Jade Rabbit was really speechless to Su Yan.

Before leaving, Empress Nuwa specifically told Su Yan not to cause trouble. Su Yan also agreed not to cause trouble, but what about Su Yan?

Before ten breaths had passed,

Su Yan actually ordered Fu General Hong Jia to kill the Jie Jiao disciples.

"Allah! Allah! They are just seven little scumbags from Jiejiao, and my mother won't care."

Su Yan didn't care.

Empress Nuwa regarded her as her biological daughter, and she was even less worried that Empress Nuwa would punish her.

Su Yan didn't intend to tell the truth.

Anyway, no one in the prehistoric fairy world knew her at this time. She was also The daughter of Empress Nuwa.


The five red-armored talisman generals quickly attacked the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal. The seven Long-eared Dingguang Immortals were frightened and wanted to escape, but the mere heavenly and mysterious immortals had not had time to escape. The talisman generals The red"207" armor destroyed the seven attendant immortals with one blow, and their souls were wiped out by the red armor.

Many disciples of Jiejiao saw the seven attendant immortals being killed, and they did not dare to save them.

Not to mention the five quasi-sage puppets that they could not defeat, even with Su Yan's noble status as the heir of Nuwa, the Jiejiao disciples did not dare to offend Su Yan.

When Su Yan saw the seven immortals who were accompanying him, he was instantly Kill, she looked at Duobao and said sarcastically,

"Duobao, why didn't you save your junior brother? Weren't you very arrogant just now?"

Su Yan originally didn't want to kill Chang'er Dingguang, but Chang'er Dingguang's arrogant threat forced her to kill the great traitor of Jie Jiao.

There is also Duobao.

If Duobao still dares to be arrogant, she will kill Duobao. Bao Ye was killed.

Su Yan thought about the prehistoric fairy world where she had arrived at this time. She still cared about Jie Jiao. Su Yan didn't care whether

Jie Jiao was being destroyed now or in the future. Jie Jiao offended her. Su Yan The Jiejiao must be wiped out, or at least divided into pieces. Duobao lowered his head with a dark face. Does he dare to take action to save the Seven Immortals? Duobao guessed that if he dared to take action, Su Yan He would definitely let Fu Jiang Hongjia kill him as well. Su Yan was too lawless. Su Yan had agreed to the order of Empress Nuwa, but as soon as Empress Nuwa left, Su Yan asked Fu Jiang Hongjia to kill the attendants. The Seven Immortals and Duobao dare not offend the ruthless Su Yan. Except for the saints, no one in the prehistoric immortal world dares to offend Su Yan, who has a saint mother. Su Yan is the person who cannot be offended in the prehistoric immortal world.


Su Yan curled her lips at Duobao.

She looked at the Jinling Virgin Mary and the other girls. Among the Jinling Virgin Mary, there were only Jinling Virgin Mary, Wudang Virgin Mother, Guiling Virgin Mother, Yunxiao was the Daluo Jinxian, Qiongxiao and Bixiao were the same. Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Their level of cultivation is too low.

The most powerful Golden Spirit Mother is in the middle stage of Daluo Golden Immortal. Su Yan can defeat six of them by himself.

Su Yan shouted to the sky,

"Zhulong, Ancestor Styx, Zhen Yuanzi, we have something to ask you, can we talk to you privately?"

Zhulong, Zhen Yuanzi, and Minghe Ancestor all looked at Su Yan.

They didn't understand what Su Yan was asking them for, but they didn't want to offend Su Yan either.

Zhen Yuanzi asked doubtfully,"Su Yan, what are you doing? What do you want to talk to an old man about?"

"Of course something is wrong!

Zhulong said,"Okay, Su Yan, let's go to my Dragon Palace to discuss it in detail.""


Su Yan nodded to Zhulong. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After she looked at Madonna Wudang and said some words through the soul transmission, Su Yan put away the talisman and put the red armor away. Flying into the air. After a while,

Su Yan and Zhu Long disappeared in the sky of Jin'ao Island. The other innate powers looked at each other. They didn't know what Su Yan and Zhu Long were talking about, but they didn't dare to Checking secretly.

Our Lady of Wudang looked at Su Yan who disappeared in the air in shock, aunt?

Su Yan actually called her aunt?

Her soul was still very happy?

What is going on?

How could she be Su Yan's aunt ? ?

No, how come the six of them senior sisters are all Su Yan's aunts?

When the Virgin Mother of Wudang thought of Su Yan's message, she couldn't calm down for a long time.

Now is not the time, when there is no one, the Virgin Mary of Wudang wants to send Su Yan's message to Su Yan. A message was sent to Jin Ling Sheng Sheng and others.

In the Wa Palace,

Su Chen rubbed his chin and couldn't understand.

How could Su Yan appear in the era of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors?

This shouldn't happen?

Su Yan is getting more and more naughty.

The little girl is very Six years old, why is Su Yan still so naughty0...

Shanshi Fengxi asked doubtfully,"Husband, is Su Yan your and the original daughter's daughter?"


Su Chen replied speechlessly.

It was too late for him to say it now.

Nuwa went to save Su Yan without listening to his explanation. He had seen what happened on Jin'ao Island just now in the Wa Palace. That little Su Yan The girl also called Nuwa mother, so he knew Su Yan's plan. Anyway, Nuwa was also Su Yan's daughter, so it was not wrong for Su Yan to call Nuwa mother. Shanshi Fengxi said with a smile,

"I never thought we would have a lovely daughter in the future"

"Moreover, Su Yan was born as a Daluo Jinxian, and the little girl is now at the peak level of Daluo Jinxian. In less than a hundred years, our daughter will definitely become a quasi-sage."

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and said,

"cute? Our daughter is cute, but she is too capable of causing trouble. As you can see, Yan'er appeared at this period for some reason, and the little girl had a conflict with Jie Jiao as soon as she arrived."

Feng Xi said with a smile,

"Haha, this is our daughter. In future generations, you and your body will both be powerful saints. What else is there to fear about our daughter?"

Su Chen couldn't help but nodded.

He was worried about Su Yue and Elena at the moment, and Su Yao had also arrived in the ancient fairyland at this time. 0.4

Su Chen's communication system asked,

"System, did Su Yan come alone? Or did she come to this world with her sisters?"

【Ding, host, only Su Yan is here.】

"System, how did Su Yan come to the prehistoric immortal world at this time?"

【Ding, host, Su Yan came to the ancient fairyland of this period through the ladder to heaven. ]

Su Chen was speechless when he heard the system's explanation.

Su Yan climbed the ladder again.

How many levels did the little girl climb this time? How did she come to the ancient fairyland of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors?

Feng Xi leaned in Su Chen's arms and asked,"Husband, can the original body defeat Tongtian?"

"Yes, Nuwa is the second heaven of the Holy Realm, and Tongtian is the third heaven of the Holy Realm. Although Tongtian is higher than Nuwa and has the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, but Nuwa has half a step of Chaos Spiritual Treasure, Nuwa will not be defeated."

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