Su Chen couldn't wait any longer.

Nu Wa had already gone to Chaos.

Su Chen was worried that Nu Wa would be robbed and killed by Hongjun and the Four Saints first. He wanted to completely eliminate Hongjun and the Four Saints.

Mark hurriedly asked Su Chen,

"Su Chen, where is the Human Emperor? If the status of Human Emperor is not abolished, can your woman kill two Human Emperors~?"

"Mark, don’t worry, my daughter Su Yan will dethrone Fuxi and Shennong from the throne of the Human Emperor."

"Can Yan'er abolish the position of Human Emperor?"


Mark and Qi nodded as they thought of the little witch Su Yan.

Although Su Yan was a little naughty,

Su Yan was also very smart and sweet. He was called uncle after uncle. The two of them were also very special to Su Yan. favorite

"I'm leaving, please be careful."

Qilin waved to Su Chen and said,"Su Chen, be careful, don't be careless and get tricked."

"I will be careful."

Su Chen waved his hands to Mark and Qilin and disappeared instantly.

He has never underestimated his enemy, especially when facing Hongjun, the old treacherous guy. Even if Su Chen was absolutely sure, he would not underestimate Hongjun.

Mark He stood up and said,

"Qilin, we have to prepare too. Alice and the girls are going to destroy the enemy team. Su Chen’s powerful woman is going to destroy the saint’s disciples and the immortals of the Bear Tribe. We are going to destroy the Bear Tribe. This war is the biggest I have ever experienced. war."

Qilin said speechlessly,"Huge? Five hundred million enemies, my heart trembles just thinking about it now"

"Qilin, let's get ready. The decisive battle will begin tomorrow. It will be dark before dawn. Tomorrow the Yellow River plain will flow with blood, and the tribes with bears will also flow with blood."


There is a Bear Tribe.

Xuanyuan looked at the people in the big tent and said expressionlessly,"The war will start tomorrow. How are we going to fight?"

Xuanyuan trembled when he saw the troops of the Black Bird Tribe before. They were all eager to fight like wolves and tigers.

If the decisive battle starts tomorrow, the hundreds of millions of troops from the Xiong Tribe will be defeated in one fell swoop. Xuanyuan has no way to defeat them. Xuanniao tribe.

Guangchengzi touched the nonsense and reminded,"Alas! Tomorrow is a life and death battle, we all have to work hard, otherwise we will all fall."

Chi Jing asked in confusion,

"Senior brother, we disciples of the three religions, plus three to four million immortal cultivators and immortals, can't we destroy the Xuanniao tribe?

Guangchengzi shook his head and replied,"It can't be destroyed. There are four or five powerful quasi-sages in the Xuanniao tribe. Those quasi-sages are all veteran quasi-sages. Even if we send out three quasi-sages, we can't destroy even one of them."

Xuanyuan asked doubtfully,"Master, can't the saint be dispatched?""

Guang Chengzi said with a serious face,"Xuanyuan, tomorrow is not only the war between the emperor and the emperor, but also the war between the saints in the chaos. The saints have no time to kill the quasi-sages of the Xuanniao tribe."

Xuanyuan's face changed when he heard Guangchengzi's words.

Is there still a war of saints in the chaos?

Why does the War of Human Emperors involve a war of saints? What's the secret in this?

Xuanyuan feels that something big is going to happen, explain the teaching, intercept the teaching, and Western teaching , the disciples of the three religions all came to help him, which means that the three religions have united.

The four saints of the three religions also went to the Chaos Zixiao Palace. Who are Hongjun Daozu and the four saints going to fight?

Is it Nuwa?

Xuanyuan thought of me. The saint was killed by the Taoist companions of Empress Nuwa.

Taoist Hongjun and the four saints of the Three Religions, are they going to kill Sister Nuwa and her Taoist companions?

In the big tent, the mood of the disciples of the Three Religions and the two Human Emperors They were all very anxious.

Tomorrow was a real life-and-death battle.

Whether it was the Human Emperor's War or the Saint's War, they would die without a burial place if they lost any war. The eight people in the hostile team looked very ugly.

They discovered their rival team..

Mark and Qilin of the Black Bird Tribe, they are actually the commanders of the Black Bird Army.

Mark and Qilin control a 60 million strong legion. The eight of them cannot be killed at all.

"Tomorrow is a life and death battle. Two people from the enemy team are still the commanders of the Black Bird Legion. These are only two people. There are eight people who have not shown up. We will have a narrow escape tomorrow."

"Yes, we will have a narrow escape tomorrow. The Bear Tribe and the Immortals from the Bear Tribe are too useless. They can’t win the Human-Emperor War. It’s also impossible for us to kill the enemy team among tens of millions of troops."

"what should we do?"

"What else can be done? It's impossible to escape, we can only fight to the death tomorrow"

"Yes, we can only fight once. Whether we live or die depends on tomorrow."

In the chaos,

Empress Nuwa looked at Zixiao Palace with a cold face.

Zixiao Palace was not hidden.

She understood what Hongjun and the four saints wanted to do, and Empress Nuwa also knew what would happen in a while. (Watch it very cool. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Su Chen suddenly appeared next to Nuwa Empress.

He hugged Nuwa Empress and said,

"Hongjun and the four saints are coming soon. We will fight for a while. We will kill those saints if we can. I will kill Tongtian first."

Nuwa Empress leaned on Su Chen's arms and asked,"Husband, I understand, why is your cultivation level still at the level of overcoming tribulation?"

Su Chen kissed Nuwa and said,

"Madam, my cultivation realm can be restored at any time. You are the fourth level of the Holy Realm, as well as the Ice and Snow Lotus, Original, Zhunti, and Jieyin. You can destroy them. In just a quarter of an hour, I can extract Hongjun’s Hongmeng Purple Qi and crush him to death."

"Don't worry, I can kill the other three saints by myself, and you can deal with Hongjun with peace of mind."


Su Chen held Nuwa and looked at the Zixiao Palace.

Are you waiting?

Are you waiting for the Human-Emperor War to start?

After a while, the beginning of the Human-Emperor War in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm will be full of calamity, and Hongjun and the four great saints will take action.

Time passed little by little, boom!


In the prehistoric fairy world, the calamity energy broke out, and all the creatures in the prehistoric immortal world were uneasy. Some monks and immortals who killed creatures randomly were confused by the calamity energy, and their bestiality was unleashed and they killed everywhere. Creatures, boom boom boom......

The heaven was shaken.

Taibai Jinxing held a black black bird scroll. He appeared outside the Nantian Gate with an expressionless face.

Taibai Jinxing opened the scroll and read loudly,

"Imperial decree from the empress of the ancient heaven!"

"The war between the prehistoric people and the emperors broke out, and the calamity arose. The monks and immortals with many karma were confused by the calamity, and they slaughtered living creatures wantonly.

"The empress ordered that heaven send out 40 million heavenly soldiers and generals to quell the chaos in all directions and kill all the karmic creatures! Those who wantonly slaughter living beings, kill, and those who resist heaven, kill four!".

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