Su Yan did not expect that Liu Bei's three brothers would offend her. She had heard from his father that this Liu Paopao was a man who talked nonsense all day long and that Liu Bei abandoned his wife and ran for his life when he was in danger. She looked down upon Liu Bei very much..

And this Liu Bei's ears are very big, big-eared thief,

Liu Paopao, this time she decided to humiliate the three Liu Bei brothers. It would be best if she could kill these three people.

But this chance is a bit slim.

Unless she lets the shadow assassin take action,

Liu Paopao may not be able to kill him.

At this time, Liu Bei did not expect that this little girl would humiliate him, which made his face very ugly. The princes here looked at him with half-smiling faces, which made Liu Bei even more angry.

"You little girl are looking for death!"When Zhang Fei heard Su Yan humiliating Liu Bei, he was filled with anger and wanted to kill this little girl who didn't know whether to live or die.

Guan Yu also looked at Su Yan with a cold and arrogant expression, although he would not kill this little girl. , but it’s okay to let Zhang Fei teach her a lesson.


Gongsun Zan shouted hurriedly when he saw Zhang Fei was about to take action, but Zhang Fei didn't listen to Gongsun Zan at all. He quickly rushed towards Su Yan to kill this annoying little girl.

Su Yan didn't care about Zhang Fei at all. She looked at the surrounding princes and shook her head.

These princes were more successful than failed. I am afraid that this crusade against Dong Zhuo was just for show. As long as they gained fame, these princes would probably Will disperse in a hurry

"court death!"

Huang Zhong looked at Zhang Fei and killed him first.

When Wei Yan and Gan Ning saw Huang Zhong taking action, they continued to guard Su Yan.


Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong were fighting with each other in the tent. When Su Yan got up, the two top masters fought out of the big tent in a moment. They all knew that there were many princes in the tent.

After Su Yan saw Huang Zhong and Zhang Fei fighting out, she looked towards Gongsun Zan laughed and said,"Gongsun Zan? Your men don't seem to be very obedient."

Gongsun Zan was also very angry.

He didn't expect that the three Liu Bei brothers would cause such a thing. Even Zhang Fei didn't even listen to his orders.

This made him look at Liu Bei and feel that it was a mistake to take Liu Bei in.

"Miss Yan was joking. They only acted out of desperation. I hope Miss Yan doesn't mind."

"But I mind very much, Wei Yan!" Su Yan looked at the princes who did not stop the fighting and smiled and said,


"Order the army to surround and kill Gongsun Zan's army, leaving no one behind!"

"Yes, miss!"

Su Yan's expressionless order frightened all the princes here. None of them thought that this little girl would go to war over such a trivial matter.

Cao Cao stood up in a hurry and persuaded Su Yan,"Miss Yan, please don't do this. We are all a coalition of princes who came to attack Dong Zhuo. We cannot kill each other."

"Yes, Miss Yan, calm down, we can execute Liu Bei and the other three, but you must not use the army."Yuan Shao also had a surprised expression. He didn't expect that this little girl would use the army to fight each other even if they disagreed. This little girl is too cruel. The other princes also tried to persuade Su Yan. These princes We don’t dare to provoke this cruel little girl in the future. If we do, I’m afraid they won’t have anywhere to cry.

"Kill, leave no one behind!"Su Yan looked at these princes and said with a cold face,

"Yes, miss!"

After hearing Su Yan's order, Wei Yan hurriedly saluted and ran out of the tent.

"Little girl, you are seeking death! Gongsun

Zan looked at Su Yan angrily and threatened.

Su Yan looked at Gongsun Zan with disdain and said,"I'm right here, you can come and kill me!""

Gongsun Zan glared at Su Yan and hurried out of the tent.

He was going to assemble the army to prepare for the battle. This little girl's army will definitely attack his army. This time he only brought 10,000 troops. He is He didn't want his army to be unexpectedly destroyed by this little girl's army.

Liu Bei and Guan Yu also followed Gongsun Zan out.

They had no shame to stay here anymore.

They didn't expect that this little girl actually brought the army. This No one knew how many troops would come to attack Gongsun Zan's army.

The princes in the big tent looked at each other and had no choice. But they got the news that Su Yan had brought 50,000 Jingzhou troops, while Gongsun Zan only had 10,000 troops.

Gongsun Zan's white horse cavalry was powerful, but the number was too small.

This time there were only a few hundred white horse cavalry, but they were useless.

Zhen Mi looked at Su Yan and felt helpless.

Su Yan's ability to cause trouble was really very powerful. , although the three people were the first to provoke this time, Su Yan didn't have to attack Gongsun Zan.

Did Su Yan want to establish his authority this time?

But is there such a way to establish authority?

"Everyone, I'll take my leave now."Su Yan waved to Gan Ning and Zhen Mi, then said to the princes and left.

The princes looked at each other when they saw Su Yan leaving.

Now that the situation has developed like this, they don't want to see it. Please understand. Before the war started, the princes started fighting among themselves, and even mobilized their armies to kill each other.

These princes didn't know what to do.

The leader of the alliance of princes hadn't been elected yet, and they didn't know whether to send out troops. Come and stop this meaningless war.

Cao Cao stood up and hurriedly said to the princes here,

"Everyone, gather your troops. Miss Jingzhou Yan and Gongsun Zan cannot fight. We princes are killing each other before starting a war with Dong Zhuo. What will the world think of us?"

Yuan Shao also hurriedly stood up and said to the princes expressionlessly,"Cao Aman is right. We want to stop this meaningless war. Miss Yan and Gongsun Zan's armies must not fight."

Yuan Shao thought that this crusade against Dong Zhuo would gain a huge reputation.

If there was a war between Miss Yan and Gongsun Zan's army this time, the people of the world might not be optimistic about the alliance of princes to crusade against Dong Zhuo, and even think that this war is just a farce..

When the princes heard what Cao Cao and Gongsun Zan said, they hurried out to gather the troops. They didn't want the war to end on bad terms, and they didn't want to gain reputation and end up in a situation that would make people laugh at the world.

Wuwuwuwu! Zao Zao! In a military camp in the county, after Wei Yan ordered the army to blow the horn of the assembled troops, Jingzhou's 50,000 troops immediately gathered quickly

"quick! quick! Please hurry up, Miss Yan is using it now and you are fighting for Miss Yan, please hurry up and gather together."

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