Luo Tian was kicked by Su Chen and hit a pillar in the hall. He stood up quickly and nodded and said,

"Sir, I understand, I understand!"

Luo Tian was scared, and he was also very frightened, threatening, naked threats.

If Luo Tian dared to be disrespectful to Su Chen and dared to threaten Su Chen, Su Chen would definitely kill him on his way to return to life.

In the hall, people on both sides The corners of the mouths of the twelve Imperial Realm maids twitched.

They did not expect that Su Chen would be so arrogant. Su Chen even dared to beat and threaten the messengers of the Shura Realm Lord.

However, the twelve maids were also very surprised by Su Chen.

Luo Tian was a In the Tao realm,

Su Chen unexpectedly pinched Luo Tian in the Tao realm instantly. Luo Tian was still unable to break free and resisted Su Chen. The twelve maids guessed that Su Chen was a strong man.

Su Chen might be as strong as Territory Master Mia. The twelve maids guessed that Su Chen was a strong man. The maid also understood that if Su Chen was a strong person in the Territory Lord Realm, it would not be unusual for Territory Lord Mia to become Su Chen's woman.

Su Chen sat down again and asked,"Luo Tian, ​​why did Lord Shura send you here?" ?"

Luo Tian hurriedly replied respectfully,"Sir, the Lord of the Shura Realm ordered the Lord of the Mia Territory to launch a war against the Demon Territory."

"Demon Realm? Luo

Tian explained to Su Chen,

"Sir, Mia Territory Master defeated and occupied the Tianxing Territory, but the Heavenly Demon Territory Territory Master defeated the Ice and Snow Territory Lord. The Ice and Snow Territory was in danger, and the Shura Territory Lord ordered Mia Territory Lord to attack the Heavenly Demon Territory."

Su Chen frowned and thought, was the Lord of the Ice and Snow Territory defeated and killed by the Lord of the Demon Territory? Or was the Lord of the Ice and Snow Territory seriously injured and recovering from his injuries?

The Ice and Snow Territory,

Su Chen knew about the Ice and Snow Territory, an inconspicuous Territory Lord area, where all living things They are ice and snow creatures and ice and snow monsters. No other creature can stand the extreme cold of the ice and snow realm. The cultivating army from the far north will not be able to adapt to the ice and snow realm.

The cultivator army may not have launched a war yet, and some troops will be frozen to death by the extreme cold. ,

Will Lord Shura not understand?

Or is Lord Asura an idiot?

Su Chen thought for a while and threatened coldly,"Luo Tian, ​​why did Lord Asura let Mia help the Ice and Snow Territory? If you dare not answer honestly, I will cripple you and check your memory."


Luo Tian was so miserable that he didn't know what to do. If he told the truth, he would be killed by the Lord of the Shura Realm. If he didn't tell the truth, Su Chen would check his memory and kill him. Luo Tian was in a very difficult situation now. He regretted taking away the task of being the messenger.

"Don’t want to say it?"

"I said, I said, sir, can you cover up the secret of heaven? If I tell you the truth, Lord Shura will kill me"

"Okay, Chaos Clock!"


Su Chen summoned the Chaos Bell to obscure the secrets in this area.

Can the Chaos Bell obscure the perception of the Shura Realm Lord?

Su Chen didn't know, but he didn't care at all.

As long as Luo Tian revealed the Shura Realm Lord's conspiracy, Su Chen would not care about Luo Tian's life or death.

Luo Tian saw that the Chaos Clock had obscured Tianji, and he said to Su Chen,

"Sir, Lord Shura is very afraid of Lord Mia. Lord Mia will advance to the realm of Lord in less than 100,000 years."

"Lord Shura is worried that Lord Mia will be stronger than him in the future, and he is also worried that Lord Mia will be favored by the Rakshasa Supreme. After all, both Rakshasa Supreme and Mia Lord are women."

"Lord Shura is afraid that Lord Mia will replace him. The Lord wants Lord Mia to go to the Ice and Snow Domain to die."

