The high priest of Loulan is very angry now.

What is the origin of this Central Plains woman?

How could she think she was that bastard woman?

And is that bastard woman very powerful?

The strength of Xiao Li next to that bastard is not very good. Xiao Li, who is in the realm of Grandmaster cultivation, can be considered powerful?

At this moment, the leaders and masters of the hundreds of schools of thought saw the great commander of the Yin-Yang family surprise attack on the six-fingered black man of the Mo family, and they all guarded against the Yin-Yang family.

There are three great masters from the Yin-Yang family.

If the Yin-Yang family cooperates with the high priest of Loulan, I am afraid that all the people from hundreds of families who come this time will be wiped out in one fell swoop.

Farmer Tian Guang, Taoist Xiaoyaozi, and a great Confucian master looked at each other and hurriedly gathered with their disciples. They were ready to unite to defend against the masters of the Yin Yang family and Loulan.

"Juzi, how are you? Miss Duanmu, how is the giant?"Master Xu saw the six-fingered black man's face pale and his mouth constantly vomiting blood, so he hurriedly asked Duan Murong,

"Juzi is fine, he just suffered some internal injuries. This time, Juzi was so angry that he passed out. He will wake up after a while."

"That’s good!"

Master Xu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Duan Murong's words.

In the Mo family, only the Six-fingered Black Man is the grand master. If the Six-fingered Black Man is killed this time, the Mo family will be completely destroyed.

Datie next to him Zhui hammered the ground angrily and shouted loudly,"Yin Yang family, we can't let them go. The people of Yin Yang family dare to sneak attack the giant. This is a declaration of war against our Mo family."

Gao Jianli grabbed the big hammer and said hurriedly,"Big hammer, don't mess around. The Yin and Yang family is now powerful and we can't afford to provoke it."

When Big Iron Hammer heard Gao Jianli's words, he looked at Su Chen on the high platform. He was very angry with that ugly man Su Chen. Yan Dan is the prince of the Yan Kingdom, and their Yan Kingdom needs Yan Dan to lead the rise.

Now Yan Dan If he is killed, the Yan Kingdom will have no chance to rise in the future.

Big Iron Hammer is determined to kill Su Chen

"Then we will kill that man. He ordered the death of Yan Dan. Yan Dan is not only the prince of the Yan Kingdom, but also the disciple of the giant. We cannot let that bastard go."

"kill! That bastard Di Jun must be killed"

"Yeah, we can't let that bastard go"

"But that bastard has an unclear relationship with the high priest of Loulan. If we want to kill him, I'm afraid the Loulan people will stop us."

"yes! The high priest of Loulan will definitely protect that bastard. The high priest is a grand master. None of us are the opponent of the high priest of Loulan."

The people of the Mo family started talking after hearing Big Iron Hammer's words. They all agreed to kill Su Chen, but they were worried that the masters in Loulan would protect Su Chen, which made them not know what to do for a moment.

Duan Murong Gongsun Liji and others don’t know what to do now. They have no objection to Su Chen killing Yan Dan, but the anger of everyone in the Mo family cannot be controlled by these two weak women. On the high platform,

Su Chen looked at the people of the Mo family He shook his head.

He had heard everything the Mo family said.

Su Chen was not worried about the Mo family coming to kill him. If the Mo family wanted to die early, he would not mind giving them a ride.

"Xiao Li, did the high priest tell you where the Demon God of War is?"

"told me"

"Then let's destroy the Demon God of War first. There's nothing to see here."


Su Chen doesn't plan to spend any more time here. The Yin-Yang family is here in the priest's palace, and Loulan's masters are cooperating with the Yin-Yang family. Even if all the families are not completely wiped out this time, they will be killed and only a few people will be left.

"let's go!"

Su Chen took Xiao Li and prepared to go to the secret room behind the palace to destroy the Demon God of War. When he left, Su Chen passed a secret message to the mountain ghosts of the Yin and Yang family.

Duan Murong and Gongsun Liji were their friends.

Su Chen believed that the mountain ghosts of the Yin Yang family would understand what he meant.

The high priest of Loulan and the people of the Yin Yang family did not say anything when they saw Su Chen leaving. The high priest knew what Su Chen and Xiao Li were going to do, and the Yin Yang family The people were originally Su Chen's subordinates, and they did not dare to ask where Su Chen was going.

The mountain ghost of the Yin Yang family rolled her eyes after Su Chen sent her a message. She was also dissatisfied with Su Chen's romantic nature. He was completely speechless.

The emperor of the empire still refused to change his ways, and was always accompanied by beautiful women no matter where he went.

The Zhuzibaijia didn't say anything when they saw Su Chen leaving.

The Zhuzibaijia are now with the masters of Loulan and the Yin-Yang family. During the confrontation, if they did not deal with the masters of Loulan and the Yin Yang family, they would not be able to stop Su Chen who was about to leave.

In a hidden secret room behind the priest's palace,

Xiao Li opened the secret room and found that there was a long passage inside. They were in After lighting the torch, they walked inside.

In the long passage,

Su Chen and Xiao Li walked for almost two quarters of an hour before arriving at a huge space.

In this huge space,

Su Chen and Xiao Li looked at There was a red sword and a bronze door in the space. When

Xiao Li saw the sword of Chi You in the middle, he hurriedly reminded Su Chen,"Master, that is the sword of Chi You. We'd better not touch it. The bronze one at the back The door leads directly to the interior of the Demon God of War."

"Is this Chi You’s sword that can confuse and control people? This sword is nothing!"

"Young Master, you must not touch it. If you are controlled by the magic sword, no one can save you and you will become a slave of the sword."

"I see."

Su Chen had no interest in Chi You's sword at all. Chi You's sword didn't look as powerful as his spiritual sword Luoxue. He decided to deal with the Demon God of War in a while, and Chi You's sword also decided to destroy it.

Xiao Li opened the bronze door Later,

Su Chen and Xiao Li saw that the space inside was full of huge gears, and this space was all made of a kind of metal.

I guess!

Who is the Nine Heavens Xuannv?

How could she build such an advanced gear ? A robot?

Su Chen looked at the space full of huge gears and some designs that he couldn't understand. This surprised Su Chen. Even modern people might not be able to create these precise gear connections.

Xiao Li looked at There were densely packed huge gears everywhere in the space, so she hurriedly said to Su Chen,"Sir, if you destroy all the gears here, the Demon God of War will completely lose its function, and it will be impossible for the Demon God of War to be activated again."

"I see!"

Su Chen took out the spiritual sword Luoxue from the system space, and he sent his internal energy to Luoxue to prepare to destroy all the gears here.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh.......... bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump........

Luoxue was controlled by Su Chen and kept penetrating the huge gears here. The huge gears in the space were penetrated by the spirit sword Luoxue like tofu, and the huge gears continued to break and fall down.

Xiao Li laughed when she saw the destroyed gears. As long as the huge gears here were destroyed, the Demon God of Soldiers would be an empty shell. There would be no more Demon Gods of Soldiers in the future, and she and the Loulan people would be completely destroyed. Relieved.

At this moment, at a hidden spring in Loulan City,

Ji Ruxihe and an old man stood opposite each other. They both looked at the mysterious spring in Loulan with complicated expressions.

"Donghuang Taiyi, the spiritual spring here has been destroyed. It seems that our visit this time will be in vain."

"Guiguzi, what are you doing mysteriously? That farmer Liu Ji was the person you secretly trained, right?"

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