Gongsun Liji was also not interested in this person who had arrived. She had seen this person looking at her and Duan Murong just now. She was very displeased with such an arrogant and lecherous person.

Su Chen didn't pay attention to the attitudes of Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji. He leaned on the chair and said casually,"Beauties, don't be so heartless. I was invited by your boss. Don't you all give your boss face?" ?"

"Juzi invites you to come. You can go to Juzi and the others. We are women, so you'd better leave us."When Duan Murong saw that this man didn't leave, he looked at Su Chen with a cold face and said,

Su Chen shook his head and refused,"No, there are some stinky men there, but the air here smells better."


Gongsun Liji frowned and said when she heard Su Chen's words,

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Su Chen looked at Gongsun Liji and nodded with a smile.

Su Chen didn't expect that Gongsun Liji was really very beautiful. Gongsun Liji was prettier than Duan Murong, and her white dress highlighted her perfect figure. , her beautiful face makes people can't bear to look away from her, and her weak look makes people unable to help but care for her.

No wonder King Qin Yingzheng directly snatched Gongsun Liji, and even treated Gongsun Liji a little bit when she was pregnant. She didn't care, and now she doesn't know whether Gongsun Liji and Jing Ke are husband and wife?

Gongsun Liji was a little angry when she saw this bastard looking at her.

She had never met anyone who dared to look at her so openly. Those in the past had Everyone was looking at her secretly, which made Gongsun Liji want to kill this bastard with a sword.

When she heard what this bastard said, she couldn't help but cursed,


"Huh? How do you know my nickname?"Su Chen touched his chin and looked at Gongsun Liji pretending to be surprised and said,

"shameless bastard!"

Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji were completely speechless at this shameless person. They both looked ugly and cursed at Su Chen in unison,

"I'll do it!"

Su Chen was very surprised when he heard Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji scolding him at the same time.

The two beauties actually scolded him the same way. His bastard and shameless nicknames cannot be removed. His women and confidante often scolded him like this. He, beauties have privileges.

Su Chen didn't mind the beauty scolding him like this, but Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji actually scolded him exactly the same way, which made Su Chen curious.

Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji also looked at each other. They didn't expect that they would scold him exactly the same way, or even scold this bastard at the same time, which made them somewhat embarrassed. After all, they didn't expect this, and they were not women like those shrews.

Su Chen was too lazy to talk to Duan Murong. and Gongsun Liji. When he saw the arrival of Donghuang Taiyi in a cloak, he got up and walked towards Donghuang Taiyi. Donghuang Taiyi was his future woman. Su Chen decided to accompany his woman.

Duanmurong and Gongsun Li Ji didn't expect Su Chen to leave.

They originally thought that this bastard would stay stubborn and refuse to leave. They were all ready to leave, but this bastard actually left without saying a word.

"This shameless bastard still knows himself"

"This man is too thick-skinned."

Others in the Mo family were very happy to see Su Chen leave.

They didn't want this arrogant person to stay in their Mo family, and even stay with the two beauties of their Mo family. As soon as

Donghuang Tai saw Su Chen's arrival, he sat on the stone He taunted,"What are you doing here? Aren't you going to continue teasing those two beauties?"

"Aren't I afraid that you will be lonely? Xihe, come and eat some food."Su Chen sat next to Donghuang Taiyi and took out some delicacies made by Changsun Wuchu from the system space.

There were many delicacies in his system space, including delicacies made by Changsun Wuchu, and pastries made by Hu Ji, the Hu girl. , Zi Nu’s brewed wine, Lin Shiyin and other women made some delicacies and pastries. He and Donghuang Taiyi couldn’t finish all these delicacies, pastries and wines in the system space even if they ate with Donghuang Taiyi for a month.

Donghuang Taiyi saw It was no surprise that Su Chen had such delicious food and wine. She also knew about Su Chen's ability, and she basically knew some of Su Chen's secrets.

Su Chen didn't hide anything from her.

This bastard was so stupid. She regarded her as his woman.

Donghuang Tai felt very embarrassed when he thought of what Bai Ruobing said before. She would never fall in love with anyone, but she was devoted to the Tao. It is commonly known that the love in the world did not interest her at all.

Su Chen After taking a sip of wine and looking at Donghuang Taiyi, he found that Donghuang Taiyi was now also a peak master.

It seemed that they really had a clear understanding of each other.

Su Chen smiled and said to Donghuang Taiyi,"Xihe, Your martial arts skills are also hidden"


Donghuang Tai nodded as soon as she ate the delicacies on the stone.

She didn't care about this bastard calling her by name. This bastard couldn't beat him and refused to listen to his scolding. She was helpless towards Su Chen. In the past half month She gradually got used to this bastard calling her by her name.

Su Chen looked at Donghuang Taiyi eating delicious food and said,"I'm afraid Loulan still needs the Qin Army to search for it. Just now I heard people here saying that the Qin Army I have captured a person who came out of Loulan. As long as this person is here, the Qin army will definitely pry open his mouth. I will notify the army to station around him soon."

"Well, let's just wait for Qin Jun to take us to Loulan, but it seems that you won't be able to get anywhere this time."

"I'll do it! Xihe, am I unhappy if you say this? You didn't bring anything with you in the desert. Didn't I provide you with water and food?"

"laugh! You only have these uses"

"Forget it, just be happy." Su Yan is very bored on the sea at this time.

He has been drifting on the sea for half a month and has not seen any sign of the Northern Continent. Zhen Mi said that it will take at least ten days to reach the Northern Continent.

Just when Su Yan was very bored,

Zhen Mi suddenly ran into the cabin and hurriedly shouted to Su Yan,

"Su Yan, it’s not good."

"What's wrong?"

"This time it broke down. This ship was not going from Qin to Yizhou of the Han Dynasty, but to Jingzhou of the Han Dynasty. We got on the wrong ship this time."

"What's this? Anyway, we are going to the Han Empire in the Northern Continent, as long as we can reach the Han Empire in the Northern Continent."

Su Yan thought her mother and aunts were chasing her.

It turned out that she was on the wrong ship.

Su Yan didn't care about going to the Han Empire. Anyway, she just wanted to visit various parts of the Han Empire, including Yizhou and Dao. It's the same in Jingzhou.

Zhen Mi pulled Su Yan and said nervously,

"Su Yan, the Han Empire in the Northern Continent is in great chaos. Didn't we hear that the Eighteenth Route Princes are going to attack Dong Zhuo in Luoyang? We'd be in trouble if we got into a war"

"ha! Isn't this better? When the time comes, we will also join in the fun. It should be a very big war for the eighteen princes to discuss, and I can't miss it."

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