After Su Chen saw the desert creatures in front of the coalition forces, he hurriedly informed Ji Ruxihe that he knew what the desert creatures in front were.

The desert fish is a desert monster made of sand.

Even if it is scattered, the desert fish can regroup and reappear. Such undead creatures are very difficult to deal with.

Ji Ruxihe, Duan Murong, Gongsun Liji and others also saw the chaos of the coalition forces in front, and even troops were being killed continuously.

The coalition forces also had little effect after attacking the desert fish. The sand-like body of the desert fish was simply afraid of such a physical attack.

Ji Ruxihe looked at the desert fish that had been scattered and regrouped, and she asked doubtfully,"Is this a desert fish? How could there be such a creature in the desert? How to kill such a creature?""

"I don’t know, I’ve seen such a creature in an ancient journal before."Su Chen shook his head and said to Ji Ruxihe that he had also seen these desert fish in anime, and it seemed that Gai Nie was unable to deal with these desert fish. How could Su Chen know that these desert fish were going to kill him? How to kill?

"It's the eyes, Di Jun. Look, the eyes of the desert fish seem to be different. After the scattered desert fish reunited, the eyes of the desert fish seemed not as bright as before."

Su Chen and Ji Ruxi looked over when they heard Duan Murong's words.

On the battlefield ahead, dozens of desert fish have appeared.

The desert fish more than ten meters long are still devouring the troops of various countries and making chaos everywhere. The fleeing armies from various countries have suffered heavy casualties, and even the disciples of the powerful schools of thought have suffered heavy casualties.

After the desert fish scattered by the attack regrouped, their eyes seemed to be no longer as bright as before. It is bright, and even its body is not as huge as before. Is the weakness of the desert fish the eyes?

"Let's go tell them."Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji said to Su Chen and left in a hurry.

Ji Ruxihe looked at the dead fish in the desert and asked doubtfully,

"Is it the eyes?"

"should be."Su Chen nodded and replied to Ji Ruxihe,

"That Duan Murong observed very carefully."

"Duan Murong is a doctor after all. She is very sensitive to changes in the body of people or living things."

"Will your army encounter these desert fish later?"

"Probably not. The desert dead fish protects the entrance to the Loulan Secret Realm. These desert dead fish will not leave the entrance to the Loulan Secret Realm."

Su Chen rode on his horse and looked at the melee in front.

The armies of all countries could no longer gather together. Among the ragtag armies, only the Qin army was not in chaos. The ragtag armies of Chu and Qi were already frightened. I lost my courage.

Before the desert fish was destroyed, those mobs would not have the courage to fight the desert fish. After all, humans are very afraid of unknown creatures.


Didn't Han Fei expect to be here?

Han Fei actually fought with the desert fish. Confucianism has come together.

It seems that Han Fei was not caught and killed by King Qin Yingzheng after the fall of the Han Kingdom.

What about Princess Honglian?

Without Wei Zhuang and Zi Nu helping Princess Honglian, will Princess Honglian become a Chi Lian?"

Su Chen looked at Han Fei and didn't pay much attention to him. He was just a lost dog.

Although Han Fei had some talents, he would not use them for himself. He was an idealist and his goals would never be achieved..

Han Fei is no longer as handsome as before.

It seems that

Han Fei's personality has also changed after the Han Kingdom was destroyed.

At this moment, the Mohist giant Six-fingered Black Man had a conversation with the leaders of farmers, Confucians, and Taoists.

They all led their respective masters to attack the eyes of the Desert Dry Fish.

The army could no longer count on them.

If they did not want to end in vain this time, then they, the masters of hundreds of schools of thought, must go and destroy the Desert Dry Fish here. fish.

As dozens of masters and grand masters attacked the desert fish, the desert fish were scattered one by one and never reunited.

"Attack the eyes, attack the eyes of these desert fish, the eyes are the weak point of the desert fish"

"All attack the eyes of the desert fish"

"Da Qin archers are ready to shoot the dead fish in the eyes of the desert and let go!"

"They all attack the eyes of the desert fish, quickly!"

"It works, stop looking at it, Wei Wuzu, give me the eyes to attack the dead fish in the desert."

After the generals from all over the world saw that the desert fish were scattered by the masters of the hundreds of schools of thought, the desert fish did not gather anymore.

When they heard the shouts of the masters of the hundreds of schools of thought, they also gave orders one after another. Their respective legions began to attack the eyes of the desert fish.

Su Chen looked at the masters from various schools of thought and said to himself,

"The Six-fingered Black Man of Mohism, Jing Ke, Gao Jianli, Xu Fuzi"

"Farmer Sheng Qi, Wu Kuang, Tian Mi, Tian Hu, Sikong Wanli, and dwarf Zhu Jia"

"Confucian Han Fei, Zhang Liang, and a few people I don’t know"

"That person from Taoism should be Xiaoyaozi, and the remaining masters should also be masters from various schools of thought."

Ji Ruxihe looked aside when she heard Su Chen's words. That was where her Yin Yang family disciples were. She discovered the Yin Yang family when she arrived at the desert town, but she didn't care about the Yin Yang family who arrived. Everyone.

The less people know about Su Chen's here, the better. She doesn't want the news about Su Chen's here to be exposed.

Ji Ruxihe pointed in the direction of Yinyang's house and said to Su Chen,"Su Chen, and me The Yin Yang family is also here, but they did not appear on the battlefield. Da Siming, Shao Siming, and Shangui are also here with the masters of Wuling Xuantong."

"I know, I have discovered them a long time ago, Xihe, who is the mountain ghost of the Yin and Yang family?"

Su Chen also discovered the people of the Yin Yang family a long time ago.

Except for his woman, the people in the Yin Yang family are still outside Gusu City.

The imperial sister Da Siming, the three-no girl Shao Siming, and the mysterious mountain ghost all appeared. In the desert.

When Ji Ruxihe heard Su Chen's words, he sneered with an ugly face,"Hi! Asshole, you guess!"

This bastard is a shameless pervert.

Her beautiful elders of the Yin Yang family are almost taken over by this bastard. Concubine Yan, Moon God, and Emperor E are already in love with this bastard. Da Si Ming and their elders may not be able to escape in the future. In the hands of this bastard.

This bastard is going too far now.

The two male elders of the Yin Yang family, Yun Zhongjun and Shun Jun, were also killed by this bastard.

Now there are only female disciples left in the Yin Yang family. This bastard Could it be that he wants to treat the Yin Yang family as his harem?

"I'll do it!"

Su Chen looked at Ji Ruxihe and didn't know what her expression was now. Is Ji Ruxihe wearing a cloak jealous?

Su Chen shook his head and thought it was impossible.

Ji Ruxihe is not easy to win.

It has been almost a month. However, his relationship with Ji Ruxihe has not gone any further.

He just held Ji Ruxihe's hand and hugged Ji Ruxihe secretly, and he was severely beaten by Ji Ruxihe. There is still a long way to go to deal with Ji Ruxihe!

"Um? that is? Is that Xiao Li? Xiao Li appears, what about the dragon soul? Could it be that the dragon soul is in the hands of the Qin army?"

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