Su Chen suddenly discovered that a purple-haired alien girl suddenly appeared not far behind him and Ji Ruxi.

He had been paying attention to his surroundings, but he didn't notice where this alien girl appeared from. But after he looked at the alien girl carefully, he realized that this alien girl was the incarnation of the Nine Heavens Xuannv.

Xiao Li!

Su Chen is now becoming more and more curious about this world.

With the appearance of dead fish in the desert and Xiao Li changing his face with the tears of the goddess, were there really cultivators in this world thousands of years ago? Are there really cultivators in some secret realms?

"Um? When did that alien girl appear behind us? Why didn't I notice anything? Xiao Li? You know this alien girl."

Ji Ruxihe also noticed the foreign girl behind them after hearing Su Chen's words.

She didn't expect that someone would be following them, and she didn't notice it at all.

Su Chen looked at Xiao Li behind and shook his head and said," I don’t know Xihe, I’m afraid she’s not human.

Ji Ruxihe looked at Su Chen and said in shock,"What?" not human? This alien girl is a master, how could she not be human?"

Ji Ruxihe was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

When she looked at Xiao Li behind her, she looked like a human.

How could Su Chen say that this alien girl was not a human?

"Xihe, do you still remember the story I told you about the emperor and Chi You? Do you still remember the tears left by Jiutian Xuannv?"

"Remember, you are talking about the Tears of the Goddess?"

"Yes, this alien girl should be the incarnation of the tears of the goddess"

"How can this be? There are no gods or cultivators in this world anymore. How could this alien girl be the incarnation of the tears of the goddess? Is she a demon?"

"What a fart! It should be the backup left by Jiutian Xuannv. Thousands of years ago, there was spiritual energy in this world. I think Jiutian Xuannv should be a powerful woman. She may even be a cultivator. Jiutian Xuannv used her magic power to leave a It shouldn't be difficult to become a clone"

"That makes sense, but shouldn't we find out if we catch her and ask her?"

Ji Ruxihe nodded after hearing Su Chen's explanation, but she still didn't believe what Su Chen said. This girl is a master. No matter how she looks at it, she is a human. She still doesn't believe that this alien girl is not Humans.

Ji Ruxihe disappeared next to Su Chen in a flash.

Su Chen nodded after hearing Ji Ruxihe's words. He also wanted to know whether there are cultivators in this world. If there are cultivators in this world, how can it last for thousands of years? There has never been a legend about cultivators.

At this moment,

Xiao Li, the incarnation of Tears of the Goddess, was also uneasy.

She also saw Su Chen and Ji Ruxi and discovered her. She originally didn't want to get very close to these people, but the entrance to Loulan was already there. It was discovered, and the dragon soul was also brought by the traitors of Loulan.

There is a final war machine, the Demon God of War, in the secret realm of Loulan. This Demon God of War, made of fragments of stars from the sky, is very powerful.

If the Demon God of Soldiers is activated by the Dragon Soul Get up,

I'm afraid the whole world will suffer a disaster.

She can't let people activate the Demon God of War.

"Little girl, come with me for a walk!"Ji Ruxihe suddenly appeared next to Xiao Li, picked her up and flew towards Su Chen.

From the beginning to the end,

Xiao Li had no ability to resist in Ji Ruxihe's hands, so she was controlled by Ji Ruxihe and taken to Su Chen.

In Ji Ruxihe's hands When He and Xiao Li came to Su Chen's side,

Xiao Li resumed his actions and looked at Su Chen who was riding a horse and Ji Ruxihe who was wearing a black robe with a wary look on his face.

She was instantly cured by this black man just now. These two people is very powerful, she is no match for these two people

"What are you going to do?"

Xiao Li looked at Su Chen and Ji Ruxi and asked anxiously.

Su Chen smiled when he looked at this pure and beautiful Xiao Li.

This alien girl is quite beautiful. The purple alien clothes are on this girl's body. , which makes Xiaoli's figure even more prominent, and her pure and beautiful face with sadness makes people want to take care of her.

"Xiao Li!"

Xiao Li was very surprised when Su Chen called her name.

She didn't expect that this human being knew her existence, but how did this human being know her existence?

"How do you know my name?"

Su Chen touched his chin and smiled at Xiao Li and said,"The incarnation of the tears of the goddess, Xiao Li, am I right?"

"Who are you? Who are you?"When Xiao Li heard Su Chen talking about Tears of the Goddess, she hurriedly protected the necklace on her chest and looked at Su Chen warily and asked.

Ji Ruxi and now believed Su Chen's words.

This alien girl is indeed not a human being.

She Looking at Xiao Li, he felt unbelievable. How could this alien girl who was no different from a human being not a human?

Seeing Xiao Li's vigilant look, Su Chen smiled and said,"Xiao Li, we are not bad people, and we are no different from those in front of us." We are not in the same group. You can rest assured that we are not interested in Loulan and the Bing Demon God."

When Ji Ruxihe heard Su Chen's words, she couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth under her cloak.

This bastard simply lied without blinking an eye.

They were obviously here to seize the Demon God of War and obtain the treasures in Loulan, but this bastard actually deceived A little girl got up.


She is the incarnation of tears that deceived a goddess.

"Really?"Xiao Li relaxed a little when she heard Su Chen's words, but she still didn't believe what this ugly man said.

She had been following Su Chen for more than ten days, and she had some understanding of this ugly human being. This man is A lustful and shameless person.

Su Chen pointed at the army in front and pretended to be very angry and said,"Of course, didn't you see that we have been following the army in front? If there weren't hundreds of thousands of troops here, we would have driven everyone away long ago."

Xiao Li looked at Su Chen with clear eyes and shook his head and said,"But why don't I believe what you say? Where is the army behind in the desert? Those armies seem to be related to you. The woman in black who appeared earlier is related to the army behind."

Xiao Li followed Su Chen and saw many secrets.

Behind the army here, there was a huge army.

Those black-armored troops had been following the army here from a distance. A woman in black appeared earlier. Let her guess that the army behind should be related to this ugly man, or even his army.

Su Chen did not expect that Xiao Li would know so many things.

She even saw the appearance of the shadow assassin, which made Su Chen Chen's face looked a little embarrassed,

Su Chen pretended to cough and said hurriedly,"Cough! That's just in case. As you can see, there are not only hundreds of thousands of troops from various countries in front of me, but also many masters from various schools of thought. If I don't come with an army, I'm afraid I will be killed by the people here. dead"

"Is it really?"

"Really, I swear!"

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