Although Su Chen felt a little sorry for deceiving this innocent Xiao Li, he would not just watch the Demon God of War being taken away by the nations here.

If a country in the Eastern Continent obtains the Demon God of War, it may be much more difficult for him to conquer the Eastern Continent in the future, and the army may even suffer huge casualties.

These are not what Su Chen wants to see.

Xiao Li's eyes flashed and he threatened Su Chen,"I trust you for the time being. If you deceive me, the goddess will not let you go."

Su Chen smiled when he heard Xiao Li's words,

Jiutian Xuan The woman was either dead or went to a higher world.

Su Chen didn't care at all about Xiao Li's lies and threats.

Ji Ruxihe also discovered Xiao Li's lies. She now sympathized with this simple Xiao Li. When Xiao Li met the bastard Su Chen, he was afraid that he had been deceived and had to help this bastard count the money.

When Su Chen saw the various schools of thought and the army killing the desert fish, he reminded him,"Huh? All the desert fish have been killed. It seems that the entrance to the Loulan Secret Realm is about to be found."

Xiao Li crossed his arms with his chest. He said angrily,"It's not that easy. There are many mechanisms at the entrance to Loulan Secret Realm. If the humans here don't have mechanism masters, then they won't even think about entering for months.""

"Xiaoli, there are Mo family and Gongshu family here, Loulan's mechanism should not be difficult for them to crack."

"Even if Loulan's mechanism is cracked, there are more than 100,000 troops in Loulan's secret realm. It is not easy for the troops here to break through Loulan's city."

"Holy shit! There are more than 100,000 troops in Loulan? You won't lie to me, will you?"

"It's true. There are hundreds of thousands of people in Loulan Secret Realm. Is it impossible to have more than 100,000 troops?"

Su Chen was very confused when he heard Xiao Li's words.

In the anime, there are only a few thousand people in Loulan. How come there are hundreds of thousands of people in the world of mixed martial arts?

The secret realm of Loulan is so big that it can bring hundreds of thousands of people to it. Survive?

Does he not believe Xiao Li?

How big is a Loulan secret realm?

The survival of hundreds of thousands of people must be at least as big as a county. Can Loulan have a county?

In the evening, the armies of various countries and Hundreds of schools of thought have settled here, and people from the Mohist family and the Gongshu family are checking the mechanisms inside at the entrance of a huge desert cave. At this moment in the Northern Continent,

Su Yan and Zhen Mi have arrived at the Han Empire in the Northern Continent. After they got off the boat in Jingzhou, they came to Xiangyang City.

Su Yan walked on the streets of Xiangyang City and looked around. However, there were many beggars on the street. Su Yan frowned and said,"Zhen Mi, you guys from the Northern Continent are really It's such a depression. There are so many beggars in such a big city of Xiangyang. I'm afraid there are even more beggars in other cities."

Zhen Mi was also very surprised by so many beggars in Xiangyang City.

During her time in Gusu City, she had not seen many beggars. The Han Empire in the Northern Continent and the Xuantian Empire in the Southern Continent are really very different. Yes.

Zhen Mi thought about it and said to Su Yan,

"Su Yan, in recent years, either the Yellow Turbans have rebelled, or various princes have annexed each other. The Han Empire has completely declined."

"By the way, is there anything interesting in Xiangyang City? If not, we should rush to Zaoxian County as soon as possible. All the princes from the Eighteenth Road should be rushing there. We can't go too late."

"I've never been to Xiangyang. Su Yan, let's go to Yizhou. The eighteen princes are meeting in Zaoxian. It will become a battlefield. We'd better not go there. It's too dangerous."

"No, with me protecting you, what are you afraid of?"

Su Yan shook her head and refused.

She wanted to see some of the wars of the Han Empire in the Northern Continent. Her father would definitely send out troops to conquer the Northern Continent in the future. This time she wanted to understand the situation of the various princes in the Northern Continent first.

That's it. At this time, a plump beauty appeared beside Su Yan and Zhen Mi with some maids and guards.

The plump beauty looked at Su Yan and smiled and said,"Little girl, you are going to the Eighteenth Route Princes." Zaoxian County of Huimeng? It's very dangerous there now, so you'd better not go there."

This plump beauty belongs to the Cai family of the two big families in Xiangyang.

She is also the biological sister of the current head of the Cai family,

Cai Yu! She is also the wife of Liu Biao, the future governor of Jingzhou, but she has not yet married Liu Biao.

She was just now Hearing the conversation between two beauties, one older and one younger, on the way,

Cai Yu could see that these two women were of extraordinary background, especially the little beauty.

Not only was this little beauty dressed very luxuriously, but she also had a The lady next to her treated this little beauty like a maid, and she always talked about this little beauty.

After thinking about it, Cai Yu never thought that there would be such a beautiful little beauty with extraordinary temperament in that family. She is She wanted to make acquaintance with this little beauty who was full of nobility. This little beauty had an extraordinary background, and her family must also be a wealthy family. She also wanted to rely on this little beauty to reject her upcoming marriage with Liu Biao.

Cai Yu didn't want to marry. For a troubled old man, she can't make the decision for her future now, but she can rely on external forces. As long as this little beauty's family is powerful enough, she believes that her brother will not dare to force her to marry that Liu Biao.

Su Yan did not expect that anyone would listen. When it came to their conversation, she looked at a beautiful woman next to her and asked displeasedly, frowning,

"Um? Who are you?"

"Cai Yu of the Cai family in Jingzhou."

Cai Yu's eyelids twitched when she looked at Su Yan.

She didn't expect that this little beauty could act so coercively, which made her even more suspicious that this little beauty had an extraordinary background.

Zhen Mi was surprised when she heard Cai Yu's words. Asked,"You mean the sister of Cai Mao, a wealthy family in Jingzhou?""


Cai Yu looked at Zhen Mi and nodded.

She didn't expect that this beauty would have heard of her. Could it be that their family had contact with her brother Cai Mao?

"Cai Yu? Are you the wife of Liu Biao, the governor of Jingzhou?"

Su Yan also remembered who this beautiful woman was.

Her father had told her some things about the Han Empire. She remembered all of them: One Lu, Two Zhao, Three Dian, Wei, Four Passes, Five Horses, Six Zhang Fei.

And Liu Biao's little wife Cai Yu's father also said that Cai Yu had a relative named Huang Yueying. Huang Yueying was a very talented woman. His father also admired Huang Yueying very much. Su

Yan rolled his eyes and decided to get rid of Cai Yu.

Cai Yu did not expect this. The little beauty actually knew that she was going to marry Liu Biao. Her brother had just mentioned these things yesterday and hadn't even mentioned them to Liu Biao yet. How did the little beauty know?

"No, I am not Liu Zhoumu’s wife yet, but my brother is planning to marry me to Liu Biao. Su

Yan looked at Cai Yu and shook his head and said regretfully,"That's such a pity. A beautiful woman is going to marry an old man.""

"Has the lady just arrived in Jingzhou? Why don't you go to my house and take a rest."Cai Yu also had a hard time hearing Su Yan's words.

Why would she want to marry an old man who had suffered a lot?

But for the sake of the family, what could she do? She now hopes that this little beauty will have a noble birth, even if it affects her brother's decision.

"Okay, let's go sit at your house"

"Miss please!"

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