Su Chen and Bai Yuekui hurriedly looked at the battlefield after hearing the notification in their minds.

When they saw that tens of thousands of orcs had been slaughtered by the Netherworld Cavalry Army, the Elf Army, and the Dwarf Army on the battlefield, it might not take long. These besieged orc armies will be wiped out.

Laura glared at Su Chen and said helplessly,"We don't have any rewards in this national destiny war."

Su Chen took a sip of wine, hugged Laura and said with a smile,"Don't say that, you have friends like us. That's it. Maybe next time we can complete the task together"

"Damn it, let go!"When Laura saw this bastard hugging her, she blushed and looked at Selina and said angrily,

"You are so stingy!"

"You are so shameless!"

The others looked at Su Chen and didn't want to talk to this bastard.

They were all completely helpless towards this shameless man. This bastard would take advantage of them whenever he had the chance, which made them all very helpless.

Li Maozhen saw that Su Chen didn't Planning to give her and Xiao Longnu the martial arts secrets, she blinked and asked Su Chen,"Wu Xiangjun, they all have the martial arts secrets, what about the two of us?""

Su Chen looked at Li Maozhen and said with a smile,"You and I are from the same world. From now on, when you go to my Xuandiao Palace Martial Pavilion, you can practice martial arts secrets as you like."

Li Maozhen heard what Su Chen said about the Xuanniao Palace Martial Arts Pavilion.

She had heard of this before.

The Martial Arts Pavilion in the Xuanniao Palace collected all the martial arts secrets from all over the world, including even the legendary emperor-level martial arts secrets.

She was very curious about the legend. Are there any royal-level martial arts secrets in the Xuantiao Palace?

She asked Su Chen doubtfully,"The martial arts pavilion in the Xuanniao Palace in Gusu City in the Southern Continent is very famous. I heard that the Is it true that there are even emperor-level martial arts secrets in the martial arts pavilion?"

Su Chen nodded and admitted directly,"It's true. There are several royal-level martial arts secret books, but they are the ancestral martial arts of our Xuannio family. If you want to learn it, I'm afraid you have to marry me before you can learn it."

"If you dream, you are a shameless pervert."Li Maozhen rolled her eyes at Su Chen and didn't bother to talk to this shameless pervert.

Bai Yuekui asked Su Chen in confusion,

"What is the secret book of royal level martial arts?

Seeing that everyone here was curious, Su Chen smiled and said,"Just think of it as cultivating immortality!" Your Cihang Sword Code's heaven-level martial arts secrets. Heaven level and above are king level, and king level and above are emperor level."

Laura was surprised when she heard Su Chen's words,"Hiss! So you can become immortal in the future?"

"Maybe, there are many old monsters in our world who have lived for hundreds of years, land gods in the heavenly realm, and many masters in the golden elixir realm. But in the heavenly realm, they can live at least hundreds of years, and in the golden elixir realm. I'm afraid a strong person can live for thousands of years without any problem."

"What level of cultivation are you at?"

"Cough cough cough!"

"This bastard is at the peak level of a grandmaster. His cultivation level is not as high as mine, but his strength is much stronger than mine. It may be because he has practiced the emperor-level skills."Xiao Longnu saw that Su Chen was embarrassed to say it, so she smiled and said, no matter whether this bastard would be embarrassed or not, she would not give up the rare opportunity to attack this bastard.

Everyone else laughed when they saw Su Chen's embarrassed look. Come to think of it, in fact, the level of cultivation at the peak of a grandmaster is already very powerful. Many people here are no match for a master master.

They laughed because the dignified Lord Wu Xiang turned out to be a master master. This made them all surprised. Unexpectedly.

Time passed while Su Chen was chatting and laughing with these beauties.

In the afternoon, the orc army was completely wiped out, and the Netherworld Cavalry Legion and Maximus' Roman Legion also returned.

The Netherworld Cavalry Legion passed by here More than half of the people were killed and wounded in the first war. Fortunately, the National Destiny War can be revived this time, otherwise this would have been the heaviest casualty for his legion.

And Maximus’s Roman legion had thousands of people left; He was disabled. If he hadn't been able to resurrect his Roman legions this time, I'm afraid Maximus would have burst into tears. Suchen didn't go to Gushan Castle again. Anyway, there was nothing he looted there. It was a matter of whether he went or not. It was meaningless.

When Su Chen saw that the elves and dwarves had entered the Lonely Mountain Castle, he said to everyone here,"If everyone has nothing to do, please go back to their own worlds. Otherwise, the elves, dwarves, and even the wizard Gandalf will be here soon." Will come to us and cause trouble"

"Su Chen, have you done something again?"Xiao Longnu looked at Su Chen and felt that this bastard must have done something again, otherwise he wouldn't want to leave so quickly.

Others also looked at Su Chen with unkind expressions, and they all felt that Su Chen must have done something. , otherwise there are many beauties here, and Su Chen, a pervert, would not want to leave so quickly.

When Su Chen saw that everyone was looking at him unkindly, he coughed awkwardly and said,"Cough! I took away all the treasures in Gushan Castle, leaving not a single gold coin behind. I didn’t even leave them any weapons and equipment in Gushan Castle."

"Holy shit! So there is nothing left in Gushan Castle?"Maximus cursed when he heard what Su Chen said.

Maximus heard that there were as many treasures as a hill in Gushan Castle. How did this bastard take away all the treasures? And he didn't even get a single gold coin. If the elves and dwarves find out about this, they will tear this bastard apart.

Su Chen smiled and continued,"The Gushan Castle is very clean. Even the ore dug by the dwarves was not given to us. They stay."

Bai Yuekui and the others were very speechless when they looked at Su Chen.

I'm afraid this bastard is the biggest gainer in this national destiny war.

All the tasks were completed by this bastard. The treasures in Gushan Castle were also obtained by this bastard. He even stole them. He met a beautiful woman, and they all came here to make soy sauce.

Then these people also went back one after another.

Su Chen hugged each of the beautiful women. After leaving this time, he didn’t know when they could get together again. Together, Bai Yuokui and the others did not stop Su Chen this time, and they all allowed Su Chen to take advantage of them.

Brother Qilin and Maximus also hugged Su Chen and left, leaving Su Chen alone. Chen, Xiao Longnu, and Li Maozhen were together.

Su Chen sighed when he saw everyone leaving. He shook his head and looked at Li Maozhen and said,"Li Maozhen, if you have time, come to Gusu, Southern Continent. I am going to found a country recently. An emperor." The position of concubine is reserved for you."

Li Maozhen said angrily when she heard Su Chen's words,"Get out! I will go to Gusu City, but it will take some time. After all, the Northern Continent is a bit far away from the Southern Continent."

"You are always welcome, my princess"

"Shameless pervert, I'm leaving."

Su Chen waved goodbye to Li Maozhen. He and Li Maozhen are in the same world and can meet each other at any time in the future.

"Xiao Longnu, come to Gusu City."Su Chen hugged Xiao Longnu and said with a smile.

Xiao Longnu leaned in Su Chen's arms and said shyly,"Yeah! But my senior sister will also come, but my master doesn’t know where to go."

"Your master is in the Ghost Palace in the Western Continent. She has nothing to do."

"Let's leave, otherwise the elves and dwarves will come for us."


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