Su Chen believed that Nuwa would not be defeated.

He knew the Ice and Snow Lotus very well.

During the Conferred God Period,

Bing Ji used the Ice and Snow Lotus to stop Hongjun Ten Breaths from the eighth level of the Holy Realm. At that time, Bing Ji was in the first level of the Holy Realm.

She used ice and snow. The lotus stopped Hongjun Shixi, and Nuwa used the ice and snow lotus to deal with Tongtian, who was in the third heaven of the holy realm. Tongtian could not avoid the ice and snow lotus attack no matter what.

Feng Xi asked curiously,"Husband, whose spiritual treasure is the Half-Step Chaos Spiritual Treasure?""

"My other woman is a Chaos Demon God named Snow Queen."Su Chen kissed Feng Xi and replied, during the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors era, there was no existence of Bing Ji and Xue Ji, just like the Conferred Gods period , the prehistoric way of heaven was not plotted by Pangu. Calculation, the same prehistoric fairyland, but there are still some differences from the prehistoric fairyland in the main world

"Chaos Demon God?"

Feng Xi was very shocked when she heard Su Chen's words. She didn't expect that Su Chen also had a woman from the Chaos Demon God.

Is this bastard going to defy heaven?

Chaos Demon 04 Gods are terrifying existences, and they are all extremely cruel. What's wrong with Su Chen? Subdued a Chaos Demon God?

Feng Xi didn't ask about the Chaos Demon God.

She let the main body ask this bastard. Now she wants to enjoy Su Chen's arms.

At this time,

Jin'ao Island, the Queen Mother and Chang'e appeared in Jin'ao Island On the island, they did not pay attention to what happened on Jin'ao Island before, but all the ancient saints appeared on Jin'ao Island, and other great powers also appeared on Jin'ao Island one after another. The Queen Mother and Chang'e were worried that something big had happened.

Over Jin'ao Island,

The Queen Mother said with a serious face,

"Sure enough, it was the little girl who caused the problem, but the little girl's mother turned out to be Nuwa, which made me not guess."

Chang'e shook her head and said,"I didn't think of it either. No wonder the little girl is lawless. The little girl's mother is Nuwa, so her lawlessness is okay."

"Yes, Su Yan's mother is a saint, and the little girl also has the ability to be lawless."

"Queen Mother, who would win in the battle between Nuwa and Saint Tongtian?"

The Queen Mother looked at the starry sky and shook her head and replied,

"I don’t know. It stands to reason that Saint Tongtian has a higher level of cultivation than Empress Nuwa, and he also has the Immortal Killing Sword Formation. However, with Su Yan’s appearance, Empress Nuwa has a half-step Chaos Spiritual Treasure. I can’t guess who will be the master of this battle. win."

Chang'e looked at the prehistoric starry sky and thought for a while. She looked at the Jie Jiao disciples on Jin'ao Island. The

Jie Jiao disciples were unruly and arrogant.

The largest sect in the prehistoric era was originally feared by other saint sects, but

Tongtian Sage provoked the female disciples again. Madam Wa, Jiejiao has offended all the saints. Even if Tongtian has the Killing Immortal Sword Formation, Chang'e guesses that Jiejiao will be very miserable in the future.

"Queen Mother, we are going to the East China Sea Dragon Palace. Su Yan must be taken away, otherwise the little girl doesn’t know what she will do."

"Okay, let's catch Su Yan and take him back to heaven."

The Queen Mother checked the powerful people around her.

She did not find the Emperor Haotian appearing. The Queen Mother guessed that Haotian had not finished retreating.

Half a month later, boom boom boom....

The Great Desolate Immortal World suddenly shook, and then there was a rain of blood in the Great Desolate Immortal World. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The ancient world was shaken, and blood rained from the sky. This was the fall of the saint.

All the immortals in the ancient world of immortality looked to the sky.

The battle between Nuwa and Saint Tongtian was in the ancient starry sky. , spread throughout the prehistoric fairy world in half a month.

Now that a saint has fallen, all the immortals and powerful people want to know who has fallen?

"Nuwa, you and I will be enemies from now on, and we will fight to the death with the Wa Palace from now on."


Tongtian's angry screams spread throughout the prehistoric immortal world.

All the immortals in the prehistoric immortal world understood that Tongtian was killed by Empress Nuwa. Empress Nuwa actually killed Saint Tongtian, which all the immortals did not expect.

"Empress Nuwa actually beheaded Saint Tongtian? How can this be?"

"What's impossible? Empress Nuwa is the saint second only to Taoist Hongjun, and Empress Nuwa has not taken action since she became a saint. Why shouldn't Empress Nuwa kill the saint Tongtian?"

"Impossible, Saint Tongtian had the Killing Immortal Sword Formation, which could not be broken except by the Four Saints. How could Empress Nuwa kill Saint Tongtian? Even Saint Laozi cannot defeat Saint Tongtian"

"That's right, but now, Saint Tongtian was defeated and killed by Empress Nuwa."

"The only female saint in the ancient world was really terrifying. She would kill a saint without taking action. Empress Nuwa was really angry. Who said that the Jie Jiao disciples had provoked Empress Nuwa’s daughter?"

"Yes, from today on, no one in the prehistoric immortal world dares to offend His Highness Su Yan. The mother of a saint, His Highness Su Yan can be said to be the most unprovoked existence except for saints."

After the immortals in the prehistoric fairyland talked for a while, they all understood how powerful and terrifying Nuwa was. In addition to Taoist Hongjun, Nuwa was the first saint to become a saint in the prehistoric fairyland, and she was also the strongest besides Hongjun. A great saint.

There is also Su Yan, the daughter of Empress Nuwa.

No one in the ancient world would dare to offend Su Yan, otherwise Empress Nuwa would kill those who offend Su Yan just like she killed the Saint Tongtian. The starry sky in the ancient world,

377 The four of me all looked ugly.

Empress Nuwa actually beheaded Tongtian. Even after Tongtian used the Zhuxian Sword Formation, he was still beheaded by Empress Nuwa.

"The half-step Chaos Spiritual Treasure is really terrifying, even the Killing Immortal Sword Formation can't do anything to Nuwa"

"Yes, but the Immortal Killing Sword Formation is also very terrifying. If Nuwa doesn't know the laws of creation, she and Tongtian may both be harmed."

"Yes, the Zhuxian Sword Formation is too terrifying. Tongtian should not have fully controlled the Zhuxian Sword Formation yet, otherwise there is no telling who will win this time."

"We don’t have to worry about Nuwa. Nuwa has always lived in Chaos. She has no conflict of interest with us. As long as we don’t provoke Nuwa’s daughter, Nuwa will not be our enemy."

I and the four Zhunti chatted for a while, and they all looked at Tongtian who was resurrected by Tiandao.

Tongtian is their competitor.

Whether it is fighting for luck, or the Jiejiao is so huge that they are afraid of it, the four of me must deal with it first. Those are Tongtian and Jiejiao.

In the prehistoric starry sky,

Empress Nuwa said with a cold face,

"Tongtian, take good care of your disciples. If you dare to provoke my daughter again, I will not mind killing you again."

Tongtian shouted with an ugly face,

"Nuwa, after three thousand years, I will compete with you again. I will definitely kill you once."

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