In the Imperial Palace of the Han Dynasty,

Dong Zhuo was very moved when he heard Li Ru's words.

The emperor of the Xuantian Empire was the most powerful emperor in the Tianxuan Continent. An emperor who controlled two continents, Dong Zhuo also wanted to fight with the Xuantian Empire. marriage.

But he only has one daughter left, and she is the daughter he loves very much.

Dong Zhuo does not want to marry his youngest daughter to the Southern Continent.

Dong Zhuo thought about it and put down these things for now. Now he is going to devote all his efforts to destroying the coalition of princes. He will decide later whether to enter into a marriage alliance with the Xuantian Empire.

"Li Ru, has Hua Xiong's army arrived at Hulao Pass?"

"Prime Minister, General Hua Xiong has led an army of 200,000 to Hulao Pass."

"Well, we must not abandon Hulao Pass, otherwise the imperial capital Luoyang will be threatened. Li Que and Zhang Ji are also ordered to defend Chang'an City. If we cannot defend Luoyang, we can only retreat to Sili. Chang'an City"

"Yes, Prime Minister!"

In a courtyard in Luoyang City,

Bai Yifei, Duan Yu and others are sitting around here. They have been in Luoyang City for a month, but Daozhuo has not summoned them, which makes them feel that they are attached to this place. I'm afraid Dong Zhuo will not go so smoothly.

Xie Xiaofeng, a little bald, said to Bai Yifei while drinking wine,

"Bai Yifei, there is no way we can keep waiting like this. Dong Zhuo is now facing an attack by the coalition of Han princes. Should we consider what happens if Dong Zhuo is defeated by the coalition of princes?"

Bai Yifei said with a cruel smile on his cold face,

"Xie Xiaofeng, I just hope that Dong Zhuo will be defeated by the coalition of princes, so that we can control Dong Zhuo's power and army step by step. If Dong Zhuo is not defeated by the coalition of princes, do you think we can gain a firm foothold in the Han Empire?"

Xiaoyao Hou looked at the people around him and rubbed his head.

This time he was completely dragged down by Bai Yifei. He could have been a free and easy leader of a gang in the Western Continent, but since he joined the Anti-Soviet Alliance, he has He had to flee everywhere.

Xiaoyao Hou nodded when he heard Bai Yifei's words and said,

"Bai Yifei is right. Each state in the Han Empire has its own princes. We only brought less than ten thousand men this time. It may not be easy to fight for a territory. But if Dong Zhuo is defeated by the coalition of princes, Dong Zhuo will also die. , that Sili Prefecture is where we started. Duan

Yu looked at the others and asked doubtfully,"Dong Zhuo is a prime minister after all. Even if he failed in Luoyang, he couldn't be killed, right?"" bump!

"He will definitely die. Unless Dong Zhuo dies, we will have no chance."Bai Yifei crushed the wine glass in his hand and said coldly.

Xie Xiaofeng, Xiaoyao Hou and others all heard it.

If Dong Zhuo is defeated by the coalition of princes this time, even if Dong Zhuo is not killed by the coalition of princes, Bai Yifei will kill him. Dong Zhuo was killed.

Three days later, in

Zaoxian County, almost all the princes here had arrived, and the army numbered more than 700,000. There were troops stationed everywhere around Zaoxian County. In just one or two days, the army here would start to kill In the imperial capital of Luoyang City, in the tent of the coalition commander, the arriving princes were preparing to elect the leader of the alliance. While these princes were discussing, the guards outside the tent suddenly shouted,

"Miss Jingzhou Muyan has arrived!"

When the princes in the big tent heard the cry, they all looked towards the entrance of the big tent. They all wanted to know who Miss Jingzhou Muyan was.

At this time,

Su Yan took Zhen Mi, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Gan Ning and others entered the commander's tent.

"puff! Why is it a little girl?"

"Is this a joke? Is Jingzhou Mu a little girl?"

"My heaven! Am I out of sight?"

"Brother, is this a joke? How could a six or seven-year-old girl be the governor of Jingzhou?"........

The princes in the tent were surprised and whispered when they saw Su Yan. They did not expect that a little girl turned out to be the governor of Jingzhou, but the arrival of 50,000 troops made them dare not be disrespectful to Su Yan even though they were suspicious.

While the other princes were discussing and talking,

Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Yuan Shao, and Ma Teng looked at Su Yan with surprised expressions. They all felt that the origin of this little girl was very unusual.

Cao Cao was very surprised when he looked at Su Yan. The noble temperament of this little girl surprised him. Such a noble temperament is not something ordinary people can possess.

Su Yan looked at the people here and frowned.

The princes here all looked surprised, which made her feel that she had been underestimated. However, she thought of her age and did not lose her temper with these people. This time she will do the same. Look at future opponents.

As for Dong Zhuo who was attacking Luoyang City, she was not interested. Besides, the 50,000 Jingzhou troops she brought with her were very disappointing. The 50,000 Jingzhou elite troops were not even as good as the Xuantian Empire's city guards.

How could Su Yan start a war?

Let these troops die?

"Miss Yan, please sit down!"

Cao Cao got up and offered his hand to Su Yan and said,

"Thank you!"

After Su Yan took Zhen Mi to a platform and sat down, the princes here all looked at Su Yan with strange expressions.

In the big tent, the three brothers Liu Bei saw Su Yan sitting seriously in the capital of the princes. After sitting down, the three of them looked very ugly.

They didn't expect that a little girl had a higher status than them. The three of them didn't have a seat yet, but this little girl actually sat down. Is this little girl a Jingzhou shepherd? It was still hard to say, but

Zhang Fei looked at Su Yan and shouted loudly,

"Little girl, are you really Jingzhou Mu?"

Liu Bei wanted to stop Zhang Fei when he heard what he said, but he felt that what Zhang Fei said was not wrong.

She is just a little girl. Even if she is a young lady from an aristocratic family, this is the place where the princes gather for alliance, and the princes here are probably the same. He wanted to drive this little girl away.

Liu Bei thought about it and did not stop Zhang Fei.


"Be bold!"

"court death?"

Huang Zhong and the others heard that Zhang Fei was rude to Su Yan and even called Su Yan a little girl. They drew their weapons one by one and wanted to kill the rude man.

The princes here also looked at Liu Bei and the other three with teasing eyes.

They knew that Su Yan had arrived with an army of 50,000 from Jingzhou. Regardless of whether Miss Yan was the real shepherd of Jingzhou, the arrival of the army could not be faked.

These three big men arrived today without knowing the specific identity of Su Yan.

How dare they

The princes were all waiting to watch the show when they mocked Su Yan like this.

Su Yan looked at the three brothers Liu Bei and blinked her eyes. She did not expect that it was not the princes who came to embarrass her, but three people who did not know whether to live or die to embarrass her. It seems that these three people are going to be used to establish their authority.

Su Yan waved his hand and said to Huang Zhong and the others,

"Get back!"

"Yes, miss!"

Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, and Gan Ning stopped hurriedly when they heard Su Yan's words. They bowed to Su Yan and then stood behind Su Yan.

Su Yan looked at Liu Bei and the other three and asked with a serious face,"You guys Who are the three people? What official position?"

Liu Bei looked like a humble gentleman and said with a smile,"After Prince Jing of Zhongshan, Liu Bei, the great-great-grandson of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, these are my second brother Guan Yu and third brother Zhang Fei. We are just subordinates of General Gongsun."

"laugh! A general's subordinate? Is this where you talk? You don't know the dignity of something, and you are a descendant of the royal family. You are not trying to cheat, are you?"

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