Ji Ruxihe was about to faint when she heard Su Chen's words.

She had seen that girl Su Yan before.

That quirky little girl called her aunt when they first met. Although she had corrected that girl many times, Nothing has changed.

She didn't expect that girl would secretly go to the Northern Continent.

That girl was only six years old, no!

At the age of seven, a seven-year-old girl dared to run around. This time she even went to the Han Empire in the Northern Continent. Is that girl Su Yan going to defy heaven? Or does he want to compete with his father to see who has the better ability to cause trouble?

Ji Ruxihe looked at Su Chen and asked him,"Su Chen, what are you going to do? No matter what decision you make, I won't blame you."

Although Ji Ruxihe was worried that Su Chen would give up looking for Loulan, she was also worried about Su Yan. For that girl's safety, if this bastard gave up and left this time, she also planned to give up the treasures in Loulan. She would not let Su Chen risk going to the Han Empire in the Northern Continent.

Su Chen hugged Ji Ruxihe's waist and smiled and said,"No need."Xin, Yan'er has a shadow assassin protecting her. Besides, Concubine Yan and Jing Sala will send people to capture Yan'er and come back, so we don't have to worry." bump!

"Holy shit!"

Su Chen was kicked off the horse by Ji Ruxi and

"Shameless pervert!"

Ji Ruxi's face under the cloak was very red now.

She didn't expect this bastard to hug her directly, but she didn't kill this bastard, which made her confused.

"Xihe, you are so heartless!"

"Damn bastard, if you dare to touch me again, I will......I'll chop off your hands and feet"



Ten days later, in the desert, a huge team had gone deep into the desert, but Loulan was still not found. The water brought by the armies of various countries was about to be exhausted. If Loulan was not found, I am afraid that the troops here and the various schools of thought would not be able to find Loulan. Experts will start to die due to lack of water.

Su Chen was very speechless when he looked at Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji next to him.

"I said, why do you two keep following us? We are not in the same group, you should join your Mo family team."

A few days ago, after Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji were rescued by Su Chen due to a sandstorm, they were too lazy to stay here, eating Su Chen's delicacies and drinking Su Chen's water and wine. He left.

Gongsun Liji said unhappily after hearing Su Chen's words,"Shameless bastard, you should feel honored to have our two beauties accompanying you.""

"I'm honored to be tall. Duan

Murong smiled coldly at Su Chen and said,"Di Jun, we don't want to be with those people. You also know that those men are sweating, and the smell is very unpleasant.""

Duan Murong didn't know what was going on. She and Gongsun Liji didn't even feel the heat at Su Chen's place. Moreover, the delicious food and wine they had eaten and drank at Su Chen's place in the past few days also made them unwilling. Leave.

Su Chen shook his head when he heard Duan Murong's words.

He also knew the reason why the two of them did not leave.

Since entering the depths of the desert,

Ji Ruxi used the ice law fragments that Su Chen obtained from the system space. With Ji Ruxi of the Ice Law by his side, it's strange that Su Chen and Gongsun Liji can feel the heat.

And the food and wine he takes out from the system space every time, these two freeloaders are even more reluctant to leave. Now Half of his tent was occupied by Gongsun Liji and Duan Murong.

Su Chen patted Gongsun Liji on the shoulder. He pointed at Jing Ke who kept looking here and said,"Gongsun Liji, your senior brother has been secretly Look at you, if you stay any longer, I’m afraid your senior brother will come and kill me."

"You are so powerful, are you still afraid of my senior brother?"Gongsun Liji smiled and said nonchalantly.

When Su Chen heard Gongsun Liji's words, he said angrily,"It's him! I haven't done anything with you, but I'm going to have an unclear fight with my senior brother. Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"Shameless! You are a shameless pervert!"When Gongsun Liji heard Su Chen's words, her face turned red and she cursed,

"Thank you for the compliment! Duan

Murong looked at Jing Ke in the distance and shook her head.

Now she can't understand the relationship between Gongsun Liji and Jing Ke. In the past, the relationship between Gongsun Liji and Jing Ke could be said to be senior brothers or lovers.

But. In these few days, she found that the relationship between Gongsun Liji and this emperor Jun was getting better and better.

If it weren't for the ugly appearance of this emperor Jun, she even suspected that Gongsun Liji fell in love with this shameless bastard.

Ji Ruxi and No. Talking to Duan Murong and the others, they thought that she seldom spoke these days, and even when she spoke, she always used a hoarse male voice.

She had been practicing her Ice Law these days, and she still hadn't figured out what Su Chen would do. Such a treasure, a smooth and beautiful fragment, can allow her to instantly understand the law of ice. This makes Ji Ruxihe look at Su Chen very complicated.

There are many women in Su Chen, and there are even a few women who are more powerful than her. But why did this bastard give this treasure to herself? Is this bastard still obsessed with her?

Duan Murong looked at the huge team in front and sighed and said,

"well! Why can't Loulan be found yet? There have been casualties in the armies of various countries, and some people from various schools of thought have also died. If Loulan is not found again, I am afraid there will be even more casualties in the future."

Su Chen felt very helpless after taking a sip of wine.

He had been in the desert for more than ten days, but he still couldn't find any trace of Loulan.

He couldn't find anything with his mental power. There is nothing but desert here. Is Loulan here? He was not sure now.

Su Chen looked at the cold Duan Murong and said angrily,

"It's none of your business. When these armies and people from various schools of thought appear in the desert, they will face death sooner or later. Even if they don't die of thirst and heat in the desert, they will still die in future wars. Yours Worry is unnecessary"

"That's right. If Loulan is found, a war may break out."Duan Murong didn't pay attention to Su Chen's tone. She nodded and agreed with Su Chen's statement.

"There is an enemy attack, there is an enemy attack, be on guard!"

At this moment, the armies of various countries in front suddenly became chaotic.

Huge fish-like desert creatures suddenly appeared from the desert and attacked the armies of various countries and the people of various schools of thought.

After these creatures appeared , they Swallowing dozens of soldiers, those soldiers were eaten before they could even escape.

The front was now in chaos.

Although generals from various countries were gathering their armies to fight the desert creatures, the frightened armies of various countries were still Scatter around to avoid being attacked by desert creatures

"It's a dead fish, a dead fish in the desert. I didn't expect this kind of creature to actually exist. Xihe, the secret realm of Loulan is about to appear. You should stop practicing."

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