In the prehistoric fairy world, all living beings were frightened by the imperial edict of the Empress of Heaven.

Since the ancient demon clan Heaven was destroyed, the new Heavenly Emperor Haotian was deprived of the title of Heavenly Emperor and disappeared. The Empress Su Yan only took control of Heaven for a few years, and the Empress Want to use troops on a large scale to destroy the creatures with karma?

How many lives will be destroyed?

Except for some creatures with little karma, there are countless people in the prehistoric immortal world with too much karma,

100 million?

Five hundred million?

Or a billion?

However, the creatures in the ancient immortal world did not dare to resist the empress Su Yan, let alone disobey the empress Su Yan's orders. The background of the empress Su Yan was too powerful.

She was the mother of a saint, the Empress Nuwa, and a father who was more powerful than all saints.

No living being in the ancient immortal world dares to resist the empress Su Yan

"Look, the Heavenly Court is out, my Heavenly Way, Zhulong, Zhen Yuanzi, Minghe Ancestor, and Tianfeng from the Feng Clan, the four quasi-sages are out, the prehistoric Heavenly Court has become stronger."

"Let me go, the lowest cultivation level of heavenly soldiers and generals are all heavenly immortals. There are thousands of golden immortals and Taiyi golden immortals, and there are also many Daluo golden immortals. The army in heaven is very terrifying."

"Don’t forget, there are the Queen Mother, Fairy Xihe, Fairy Chang Xi, Fairy Chang’e, the Demon Clan Shang Yang Demon Saint, and the Qin Yuan Demon Saint in the Heavenly Court. They are all veteran quasi-sage powers."

"Yes, if you include Empress Su Yan’s mother and father, Heavenly Court is the most powerful Heavenly Court since its establishment."

"Yes, there are two powerful saints in heaven. There have never been any saints in heaven."

"From now on in the prehistoric immortal world, the empress Su Yan will be respected, and no living being dares to disobey the empress' orders, even the three major saint sects are no exception."

After the creatures in the prehistoric fairy world talked to each other, all the creatures looked at the heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky. The heavenly court dispatched 40 million heavenly soldiers and generals, and they were very powerful heavenly soldiers and generals. All the creatures with numerous karma would be slaughtered. The

Yellow River Plain,

The Xiong tribe and the Jiuli tribe saw the heavenly soldiers and generals sent out by the heavenly court. They didn't know whether the heavenly soldiers and generals would participate in the war between the human emperor and the emperor, and whether they would prevent the war between the human emperor and the emperor.

Xuanyuan asked anxiously,

"Master, what should I do? The prehistoric heaven sends out its heavenly soldiers and generals. Will there be any changes in the war between humans and emperors? Will the heavenly soldiers and generals of heaven deal with the bear tribe?"

Guang Chengzi said with an ugly face,"Oh! It's hard to say if the saints are going to deal with Empress Su Yan's parents, I can't guess whether Su Yan will destroy the Youxiong tribe."

Master Taiyi asked, stroking his beard.

"Senior brother, we have disciples of the three religions here. Empress Su Yan only sent out four quasi-sages, and they also sent out to all directions in the prehistoric fairyland. Heaven should not take action against the Bear Tribe, right?"

The Antarctic Immortal shook his head and reminded,

"Junior brother, don’t forget that there are at least hundreds of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven, and there are still seven or eight quasi-sage powers. If heaven sends out heavenly soldiers, generals and quasi-sage powers again, we can’t stop them."

Master Yuding said with a serious face,

"Get ready, it is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse cannot be avoided. The Black Bird Tribe will definitely attack within half an hour. There are troops from the Bear Tribe ready to fight. All immortal cultivators and immortals are in the air ready to fight."

"Be prepared, be prepared, life or death depends on God's will"

"All preparations are coming, the decisive battle is coming, and those who do not want to die must try their best."

Dong dong dong dong.......

The war drums of the Bear Tribe to boost morale were beaten, and the approximately 400 million Bear Tribe troops slowly advanced toward the Xuanniiao Tribe in the darkness of the Yellow River Plain.

In the sky, millions of cultivators and immortals are standing in the air ready to fight, boom boom boom.....

Thunder and lightning flashed in the prehistoric fairy world, dark clouds gathered, and the terrifying roar was deafening. Black thunder and lightning streaked the sky, and light rain fell from the sky, and the rain became heavier and heavier. boom!

In the sky above the Xuanniao tribe, there was a roar

, and a million black-armored heavenly soldiers and generals appeared in the sky. In front of the heavenly soldiers and generals, eight golden giants pulled the imperial chariot. Empress Su Yan was sitting in the imperial chariot, looking towards the Yellow River Plain.

When Mark and Qilin saw Su Yan appear, they saluted Su Yan and shouted,

"Commander of the Black Bird Tribe Army, Mark (Qilin) ​​meets Her Royal Highness Princess Changle, and long blessings to Her Royal Highness Princess Changle,"

"The First Legion of Black Birds, see Her Royal Highness Princess Changle, long blessings to Her Royal Highness Princess Changle"

"The Second Black Bird Legion, see Her Royal Highness Princess Changle, and long blessings to Her Royal Highness Princess Changle"

"The Third Black Bird Corps, see Her Royal Highness Princess Changle, and long blessings to Her Royal Highness Princess Changle."

The 60 million troops of the Xuannio Tribe knelt down and saluted,

Princess Changle?

The princess of the Xuannio Tribe is called Princess Changle. All the soldiers also knew that Princess Changle was the daughter of the clan leader, but all the soldiers did not expect that

Princess Changle turned out to be from Heaven. Empress, the soldiers of the Black Bird Tribe wanted to scream.

"`~Flat body!"

A crisp sound reached the ears of all the creatures in the Yellow River Plain. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Thank you, Your Highness Princess!"

Everyone in the Youxiong Tribe and the Jiuli Tribe are confused.

The Empress is the princess of the Xuannio Tribe?

Is the joke too big?

Why is the Empress the daughter of the leader of the Xuannio Tribe?

All creatures in the prehistoric fairy world know that the Empress Su Yan's father was a powerful and terrifying saint, the leader of an ordinary human tribe. How could he be the father of Empress Su Yan?

Xuanyuan stood up in shock and shouted,

"How is this going? Master, isn’t the empress’ father a powerful and terrifying saint? How could the empress be the princess of the Black Bird Tribe? What exactly is going on?"

Guang Chengzi shouted with an ugly face,

"Xuanyuan, don’t you understand?"

"The leader of the Xuannio Tribe is that powerful and terrifying saint. No wonder the leader of the Xuannio Tribe has never appeared. No living thing would have thought that a powerful and terrifying saint controlled the Xuannio Tribe."(All the immortals around him trembled.

Is the leader of the Xuannio tribe the father of the empress? Is he still a powerful and terrifying saint?

In other words, the Prehistoric Heaven controls the Black Bird Tribe, and the Bear Tribe wants to launch a war against Heaven.

Is the Bear Tribe an opponent?

Everyone understands that there is no chance of death, and they have no chance of winning in the face of heaven.

Fuxi held his hands tightly and said angrily,"Damn it, how could this happen? Why would a powerful saint develop a tribe of ordinary people?"

Fuxi didn't want to help the Youxiong tribe or Xuanyuan Factory anymore.

The empress Su Yan was his sister. Wa's daughter, Fuxi is considered Empress Su Yan's uncle. As long as he reveals his identity to Empress Su Yan, he believes that Empress Su Yan will not kill him.

Shen Nong sent a message to Fu Xi,

"Fuxi, let's leave. With your sister Nuwa here, we won't be killed by Empress Su Yan."

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