In the Lonely Mountain Castle, when the Elf King Thranduil, the Dwarf King, Gandalf, and Bard arrived at the Lonely Mountain Castle, they saw Thorin and more than a dozen dwarves sitting on the ground with their eyes blank. Everyone seemed to have been hit by something.

Gandalf looked at Thorin's depressed look and frowned and asked,"Thorin, what happened here?"

"Treasure, the treasure of our dwarves has disappeared, not even a single gold coin is left."Thorin glanced at Gandalf and lowered his head. Now that he has nothing, how will the dwarf kingdom be established in the future?

"What? What exactly is going on?"

Gandalf was very surprised when he heard Thorin's words.

You must know that the treasures of the dwarves are as numerous as a hill. How could those treasures disappear? Even the evil dragon Smaug does not have that ability. The elf and Bard were also very surprised after hearing this. They didn't believe it, so they immediately sent people to search in the Lonely Mountain Castle. They suspected that Thorin had hidden the treasure here.

Gandalf suddenly thought of those black-armored troops and said doubtfully,"Those black Why didn't Army A come over? Aren't they interested in the treasure here? wrong! No human being can be indifferent to these treasures. The treasures will not be obtained by those people, right?"

Elven King Thranduil said with some disdain,"Gandalf, do you think it is possible? If those black-armored troops got the treasure here, would they still kill so many troops and fight the orc army?"

Gandalf thought about it and thought it was impossible. There is not a tiny amount of treasure in the Lonely Mountain Castle. It would probably take ten and a half months to transport a mountain of treasure. But how could these treasures disappear? In the world of Resident Evil , in a desert,

Alice suddenly appeared here.

She looked around and sat next to her motorcycle.

She thought about all this as if she was dreaming, but it was all very real, and she had even been to her. She also has some understanding of what is about to happen in the world, and she also knows where the zombie antidote is.

"Huh? ring? Isn't this what Su Chen, the pervert, left for her?"Alice suddenly found a ring in her pocket and was very confused.

This ring was exactly the same as the one Su Chen gave to Selina.

Alice immediately dropped a drop of blood on the ring.

When she let the space ring claim its owner, she She discovered that this ring was actually filled with daily necessities. Not only did it contain food and water, but also weapons and even food were finished products.

This made her very touched.

In this apocalyptic world, having a space ring is crucial to her.

"Su Chen, thank you."

Tianxuan Continent, Xiao Family.

Su Chen suddenly appeared in his room.

He looked around and sat on the bed. Although this time it was only a short two or three days, Su Chen was very satisfied with this trip.

【Congratulations on completing the mission of your first national destiny war in this war qualification battle, and the mission completion degree is perfect. Depending on the world you are in, you will receive the following rewards.】

【1. Activate the luck totem once (optional)】

【Second, a part of the Imperial Level Kung Fu,】

【Third, the realm of cultivation has been improved to a great level. 】

Su Chen was very shocked when he heard this.

This time it was a big harvest.

He did not expect that there would be such a big reward from Heaven.

This time he made it.

Is the luck totem activated?

Isn’t this the case that luck can be condensed and never dispersed?

Black bird!

His family totem, the black bird, can be activated during the founding of the country, so that his empire's destiny can be condensed. The black bird will be his empire totem from now on, and his empire may last forever.

The emperor-level skills are also pretty good, huh?

There is also a soul cultivation technique.

Can the soul also be powerful through cultivation?

Or will practicing this technique make you mentally stronger?

Let’s take a look at the practice in the future.

The next step is to improve to a greater realm. In the future, won’t I be a master at the peak of a grand master?

It's true that God rewards those who work hard.

This is much better than the stingy system chick.

Su Chen thought of the system and asked System Wan,"System, where are our victory gift packs and reward gift packs?"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the qualification battle. The victory gift pack and reward gift pack have been distributed."

"System, look at the rewards from Tiandao. There is a huge gap between you and Tiandao’s rewards."Su Chen curled his lips when he heard the system's voice and said,

"Ding, does the host open the gift package?"

Su Chen didn't expect that the system ignored him, which made Su Chen a little helpless. This system girl is too difficult to deal with."System, you are so boring. Open the victory gift bag first."

"Ding, the victory gift pack is open. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the growth-type spiritual sword [Luoxue], a spiritual fruit seedling, ten intermediate spiritual stones, one hundred primary spiritual stones, and five hundred shadow assassins."

I guess!

My luck is really going to explode today.

Su Chen didn't expect that the items in the victory gift bag would be so rich. It seems that he will have to participate in more qualifying battles in the future.

Su Chen looked at a snow-white spiritual sword in his hand.

This The spirit sword is very cold, as if Su Chen's hand will be frozen if he does not leave the spirit sword.

However, Su Chen is still very happy.

The more he looks at this spirit sword, the more he likes it. In the future, Yao Yue's Blue Blood Sword can be laid off. ,"System, let me introduce the growth-type spiritual sword [Luoxue]】"

"Ding, growth-type spiritual sword [Luoxue]: The lowest level spiritual sword in the world of cultivation, but its growth type is unlimited, but the host has the ability. [Luoxue] will become an innate spiritual treasure in the future, or even an innate treasure. The host can drop it Blood recognizes the Lord. Su

Chen became even more happy after hearing the introduction of the system,"Damn it, it really got big this time. How can the system and [Luoxue] be improved as well?""

"Ding, [Luoxue] can swallow other spiritual weapons and spiritual treasures and its quality will continue to improve."

"I'll do it! How could he possibly do this on his own? There is probably not a single spiritual weapon in Tianxuan Continent."Su Chen was very disappointed when he heard about the system, but after thinking about it, he was no longer depressed. I am afraid that he is the only one in Tianxuan Continent who has a spiritual weapon.

【Luoxue will be unique in Tianxuan Continent from now on. Maybe in other worlds, Luoxue can devour other spiritual weapons.

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