In the Northern Continent,

Zaoxian County, some noble princes have arrived here.

Here are Cao Cao who initiated the imperial edict, the Three Dukes of the Fourth Generation, the Bohai Prefect Yuan Shao of Qiyang, the Prefect of Nanyang Yuan Shu, the Prefect of Changsha Sun Jian, and the West Liang prefect Ma Teng, Kong Rong and other princes.

More than half of the eighteen princes have arrived, with as many as three to four hundred thousand soldiers and horses.

In the commander's tent of the Xuanxing Alliance, the princes who arrived first were all discussing the documents sent by Jingzhou.

These princes did not expect that Jingzhou would actually respond to the edict at this time, but the one who was about to come was not Liu Biao, the governor of Jingzhou, which was something that the princes here could not understand.

"Everyone, who is this Miss Yan? Is she the lady from that family? Why is it that Miss Yan will lead the army this time? Where is Liu Biao?"

"I don’t know. Liu Biao probably hasn’t taken control of Jingzhou yet, otherwise he wouldn’t have responded to our requests before. I can’t figure out who this Miss Yan is."

"Could it be that this Miss Yan controls Jingzhou? Or is this Miss Yan’s family controlling Jingzhou?"

"Impossible. The seven counties in Jingzhou are all under the control of the Cai family and the Kuai family. It is impossible for outsiders to control Jingzhou."

"Where is Liu Biao? Why is there no mention of Liu Biao in the document?"

"I'm afraid Liu Biao is in danger."

"impossible? After all, Liu Biao was a state shepherd or a member of the royal family. Who dared to kill him at this time?"

The princes here all started talking after reading the documents sent by Jingzhou. They were all guessing who this Miss Yan was who suddenly appeared? Why did he lead the army to respond to the alliance?

Cao Cao was also interested in Jingzhou. Miss Yan is very curious, but now the Understanding Alliance has also encountered problems.

The Jianghu power Tianxiahui has been persuaded by Daozhuo. Now that Tianxiahui is in cahoots with Dianzhuo, this war of understanding may not go so smoothly.

The Xiongba of the Tianxiahui is a land god in the heavenly realm, and he has many masters under his command. If Xiongba comes to kill these princes with his own hands this time, no one here can stop the Xiongba of the Tianxiahui.

Cao Cao stood up with a serious look on his face. He said to the princes here,

"Everyone, we don’t need to care about who Miss Yan is. The crusade against Zhuo Zhuo is the top priority this time. One more prince will be beneficial to us."

"What we should worry about is that the world of Jianghu forces will"

"Tianxiahui has already formed an alliance with Daozhuo. There are many experts in Tianxiahui. We must also find some Jianghu forces to deal with Tianxiahui, otherwise our generals may be assassinated."

Sun Jian smiled when he heard Cao Cao's words and said,"Cao Cao, you don't have to worry, Tianxiahui and Wushuang City are mortal enemies, and the people in Wushuang City will not watch Tianxiahui become bigger."

Cao Cao shook his head at Sun Jian and reminded,"It's hard to say. The Dugu side of Wushuang City is missing, the sword master is living in seclusion, and Wushuang City is not as good as before. It should be impossible for Wushuang City to start a war with Tianxiahui at this time.

Kong Rong touched his beard and asked doubtfully,"What about Xuanming Sect and Huanyinfang?" It is impossible for these Jianghu forces to watch the world continue to grow, right?"

Cao Cao said helplessly when he thought about the information his men had obtained from Captain Jin.

"This is not clear. The Xuanming Sect is too mysterious. Moreover, after the civil strife in the Xuanming Sect, many masters were killed and injured, and the Xuanming Sect is not as good as before.

"The women of Huanyinfang didn't care about this at all. The empress of Huanyinfang had not made any movement in the past six months."

Yuan Shu's face was very ugly when he heard about the Queen of Huanyinfang. Huanyinfang was within his sphere of influence. There were too many masters in Huanyinfang. He sent troops to encircle and suppress her several times but all failed. This made Yuan Shu He was very angry,

Yuan Shu slammed the table and said angrily,"Damn the Jianghu people, from now on we will lead our troops to defeat these Jianghu forces."

Yuan Shao looked at these princes and waved his hands and said,

"Everyone, we don’t need to worry too much. We have more than 400,000 troops here. When all the princes arrive, we can have 700,000 to 800,000 troops."

"At that time, even the masters of the arena will not dare to break into our camp. The people of the arena have their own rules, and they will not dare to openly go against the princes of our court."

When the princes here heard Yuan Shao's words, they all said,

"That's right. The Jianghu people will have the Jianghu people to deal with them. We just need to defeat Dongzhuo."

"Um! However, Lu Bu, the adopted son of Zhuo Zhuo, is a powerful master. Can any of our generals defeat him?"

"Don't worry, we are on the 18th.......No! There must be strong soldiers and generals among our 19th princes, and Lu Bu’s three-family slave is nothing to fear."

"There are still four days until the alliance meeting. The other princes will also arrive in these days. We will wait for the princes to arrive and elect a leader, so that our army will have a unified command."

"Yes, otherwise if we fight on our own, we may be defeated one by one by the Xiliang cavalry of Daozhuo."

At this time, Yuan Shao's eyes lit up,

Alliance leader?

The only people here who are qualified to be the alliance leader are Cao Cao, the initiator of the alliance, and Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, the four generations and three princes. Yuan Shu is not a concern. Only Cao Cao may be able to fight with him. Competing for the position of alliance leader. In the palace of Luoyang City, the imperial capital of the Han Dynasty , a tall, fat and bearded Daezhuo looked at the ministers under the Highness with an angry look. The coalition forces of the princes have arrived in Zaoxian, and Jiao Zhao, who wants to understand It is well known throughout the Han Empire that he is now a rebel that everyone calls for beating. And the Diao Chan he had taken a liking to early in the morning, Wang Yun didn't know where he went and even took that Diao Chan away. There has been no news for three months. This made Dong Zhuo so angry that he wanted to kill someone. Dong Zhuo looked at his son-in-law Li Ru and asked,"Li Ru, where is the news about Wang Yun and Diao Chan in Tianxiahui?" ? Li Ru bowed to Daozhuo and then shook his head and said,"Xiangguo, there is no news from the World Congress. I think Wang Yun may not be in the Han Empire anymore. He may have taken Diao Chan to other continents."" When Dong Zhuo heard Li Ru's words, he kicked the bronze tripod next to him angrily. He had seen Diao Chan's beauty before, and a stunning beauty who captivated the whole country just disappeared. This made him very angry.

"Damn it, let the people from Tianxiahui find it for me. Diao Chan must be found. I will cut that old guy Wang Yun into pieces."

The ministers in the hall hurriedly bent down and lowered their heads when they saw the angry Dong Zhuo. They all knew Zhuo's moodiness. If Dong Zhuo killed someone again in anger, then they, the ministers, would probably suffer.

Li Ru hurriedly saluted and said,"Yes, Xiangguo, Mr. Xiangguo, Bai Yifei, how should we arrange for those people? Dong

Zhuo waved his hand and said,

"Bai Yifei, don't worry about those people. The Xuantian Empire is not something we can offend. We must not offend the Xuantian Empire before we control the Han Empire in the Northern Continent, otherwise all our efforts will be in vain."

"Well, Confucianism thinks so too. Xiang Guo, Miss Deng is now in her prime. Should we enter into a marriage alliance with His Majesty the Emperor of the Xuantian Empire?"

"Marriage? I'll think about this."

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