Concubine Yan and her daughters were stunned when they heard what Nuwa said.


Will Pangu recover?

Pangu opened the sky and incarnated all things in the ancient immortal world, and his essence, blood and soul were gone. How could Pangu be revived?

Po Meng said with a pale face,

"Sister Nuwa, your guess is a bit scary. God Pangu has transformed into all things, his body has turned into the mountains and the earth, his soul has turned into the Three Pure Saints, and his essence and blood have turned into the Twelve Ancestral Witches. How could God Pangu still be revived?"

Nuwa Empress rubbed her forehead and explained,

"I also think it’s impossible, but what about the changes in the ancient way of heaven? The law of heaven is fair and just. The prayers of the immortals and living beings in the prehistoric immortal world will be agreed to by the law of heaven."

"However, the Primordial Heavenly Dao not only disagreed, but also wantonly killed the Primordial Immortals, which was simply unreasonable."

Kesha and the Western Queen Mother and the other two girls fell silent when they heard what Nuwa said. Nuwa was right, but they felt that Pangu's resurrection was still too absurd.

If Pangu could really revive, what about the Sanqing Saints?

What about the remaining Empress Pingxin and the Ancestral Witch Xuanming?

These creatures transformed by Pangu Yuanshen and Pangu’s essence and blood, will Pangu devour them when he wakes up?

Po Meng said with a serious face,

"I want to inform Empress Pingxin that whether Father God Pangu will revive or not, Empress Pingxin and Ancestral Witch Xuanming must know in advance."

Concubine Yan nodded in agreement,

"Well, Po Meng, you might as well inform Sister Pingxin. Regardless of whether Pangu is about to resuscitate or not, Sister Pingxin and the Xuanming Ancestral Witch should be mentally prepared."

Empress Nuwa also agreed,"Well, Po Meng, please inform Pingxin."


Su Yue shouted from the side,

"Wow, Dad appeared on the 9200th floor. Dad is so awesome."

The girls at the bottom of the ladder looked over one after another.

They just talked for a while. Su Chen actually climbed to the 9,200th floor through the trial.

It was too fast.

However, they also understood that the time flow in the trial world and the ladder was not the same. Similarly, a year or ten years may have passed in the world of trials, but it has only been a moment since they were here on the ladder.

Concubine Yan said with a smile,

"There are already 9,200 floors, and there are still 800 floors left to climb to the 10,000 floor. If other women don't rush over as soon as possible, they may not be able to witness Su Chen climb to the 10,000 floor."

The Queen Mother of the West said doubtfully,

"Yes, but how did I find that the further Su Chen climbed to the back, the faster he climbed. Liu

Shen shook his head and reminded,

"Queen Mother of the West, you are wrong. Su Chen must have been in the trial world for a long time. His trials may be very scary and difficult, but we women don’t know."

"That’s not true."

The Queen Mother of the West nodded in agreement.

The further back she climbed, the more terrifying the ladder became.

Su Chen wouldn't have climbed to the nine thousandth floor by luck. That woman must have had a very difficult time climbing up to the nine thousand floor. At this moment,

Su Chen looked at the light door in front of him with a dark face, a hundred years?

He has been in the trial world for a hundred years, one step a year, and it takes a hundred years to pass a hundred steps.

An ant soldier in the magical world In this world, Su Chen couldn't help but want to destroy the ladder when he thought about his one hundred years of experience.

"Damn it, he gets more and more perverted every time."

Su Chen looked at the six light gates in front of him and wanted to die.

What kind of bullshit identities are these?

There is no human identity left.

The first light gate: a tree!

The second light gate: A fish!

The third light gate: Skeleton Soldier! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The fourth light gate: Goblin!

The fifth light gate: a war horse!

The sixth light gate : Guangmen: A magic weapon!

Su Chen was so embarrassed that he wanted to die.

These identities were even more excessive than the last time. He had to narrowly escape the ant soldier trial to complete it. Each of the six identities in front of him was something he wanted to do. Damn his rhythm

"Ladder to heaven, roll the dice."

Su Chen yelled with a black face, damn it, he can't give up now even if he wants to.

There are still 800 floors before he can climb to the 10,000 floors, and Su Chen can't give up climbing.

"six? A spiritual treasure? Damn it!"

Su Chen rolled out a six. He will become a spiritual treasure in this trial.

However, he was relieved in his heart. At least he did not become a war horse. If he became a majestic emperor of heaven, A war horse, this will become a stain on Su Chen's life.


The sixth light door instantly sucked Su Chen in.

Xuantian Realm, more than ten holy realms of Yin Ji and Gaia, and the concubines and other girls , they were originally preparing for a realm war, but the notification from the secret guards made the girls come towards Pantaoyuan one after another.

Su Chen was about to climb to the 10,000th floor, and the girls were very surprised and happy.

At the 10,000th floor, they The highest holy realm of these women has only climbed to five or six thousand floors. Su Chen is about to climb to ten thousand floors. They all have to witness the miracle created by Su Chen.

In a small world, the five great saints Hongjun and Laozi, and Disciples of various sects hide in the small world.

There is no aura, no living creatures, no demons and ghosts in the small world. This is a dead small world. The small world is nothing but a barren desert. On a mountain, six saints stand together,

No, they are now six quasi-sages.

Since the six saints stripped away the Hongmeng Purple Qi, they have all fallen to the realm of quasi-sages.

Tongtian asked with an ugly face,"`.Hongjun, are we going to hide here forever? Hongjun shook his head and replied,

"Where else can you go but hide here? Do you dare to look for other realms in chaos?"

Tongtian and Laozi shook their heads with dark faces.

Do they dare to walk in chaos?

The three of me are transformed by Pangu Yuan Shen, and Pangu is the mortal enemy of all Chaos Demon Gods.

If the Chaos Demon God in Chaos discovers the three of them. Thinking about it, the three of them thought it would be very tragic.

Being swallowed?

Being annihilated?

This might be their ending.

Zhunti said to Hongjun and the others,

"We brothers are leaving the Small Thousand World. Without spiritual energy and cultivation resources, it is impossible for us to cultivate to the Holy Realm in the Small Thousand World. We brothers have to find a realm with spiritual energy."

Jie Yin nodded and said,

"Yes, our brothers want to advance to the Holy Realm again, but if we stay in the Small Thousand World, we will not be able to advance to the Holy Realm in a million or ten million years. We brothers will not stay in the Small Thousand World."

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