Su Chen thought with a cold face.

The Lord of the Shura Realm really has a conspiracy.

Is he afraid of Mia?

Afraid of being replaced?

The Rakshasa Supreme is also a woman?

Damn it,

Su Chen thought of the bellyband and gauze clothes obtained by climbing the ladder to heaven. Among those items are There are no items belonging to the Rakshasa Supreme?

The twelve maids in the hall are very pale.

Is Lord Shura afraid of Lord Mia?

And he is plotting to let Lord Mia die? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

The twelve maids looked at Su Chen uneasily.

They were the personal maids of Lord Mia.

Mia was mainly killed by the conspiracy of Lord Shura.

As Mia's maids, they could not survive. The twelve maids They will be caught by Shura Realm Lord's men, and they will be treated as female slaves and brutally tortured and humiliated to death.

Su Chen thought for a while and said,"Luo Tian, ​​when you go back and return, tell Mia Territory Master that he will obey the Shura Realm Lord's orders." , remember, shut up and don’t say anything you shouldn’t say."

"Yes, my lord!"

Luo Tian saluted Su Chen and disappeared quickly.

He didn't want to stay with Su Chen for a moment.

As for what happened just now,

Luo Tian didn't dare to tell the Lord of Shura. If he dared to tell him, the Lord of Shura wouldn't let him live. Go down.

A maid saluted Su Chen and said,"Sir, do you want to inform Territory Master Mia?"

Su Chen waved his hand and said,"No need to inform, Mia is in retreat, I will handle this matter."

"Yes, my lord!"

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and thought about what to do, inform Mia?

What a fart notification,

Su Chen gave Mia half a pot of Hongmeng Spiritual Spring, and

Mia couldn't wait to retreat to break through to the Realm Lord Realm. Su Chen couldn't disturb her at this time. Mia,

Su Chen patted his forehead and said speechlessly,


The twelve maids looked at Su Chen speechlessly, trouble?

Is this trouble?

The leader of the Shura Realm conspired to frame Mia Territory Lord. This is a matter of life and death for Mia Territory Lord and them.

"Lan Lin, you take six maids and me to the ice and snow area. The other maids stay and wait for my orders."

"Yes, my lord!"

Su Chen decided to go to the Ice and Snow Territory to see the situation. The main reason for the Ice and Snow Territory is that it has not fallen.

Su Chen will help the Lord of the Ice and Snow Territory to kill the Lord of the Demon Territory.

The main reason for the Ice and Snow Territory is that it has fallen.

Su Chen will not help the Ice and Snow Territory.

The Shura Realm Lord dares to come. The Far North threatens Mia, and Su Chen will use the jade talisman of Chaos Avenue to kill the Shura Realm Lord.


The little rabbit suddenly appeared on Su Chen's shoulder, and it took out an amethyst stone and handed it to Su Chen.

Su Chen took it Amethyst looked at it and said,"Little rabbit, why did you give me a piece of rubbish stone?""

""Squeak, squeak, squeak," the little rabbit yelled and gestured to Su Chen, and

Su Chen shouted with a dark face,

"Damn, you just have a useless rabbit. At the imperial level, you still can’t speak. Little rabbit, you can’t speak? Or are you deliberately not pretending not to be able to speak?"

The little rabbit rolled her eyes at Su Chen and lay down. She was gesturing to Su Chen that she wanted Hongmeng Lingquan. Does this pervert dare to speak?

In the past few years,

Su Chen, Mia, Shangguan Xuefei, and Liu Mengyao, the three girls, There is also the Lingbao Archangel who is in love almost every day.

Su Chen will not even let the Lingbao Archangel go.

If the little rabbit opens her mouth to speak, if she says that she can transform, she is worried that Su Chen will forcibly humiliate her too.

"Come on, little rabbit, you still dare to look at me? You eat from me, live from me, sleep from me, and I help you improve your cultivation. Do you despise me as your master?".

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