Su Chen looked at Donghuang Taiyi and put on the prepared human skin mask. He didn't pay attention to Donghuang Taiyi and rode towards the town.

He guessed that Donghuang Taiyi wanted to take revenge on him for harassing her on the road.

If he was in danger, Donghuang Taiyi would not save him.


As soon as Donghuang Tai saw Su Chen, she left without saying a word, which made her very angry.

When they came to Mobei, the Eastern Continent, the women Bai Ruobing told her to protect Su Chen, and it was impossible for her not to protect this bastard. ,

Donghuang Taiyi is no longer interested in Canglong Qisu. With the spiritual stone provided by Su Chen, the illusory treasure of Canglong Qisu is also dispensable to her. She will advance to the Golden Core realm in the future, but she still needs this bastard. The spiritual stone.

When Donghuang Taiyi saw Su Chen leaving, she gritted her teeth and ran after him. She even abandoned the horse she sat on.

Donghuang Taiyi couldn't let Su Chen leave her sight. What if? What happened to this bastard? I'm afraid those women in Gusu City will tear her apart.

In the small town,

Su Chen found that this small town was very lively after arriving. The people in this small town are now... There are a lot of them, including foreigners and Central Plains people, and there are a lot of Central Plains people here.

Su Chen found that each of these Central Plains people were armed. After looking at these people, he guessed that these people might be Eastern Continent people. Disciples of Baijia.

Su Chen got off his horse and walked into this small town.

The disciples of Baijia here saw Su Chen coming and ignored him. There are a lot of Jianghu people in this small town. There are many people here these days. Thousands of Jianghu people continue to pour into this small town, and their disciples from hundreds of schools of thought are accustomed to this.

"Huh? Are those people from the Mo family?"

Su Chen suddenly discovered Jing Ke, and there were dozens of people next to Jing Ke, which made Su Chen guess that the Mo family might also be interested in the Demon God of War this time. After all, the Mo family's mechanism skills are very powerful, and they are interested in the Demon God of Soldiers. It was understandable.

Su Chen looked at the various scholars around him and prepared to find a place to wait for the arrival of Donghuang Taiyi. However, before he had time to find a place to rest, a very burly man stood next to Su Chen. asked,

"Little brother, are you alone?"


Su Chen was very speechless when he saw this big man who was two heads taller than him.

This big man was probably 2.3 or 4 meters tall, which was much taller than a basketball player. Standing next to him, this big man made him feel very depressed..

Big Iron Hammer looked at Su Chen and said in a very loud voice,"Little brother, I am Big Iron Hammer, from the Yan country. Do you want to go to our Mo family to have a rest?""

"Are you from the Mo family?"

Su Chen was very surprised when he looked at Big Iron Hammer.

The Yan State had not been destroyed by Qin at this time. Big Iron Hammer was a general of Yan State. Why did this general of Yan State join the Mo family now?

"yes! Little brother, we giants want to meet you"

"Okay, I'll go meet you giants."

Su Chen also understood when he heard Big Iron Hammer.

He is now a master pretending to be a master. The Mo family's six-fingered black man must have seen through his strength.

It seems that the Mo family's giant wants to win him into the Mo family.

This is interesting. Now!

Su Chen also decided to sneak into the Mo family first.

He didn’t know where Loulan was anyway, and neither did the arrogant Donghuang Taiyi. Otherwise, Donghuang Taiyi wouldn’t have let him lead the army to look for Loulan.

Su Chen and When the big hammer came to the temporary resting place of the Mo family,

Su Chen looked at the people here and everyone in the Mo family, and then he stared at the two beautiful women. Su Chen guessed that these two beautiful women might be the doctor Duan Murong. There is also Jing Ke’s junior sister Gongsun Liji.

When the Mohist tycoon saw Su Chen arriving, he clasped his fists and said,"I'm the Mohist tycoon Six Finger Black Man, what's the name of your little brother?""

"My surname is Emperor, the Emperor of the Emperor, the name Jun, the handsome Jun."Su Chen also held his fist and said to the six-fingered black man,

Su Chen is trying to take advantage of Donghuang Taiyi. Emperor Jun of the demon clan and Donghuang Taiyi are brothers, and Dijun is also Donghuang Taiyi's brother.

Su Chen touched his chin I just thought, should I let Donghuang Taiyi call me brother in the future?

"Emperor Jun? This name is really domineering."When the six-fingered black man heard Su Chen's name, he guessed that it must be a fake name.

Is there anyone named Emperor in this world?

Emperor Jun?


This is a name that offends the emperor.

Are you seeking death by giving such a name?

The six-fingered black man looked at Su Chen and shook his head. He originally saw that this Jianghu man was a master and wanted to recruit him, but this Jianghu man was too arrogant and didn't know how he survived to this day. When the people of the Mo family heard After Su Chen's words, they all lowered their heads. They didn't want to get in touch with an arrogant Jianghu man, and they didn't want to be implicated by this arrogant Jianghu man.

Su Chen also discovered that these people were now unwilling to accept him. Well, he doesn't care about these people.

Su Chen is pretending to be a man who knows nothing about the world, and his appearance is a bit ugly. The Mo family should not drag him into the Mo family after hearing his name.

"What's the matter with the Mohist giant calling me here?"

"Forehead! It’s nothing, I just saw you arriving and wanted you to come to our place to have a rest."

"Thank you so much, Mr."Su Chen thanked the Six-fingered Black Man and went directly to sit down next to Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji. There were two beautiful and fragrant beauties here. Why would Su Chen sit with those stinky men? The Mo family saw

Su Chen Chen Chen sat next to Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji. They all stared at Su Chen with burning eyes. How could this ignorant and ugly bastard sit next to the two beauties from their Mo family?

They also wanted to sit there very much. It's just that they all know themselves, and the two beauties from the Mo family are not something they can offend.

But this bastard sat next to the two beauties from the Mo family, which made them very angry when they looked at

Su Chen. Su Chen was in Duanmu Rong and Gongsun Liji squeezed around and asked with a smile,"Beauties, what are your names? My name is Dijun."

Duan Murong wore a headscarf just like in the anime. Her cold face made people dare not get close to her, but her uneven figure made Su Chen nod her head. This Duan Murong is indeed a very popular beauty. Beauty

"You stay away from us."Duan Murong looked at Su Chen's playful smile and frowned and said coldly, she hates dishonest people very much.

This person casually struck up a conversation with her and Gongsun Liji, which made Duan Murong look at Su Chen and think he was a erotic

"Forehead? Why?"

Su Chen touched his nose and was very speechless. He just didn't want to be with those men. Was Duan Murong too cautious?

"We don't like sitting with men, you'd better leave."

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