Cai Mansion in Xiangyang is the most luxurious residence in Xiangyang City. Even the residence of Liu Biao, the newly appointed governor of the state, is not as luxurious as Cai Mansion.

The heritage of the Cai family, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, is still very strong. The Cai family and the Kuai family firmly control the nine counties of Jingzhou. Even Liu Biao's arrival depends on the support of the Cai family and the Kuai family.

Without the support of the Cai family and the Kuai family, ,

Liu Biao was also a state pastor without rights in Jingzhou.

In a luxurious room in Cai's mansion,

Su Yan, Zhen Mi and Cai Yu were sitting here drinking tea and talking.

Su Yan also saw that Cai Yu didn't want to marry that old man Liu Biao, and it was very likely that Cai Yu wanted to take advantage of her. to help her get rid of the fate of marriage, otherwise Cai Yu would not have been trying to find out her identity in a roundabout way during the conversation.

Su Yan looked at Cai Yu and smiled and said,"Miss Cai, you don't need to inquire about my identity. Let me ask you directly. Do you want to get rid of the fate of marriage?"

"think! Can Miss Yan help me?"Cai Yu nodded hurriedly when she heard Su Yan's words.

Now she could see that this young lady named Yan was going to help her.

This made Cai Yu very happy, although she didn't know if this little beauty could help her. , but this was an opportunity. Even if it didn't succeed, at least she had tried it.

Su Yan ignored Zhen Mi's wink and continued,"Okay, but I have to wait until you call your brother over."

"Okay, I'll call my brother over right now."Cai Yu smiled at Su Yan and hurried out.

She also saw Zhen Mi's reaction just now, but she didn't dare to delay for a moment. If this little beauty goes back on her word, she will have to face a lot of trouble in the future. He's an old man.

When Zhen Mi saw Cai Yu coming out and hurriedly came to Su Yan, she said anxiously to Su Yan,

"Su Yan, what on earth are you going to do? Are these things within your control? This is the Han Empire in the Northern Continent, not the Southern Continent, nor the Western Continent, nor even the Eastern Continent. Your father's army does not exist here. What should you do if something happens to you?"

Su Yan took a sip of tea and said with a smile,"Who said there is no army of my father in the Northern Continent?"

"There is also your father's army in the Northern Continent? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"hehe! You are not my father’s woman, so why do you know? A legion of my father's 600,000 troops has come to the Northern Continent. Your father knows this. My father's army landed in Yizhou. Do you understand?"

Zhen Mi was very shocked when she heard Su Yan's words,"A legion? Don’t the four major legions have their own combat missions? And my father also knows? A legion landed in Yizhou? How come I don’t know this?"

Su Yan looked at Zhen Mi and smiled mysteriously and said,

"It's the Tenglong Combat Legion. This is the fifth legion formed by my father years ago. The commander of the legion is Gai Nie."

"And your father has taken refuge with my father, and she sold you. You will become my aunt in the future."


"this........"Zhen Mi was stunned when she heard Su Yan's words. No wonder his father never let her go home. It turned out to be like this! So she will definitely be Su Yan's father's concubine in the future?

At this moment,

Cai Yu was talking to Cai Mao about Su Yan. Cai Yu even exaggerated to say that Su Yan was a very, very noble person in order for Cai Mao to come to see Su Yan.

After hearing Cai Yu's words, Cai Mao asked doubtfully,"Is that little girl really a very noble person?"


Cai Yu nodded quickly and replied.

Cai Mao looked at Cai Yu and shook his head.

He could see it now.

Cai Yu didn't want to marry Liu Biao.

She didn't know where she found a rich family this time. Nu Lai had to convince himself, but for the benefit of the family, her sister had to marry Liu Biao, the governor of the state. He had already discussed this matter with the Kuai family. If the two powerful families in Jingzhou wanted to continue to control Jingzhou, they had to They have to rely on one person. Although the state pastor Liu Biao has no power, he is a royal family. Liu Biao has a royal status on the surface, and they can continue to control Jingzhou privately.

"Since that little girl is a very noble person, why is there no guard around her?"

"She dares to run around with a beautiful woman. She is probably just a little girl who ran away from home. Even if this little girl is very noble, is she as noble as the princess of the Han Empire?"

"The princess of the Han Dynasty is nothing now, so you should make good preparations for your marriage with Liu Biao."

Cai Yu also thought it was possible after hearing what Cai Mao said, but when she thought of Su Yan's momentum, she begged Cai Mao again,"Brother, please go and meet that Miss Yan. What if her identity is not simple? This will also take you a little time, but it will not cause any loss to you."

Cai Mao thought for a while and decided to go see the little girl. Anyway, this won't delay much time. If the little girl is really tested by him, this will make Cai Yu completely give up.

"That's it! Okay, I'll let you meet that Miss Yan"

"Thank you brother!"

In the luxurious room where Su Yan is,

Zhen Mi keeps her head down and doesn't know what she's thinking. Su Yan shakes her feet and doesn't answer Zhen Mi.

She doesn't dare to harass Zhen Mi now, in case Zhen Mi gets angry and makes her angry. Called Aunt Zhen Mi, wouldn't she be in a big loss?

Su Yan still needs to train Zhen Mi more. Su Yan, this beautiful and gentle beauty, wants to continue to play tricks on her. At least for a while in the Northern Continent, she will not give up. Playing tricks on her.

At this time,

Cai Yu also came to the room with Cai Mao.

Cai Yu quickly introduced Su Yan with Cai Mao,"Miss Yan, this is my brother Cai Mao!"

Su Yan looked at Cai Mao and shook his head. Cai Mao was also very average-looking. He was just an ordinary middle-aged man who was not handsome at all."Cai Mao, it turns out that you are also average-looking, and your sister is the same. Pretty."

Cai Mao smiled when he heard Su Yan's words.

He was also curious about this little girl with extraordinary temperament. This noble little girl looked like she was no ordinary person at first glance, but what kind of temperament could a family in the Han Empire cultivate? A noble girl?

Cai Mao looked at Su Yan and said with a smile,"Miss Yan is joking. I wonder which family Miss Yan comes from?""

"Su Family, Gusu City, Southern Continent"

"The Su family in Gusu City, Southern Continent?"

Cai Mao didn't expect that Miss Yan actually came from the Southern Continent, the Su family in Gusu City?

Gusu City is the imperial city of the Xuantian Empire, and he knew that the Xuantian Empire was established years ago.

Moreover, the Xuantian Empire is part of the Tianxuan Continent. The most powerful empire in the world, an empire rules the southern and western continents. The empire has millions of troops. The Xuantian Empire is not as powerful as the Han Empire. The

Su family in Gusu City?

Miss Yan?

Su Yan?

Su Yan!

Princess Su Yan of Changle!


Cai Mao thought that this little girl turned out to be Princess Changle of the Xuantian Empire.

This frightened him and he hurriedly knelt down to Su Yan.

"Cai Mao meets Her Royal Highness Princess Changle!"

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