The high priest dodged and carried Yan Dan back to Su Chen. She pointed at Su Chen angrily and yelled at Yan Dan,"Yan Dan, when will I have sex with this bastard again? You are such a shameless villain. Damn it."

Su Chen's face turned green when he heard the high priest's words. He didn't expect that the high priest would be very angry because of this, but was he really that bad? He didn't like the high priest, a stupid woman.

Su Chen directly grabbed the high priest's arm and said angrily,"What the hell, high priest, what do you mean? Although you haven't had an affair with me, don't look down on me like this?"

"Let go, you bastard, don't touch me."When the high priest saw that Su Chen dared to hold her arm, he tried to throw it away angrily.

Su Chen held the high priest's arm tightly and said with a smile,"I'll do it! What happened if I just touched you?"

"you wanna die!"


Just when the high priest was about to attack Su Chen,

Su Chen hit the high priest's PG with a palm.

"You really need to clean up!"

The high priest was stunned for a moment.

She didn't expect that this bastard would dare to hit her, and also beat her in front of hundreds of martial arts masters.

This made the high priest so embarrassed and angry that he grabbed Su Chen and wanted to kill this bastard. ,

"Ah, bastard, I'll fight you!"

"Be honest."Su Chen quickly clicked on the high priest's acupuncture points and patted her back.

Loulan's grand master and grand master didn't know what to do when they saw the look of Su Chen and the high priest. They looked at each other. They didn't know whether they should take action to save the high priest. What happened just now made them unclear about the relationship between the high priest and Su Chen.

People from various schools of thought also looked at Su Chen and the high priest in stunned silence.

What happened to him? That's too bloody.

They came to rob the Demon God of War, not to see some lovemaking.

"Shameless pervert!"

"shameless bastard!"

Gongsun Liji and Duan Murong looked at Su Chen's treatment of the high priest and cursed with red faces.

They didn't expect that Su Chen had not seen each other for a long time, and this bastard had an affair with the high priest of Loulan. This bastard was a Shameless pervert, a bastard who can't walk when he sees a beautiful girl.

The high priest looked at Su Chen in confusion.

She didn't expect that this bastard actually tapped her acupuncture point.

A majestic grand master with no ability to resist at all. She was restrained. Although she was not prepared for this bastard, so she had her acupuncture points tapped, but was this bastard too quick?


Su Chen looked at the unconscious Yan Dan and stepped on his arm. , Yan Dan woke up instantly from the pain of being trampled off her arm.

"Ahhhhhhh......Bastard, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to exterminate your whole clan"

"You're just a loser. If I kill you, my hands will be dirty."

Su Chen looked at Yan Dan who didn't look like a human or a ghost and ordered with disdain,"Goddess Priest, kill this shameless villain for me."

More than a dozen goddess priests were stunned when they heard Su Chen's words.

Are they subordinates of this ugly man?

They goddess priests looked at each other and didn't know whether they should obey this man's orders.

Su Chen saw The goddess priests nearby did not obey his orders, which made Su Chen cough awkwardly and said,"Cough! High Priest, your subordinates are not very obedient!"

"The bastard unlocks my hole!"The high priest was speechless when he heard Su Chen's words. How could her men obey this bastard's order? This bastard is really very thick-skinned.

"As promised, unlock your acupuncture points and you can’t attack me again."

"Unlock my holes!"

"OK OK!"

"I'll do it!"

As soon as Su Chen untied the high priest's acupuncture points, he saw the high priest attacking him with a punch. Su Chen hurriedly dodged and disappeared.


At this time, the six-fingered black man suddenly attacked the high priest, The high priest hurriedly stretched out his hand to block the attack of the six-fingered black man.

But she found that this was just a feint attack by the six-fingered black man.

The six-fingered black man actually rescued Yan Dan.

This made the high priest very angry.

"Damn it, kill these Central Plains people for me."

When the masters of Loulan heard the high priest's order, they rushed towards the masters of Zhuzibaijia one by one with weapons, and a melee began.

But as soon as they came into contact, the cultivation realms of Zhuzibaijia and Loulan were low. People were killed one after another, and in an instant there were more than ten corpses lying on the ground.

Bang! Boom!

There was chaos everywhere in the priest's palace. All the great masters and master masters found their opponents, but there was no one where they were fighting. Dare to approach

"If Yan Dan is left behind, Yan Dan must die."The high priest caught up with the six-fingered black man and waved his staff to attack the six-fingered black man.


The six-fingered black man used his black eyebrows to block the high priest's attack and said with an ugly face,"High priest, don't be obsessed with it. After a while, When the coalition forces from various countries arrive, you cannot be an opponent of a huge army."

The six-fingered black man has no choice now. The high priest's level of strength is the same as his, but he still has to protect this useless Yan Dan, which makes him unable to let go of his hands and feet to fight the high priest.

The high priest jumped up He stood in front of the six-fingered black man and said expressionlessly,"Whether he is an opponent or not is a matter for the future. Yan Dan must die, and you will die if you don't hand over Yan Dan."

She now regrets taking action against Su Chen.

If she hadn't suddenly taken action against Su Chen, the Six-Fingered Black Man would never have been able to rescue Yan Dan. With her and Su Chen here, no matter how powerful the Six-Fingered Black Man was, It is impossible to rescue Yan Dan

"Fight, fight, it's best if we all die together."Su Chen appeared on the throne again, sat down and watched the battle and muttered to himself.

Xiao Li, who was beside Su Chen, pointed to Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji and said hurriedly,"Sir, Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji may have something to do with each other. Dangerous"

"Life and death are determined by fate, so we don't need to worry about them. Since they are involved in this matter, whether they live or die depends on their fate."

Su Chen also saw the situation of Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji, but Su Chen didn't care about their safety.

Jing Ke and Mei Sanniang from the Armored Sect were both nearby. Even if Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji were in danger, there would be someone else. I will save them. If they are accidentally killed, I can only blame them for their bad luck.

"Huh? Why did the people from the Yin Yang family arrive now? Where is Ji Ruxihe? Hasn't that woman found the treasure she needs?"

Su Chen suddenly discovered that people from the Yin Yang family appeared in the palace, but they did not take action.

The people from the Yin Yang family stood in the corner of the palace and looked at themselves.

Su Chen guessed that Ji Ruxihe told the people from the Yin Yang family that he was there. Regarding the matter here, the masters of the Yin and Yang family may have come to protect him this time.

The fighting in the palace became more and more intense, and people fell down every moment, including masters from various schools of thought and masters from Loulan. They were constantly being killed.

After a quarter of an hour of fighting, hundreds of masters in the palace had already killed dozens of people, and the remaining people were more or less injured. However, before the battle was decided, the fighting here was It's impossible to stop.

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