Su Chen caught the little rabbit and began to stroke it.

The little rabbit became more and more lawless.

He could eat his flat peach, ginseng fruit, yellow pear and other top-quality innate spiritual fruits. The little rabbit could eat them with peace of mind.

The little rabbit in the imperial realm could not speak.

Still unable to transform,

Su Chen felt that Little Rabbit was just a useless rabbit.

Apart from bullying some low-strength practitioners, Little Rabbit seemed to be useless except for being cute.

"squeak squeak....."

The little rabbit stared at Su Chen and struggled.

She didn't expect that Su Chen was touching her body again. She was a shameless bastard.

She was still the original rabbit. This bastard didn't even let the rabbit go.

Su Chen knocked the little rabbit on the head and asked,"What the hell is this purple crystal?""

"squeak squeak......"

"I'll do it!"

Su Chen stared at the little rabbit with a dark face.

Damn it, he can't understand the rabbit language.

The little rabbit has an imperial cultivation level.

Can't the little rabbit talk to his soul? Or is the little rabbit too stupid to even talk to his soul? Yes?

A maid explained to Su Chen,"Sir, the purple crystal is the crystallization of Hongmeng spiritual energy, and it contains huge Hongmeng spiritual energy."

Su Chen looked at the purple crystal in surprise. It is the crystallization of Hongmeng spiritual energy?

It also contains huge Hongmeng spiritual energy?

Isn't the purple crystal the same as the spiritual stone in the chaotic world?

The purple crystal contains huge Hongmeng spiritual energy, and the spiritual stone contains huge Hongmeng spiritual energy. Su Chen asked Little Rabbit,"Little Rabbit, do you know where the amethyst mine is?""


The little rabbit barked and nodded to Su Chen.

Su Chen hurriedly ordered to Lan Lin,

"Lan Lin, you don’t need to go to the Ice and Snow Territory with me. You and other maids take the little rabbit to find the amethyst mine. If there is danger, you can recruit the Taoist realm experts from the Far North Territory to help."

"Yes, my lord!"

"squeak squeak....."

Little Rabbit hurriedly gestured to Su Chen and shouted, she didn't expect that Su Chen would leave if he didn't reward her, where is Hongmeng Lingquan?

She gave Su Chen purple crystal just for the Hongmeng Lingquan. Is this bastard pretending to be confused on purpose?

"You scream, if you have more amethyst ore, I will reward you."

Su Chen shook his head speechlessly.

He understood what the little rabbit meant.

When Su Chen gave Mia half a pot of Hongmeng Lingquan, the little rabbit's eyes turned red when he saw the Hongmeng Lingquan.

Well, the rabbit's eyes seemed to be red. ,

Little Rabbit almost drooled anyway.

If Mia wasn't stronger than Little Rabbit, Little Rabbit might have taken away the Hongmeng Spiritual Spring. Little Rabbit glanced at Su Chen and lay down listlessly.

She didn't believe Su Chen at all. If so, Little Rabbit guessed that Su Chen was deceiving her, but there was no way. Little Rabbit couldn't beat Su Chen, and she couldn't afford to offend Su Chen. If she pissed off Su Chen, Little Rabbit liked to eat peaches, ginseng fruits, etc. Su Chen would never give her the spiritual fruit again. Three years later, Su Chen and the archangel appeared in the ice and snow area through constant teleportation. The area controlled by the Rakshasa Supreme was too large. If Su Chen and the archangel hadn't been constantly teleporting, , they may not be able to come to the Ice and Snow Territory in ten years. Su Chen touched the Archangel's face and said,"Archangel, we should use the teleportation array in the future. We didn't find anything interesting along the way. The archangel smiled and said,"Master, don't you want to know about the area controlled by the Rakshasa Supreme?"


"Ahem, I want to take a romantic trip with you."

Su Chen was embarrassed and hurriedly talked nonsense.

Do you know the area controlled by the Rakshasa Supreme? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Damn it,

Su Chen will never want to know about the continuous space teleportation in the past three years. , he was also very tired.

The archangel blushed and said,"I like traveling with my master.""

"Okay, let's travel together again if we have the chance."

Su Chen said as he explored the Ice and Snow Territory.

The Ice and Snow Territory is very cold.

Practitioners below the fifth level of the Saint Realm in other realms may freeze to death in less than a year if they are not protected by powerful spiritual treasures. The Ice and Snow Territory seems to be A natural area formed by the laws of ice. Ice creatures are uniquely blessed to practice in the ice and snow domain. Ice creatures can also advance very quickly in their cultivation.

"Archangel, let’s go to the Ice and Snow City. I hope the Lord of the Ice and Snow Territory is still alive."

"Yes, master!"

At this time, in the Ice and Snow City of the Ice and Snow Domain,

Emilia, the Lord of the Ice and Snow Domain, was recovering from her injuries in the palace. Her injuries were very serious. If she did not recover from her injuries quickly, Emilia's cultivation level would fall.

Emilia Ya opened her eyes and whispered helplessly,"Oh! Still not working, what kind of spiritual treasure does the Lord of the Demon Realm use? Why can't I get rid of the demonic energy in my body?"

It's been almost ten years.

If Emilia hasn't recovered from her injuries, the Demon Territory Lord will attack her again if she recovers early.

A Taoist ice elf came in with an ice spirit crystal and saluted,"Lord, how are your injuries? Like?

Emilia waved her hand and asked,"Claire, what's the situation in the Ice and Snow Territory now?" Claire replied worriedly,

"Territory Lord, your starry sky palace was destroyed by the Heavenly Demon Territory. The Heavenly Demon Territory has not yet launched a large-scale attack on the Ice and Snow Territory. However, the Heavenly Demon Territory has an army of tens of billions of cultivators gathering. I am afraid that a war will begin within a year or two."

"Before I retreated to recover from my injuries, I asked the Shura Realm Lord for help. Claire, are there any other realm masters who will rescue the Ice and Snow Realm?"

"Territory Lord, the Far North Territory sent a message to rescue the Ice and Snow Territory, but in the past three years, the teleportation array has been silent. I am worried that the Territory Lord of the Far North Territory will not rescue the Ice and Snow Territory."

"The Far North? Mia?"

Emilia's eyes lit up when she heard Claire's words.

She and Mia have met several times.

In the Asura world,

Mia is the most powerful existence besides the Lord of the Asura world. Since the Lord of Mia said yes, Come to rescue her, Emilia believes that Mia will definitely come to rescue the Ice and Snow Region.

Outside the palace, a female voice announced,"Reporting to the Taoist Master, someone appears from the sky in the Ice and Snow City."

Kleia ordered with an expressionless face,"Kill."

"Taoist master, Ice and Snow City dispatched three emperor realms, but all of them were easily caught by the creatures in the air.

Claire asked in surprise,"What?" Ellie, you said that the people who arrived could easily capture three emperor realms?

"Yes, Taoist! Emilia frowned and ordered,"Claire, go out and check. The creature that comes should be from the Tao realm. If it is a creature from the Demon Realm, kill him.""

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