to Su Chen's return? And he also killed tens of millions of prehistoric immortals? Hu Ji asked,"

Sister Nuwa, could it be that spiritual wisdom was born in the ancient way of heaven?" Empress

Nuwa shook her head and replied,"Impossible, heaven will not give birth to wisdom.""

Kesha said with a serious face,

"The prehistoric way of heaven is very strange. We will inform my husband soon that the prehistoric way of heaven cannot be left. If we leave the prehistoric way of heaven, it may become a time bomb in the future. Concubine

Yan thought for a while and said,

"Girl, go to the Starry Sky Fortress and contact the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, and tell Luo Hu that your brother will destroy the Great Desolate Heaven first, and we can cooperate with Luo Hu to destroy the 0.3 Way of the Prehistoric Heaven."


The ruthless empress nodded and left the ladder space.

The ruthless empress had gone crazy.

The ruthless empress didn't expect it. She understood that her brother Su Chen knew about this. The prehistoric path was over. Her brother would not let the crazy ruthless empress Exist again.

Po Meng rubbed her forehead and said helplessly,"Alas! The prehistoric immortal world is really troubled by disasters. Faced with the threats from the two major realms, the prehistoric heavenly realm went crazy again."

Nuwa Empress said with a serious face,"I have a guess, but this guess is a bit ridiculous. Hu

Ji asked,

"Sister Nuwa, what are your guesses?"

Empress Nuwa looked at the girls and said guessingly,

"Have you ever thought about it, Luo Hu has revived from death, Beast Emperor Shen Ni has also revived from death, but what about Pangu? Could it be that he has not completely fallen? Could the changes in the prehistoric heaven be caused by the resurrection of Pangu?".

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