In the city of Loulan, the coalition forces of various countries are still massacring the people of Loulan. This time the coalition forces suffered heavy losses, and these Loulan people have to pay the price.

Moreover, Loulan is far away from the Central Plains. If the Loulan people are not completely eliminated this time, there will be no chance to come here again in the future.

On the battlefield of the Qin army's massacre,

Meng Tian watched expressionlessly as the Qin army massacred the people of Loulan.

This time, he was very angry.

Among the 100,000 Qin soldiers, 30,000 or 40,000 were killed outside the city wall. Those were those he trained with his own hands. The elite troops that came out, even if the people in Loulan City were buried with him, they couldn't save his dead army.

A deputy general of the Qin Army hurriedly came to Meng Tian and saluted,"General, there is a battle going on in the priest's palace. The masters of various schools of thought and Loulan are fighting each other. Should we send troops there?"

Meng Tian waved his hand. He stopped and said,"No, we don't need to worry about the battle between the various schools of thought and Loulan's masters. We should allocate some troops to find the Demon God of Soldiers. The Demon God of Soldiers must be hiding in a secret place in Loulan. We must find it first.""

"Yes, General!"

"The Xuantian Empire’s army hasn’t arrived yet? Does the Xuantian Empire not care about the Demon God of War at all?

Meng Tian frowned when he saw the deputy general leaving and thought,

Loulan has been captured, but why hasn't the Xuantian Empire's army arrived yet?

Meng Tian initially thought that the Xuantian Empire's army wanted to watch the six nations fight each other before reappearing, but Loulan had already been occupied by them. Why was there no sign of the Xuantian Empire's army yet?

The scout's investigation is impossible to make mistakes, so does the Xuantian Empire really not care about this war machine demon?

"Someone come!"


"Send people to monitor the armies of the other five countries. If there is any change in the armies of the other five countries, immediately report to me."

"Yes, General!"

Meng Tian looked in the direction of the armies of the other five countries and said to himself,"Since the Xuantian Empire is not interested in the Demon God of War, there is no use keeping the armies of the other five countries. It seems that the five countries must be destroyed first. army."

In the priest's palace, the fighting has temporarily stopped.

However, the originally crowded priest's palace is now much empty. There are now less than fifty people left among the hundreds of martial arts masters, and both the grand master and the master master are human. Everyone was injured.

A great master died here in Loulan, and the remaining three great masters were also seriously injured. All the masters except the twelve goddess priests were dead. There are only fifteen masters left in Loulan. , plus there are only sixteen high priests. If the twelve goddess priests had not used formations to fight, I am afraid even the twelve goddess priests would have died.

And the casualties of the various schools of thought this time were also very heavy, and the great master was only The ranger died, but he died together with the Grand Master of Loulan.

The Grand Masters and the others also lost a lot. The innate masters below the Grand Master were basically all dead, and a few of them were able to survive under the protection of others. , including Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji, but their situation is not very good.

The masters of various schools of thought also stopped fighting when they saw the arrival of the Yin and Yang family. They did not want to take advantage of the Yin and Yang family in the end. These people.


The high priest dragged Yan Dan, who was unconscious again, to Su Chen,"I snatched Yan Dan back for you."

Su Chen looked at Yan Dan who was glaring at him, shook his head and said to the high priest,"Kill him! Why did you bring him here? The high priest wiped the sweat from her forehead and shouted to Su Chen,"Asshole, Yan Dan was thrown away from my hand, so of course I have to bring it back to you.""

"Goddess Priest, can you now obey my order and kill Yan Dan?"


"Then let the goddess priest kill Yan Dan. Yan

Dan, who was pretending to be unconscious, was frightened when he heard the conversation between Su Chen and the high priest and begged for mercy,"No!" Don't kill me. I don't want to die. I can give you gold and martial arts secrets. Please don't kill me."

"Goddess Priest, kill this eyesore for me."


"You dare!"

When the Six-fingered Black Man saw that Yan Dan was about to be killed, he hurriedly took action to save Yan Dan.

Yan Dan cannot die.

He has invested so much in Yan Dan over the years and has not seen the return yet. If Yan Dan dies like this Well, he has wasted so many years of investment in resources and secret layout.


The high priest waved his scepter and blocked the Six-fingered Black Man's black eyebrow attack and said,"Six-fingered Black Man, you are of equal strength. Yan Dan, you are the savior." Not leaving"

"Damn it! You all deserve to die!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The six-fingered black man desperately attacked the high priest with his black eyebrows in his hand. The high priest was defeated by the six-fingered black man for a while. Su Chen looked at the Yin-Yang family's Chief

Siming and made a gesture.

Ming rolled her eyes at Su Chen when she saw it. She gathered her skills and prepared to attack the Six-fingered Black Man at any time. This time she needed one of the forbidden spells of the Yin-Yang family, the Six-Soul Terror Curse, to give the Six-Fingered Black Man a fatal blow.


Su Chen looked at Yan Dan who was tightly controlled by the goddess priest and ordered,



A goddess priest cut off Yan Dan's head with a single blow, while Yan Dan stared into the air with his big eyes open.

"ah! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you.......puff!"Just when the Six-fingered Black Man saw Yan Dan being killed and went crazy,

Siming, the great master of the Yin-Yang family, suddenly took action.

She gathered the power of the Six Soul Terror Curse and directly attacked the Six-Fingered Black Man's back.


"Damn it, the Yin Yang family actually attacked the giant"

"Giant! Juzi, how are you?"

"Duan Murong, come and see the giant!"

The people of the Mo family saw the giant Six-fingered Black Man being attacked by the Great Siming of the Yin-Yang Family.

They hurriedly surrounded the Six-Fingered Black Man one by one to guard against the high priest and the Great Siming of the Yin-Yang Family. They were worried that these two women would take advantage of the opportunity. Attack the giant six-fingered black man again

"Why do you want to help me?"High Priest Loulan did not take the opportunity to kill the Six-fingered Black Man. She looked at the Yin-Yang Family's Chief Siming and asked with a frown.

The Yin-Yang Family's Chief Siming looked at Su Chen and smiled and said,

"Go ask that person?"

"Are you that bastard's subordinate?"The high priest of Loulan looked puzzled when he heard the words of the Yin Yang family's chief commander.

She didn't expect that this powerful woman was also related to that bastard, and was even his subordinate. This made the high priest look at Su Chen. The bastard seemed more and more mysterious.

Da Siming looked at the High Priest of Loulan and reminded him,"You can also say, High Priest, I'm warning you not to get involved with that bastard, otherwise you will suffer in the future."

"Are you threatening me?"The high priest of Loulan squinted his eyes and asked displeasedly after hearing the words of the Yin-Yang family's chief commander.

The chief priest didn't care about the high priest's attitude."Whether it's a threat or an advice, it depends on how you understand it."

"I am not threatened, and you cannot threaten me."The high priest clenched his fist and stared at Da Siming. She felt that this woman seemed to have misunderstood something, but she didn't need to explain. She had nothing to do with that bastard.

"Yeah? Your strength is too low. The strength of the Grand Master at his peak is probably inconspicuous among that bastard woman. Just take care of yourself."

"I'm not that shameless bastard woman!"

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