Zhen Mi was in a very complicated mood now.

Although she felt that what Su Yan said might be correct, Su Yan's tendency to send out troops to start wars made her very uncomfortable.

Gan Ning, who was standing next to him, looked at Su Yan with very bright eyes.

He did not expect that Su Yan at such a young age would have such an opinion.

Killing aliens was very much to his liking, and Su Yan was careful to kill people at such a young age. Fa Guojue, this is a very qualified lord. If Su Yan grows up in the future, I am afraid that there will be an imperial female emperor in the northern continent.

Su Yan stood up and looked at the battle below and said to Zhen Mi,"Zhen Mi, after the princes gather to make an alliance this time, I will send someone to take you back to Yizhou. You are not suitable for my father, and I will not force you anymore."

"What? Su Yan, is what you said true?"Zhen Mi was very surprised when she heard Su Yan's words.

She didn't expect that Su Yan would let her go.

But why did Su Yan do this?

Wasn't Su Yan going to give her to her father, Emperor Xuantian? ?

Su Yan said to Zhen Mi with a serious expression,

"it is true"

"You should have met my father’s woman. You should also know who Queen Concubine Yan is."

"Zhu Yuyan, Yao Yue, Murong Qiuci, etc., and even my mother and concubine, they are all ruthless people. They have killed countless people. You will not be happy if you stay with my father."


Zhen Mi was confused now.

She was very happy when she heard Su Yan's words at first, but when she thought about his father's expectations for her and even the letter he wrote to her, she didn't know what to do.

There was also Su Yan's father, Su Chen.

Although she had only met that man once or twice, she was also deeply attracted to Su Chen.

An imperial emperor with great power and noble temperament had no airs about his women, and each of Su Chen's women had huge power and could do whatever they wanted.

This was something that made her very envious.

At least those women were not just vases kept in the palace.

Gan Ning next to him looked at Su Yan in shock.

He heard what Su Yan just said clearly,


Mother concubine?

What is Miss Yan's identity?

Could it be that Miss Yan is an imperial princess?

Southern Continent?

Miss Yan is from the Southern Continent.

The Xuantian Empire in the Southern Continent?

Isn't Miss Yan the princess of the Xuantian Empire?

When Gan Ning thought of this, he looked at Su Yan in shock.

If Su Yan was really the princess of the Xuantian Empire in the southern continent, then he would really stand out. A powerful princess of the empire was his immediate boss. This was something Gan Ning could not do. Ning was very excited.


Huang Zhong and Wei Yan must be told about this matter. If they knew about it, they would probably be very excited.

At this time, the princes such as Cao Cao and Yuan Shao came to Su Yan one by one, and there were hundreds of thousands of troops around Gongsun Zan's camp preparing to intervene in the war.

When Cao Cao came to Su Yan's side, he hurriedly shouted,"Miss Yan, quickly order the army to stop the war, otherwise our army will intervene."

Su Yan did not expect that these princes wanted to intervene in the war, but she did not care at all. None of them are of the same mind, and they probably also want to threaten themselves into letting Gongsun Zan and his army go.

Su Yan looked at Cao Cao and threatened everyone with expressionless expressions,

"Impossible. Anyone of you who dares to intervene in the war is my enemy, and my army will launch a war against you. You'd better think about whether to intervene in the war between me and Gongsun Zan."

When Yuan Shao heard Su Yan's words, he said with an ugly face,"Miss Yan, this war is meaningless. We princes should not continue to fight among themselves. Su

Yan looked at Gongsun Zan who was still resisting on the battlefield and said seriously,"I don't care if it makes sense or not. I will kill anyone who makes me unhappy. If you have nothing to do, just watch from the side.""


When the princes heard Su Yan's words, they had nothing to do.

If they sent out troops to separate Su Yan's army and Gongsun Zan's army, they would probably anger this little girl.

If this little girl really orders the army to attack them, I'm afraid the war will get bigger and bigger, and they will inevitably be involved.

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao looked at each other and had no choice. There was no way they could convince this grumpy little girl.

Su Yan suddenly found that there were no figures of Liu Bei's three brothers on the battlefield. She was very surprised. Wasn't Liu Bei Gongsun Zan's general? Now Gongsun Zan is leading the army to fight, so where are the three Liu Bei brothers?

Su Yan thought for a while and said to Yuan Shao and the others,

"If you can capture the three Liu Bei brothers, I can order the army to stop the war."

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao looked at each other when they heard Su Yan's words.

They knew that Liu Bei's three brothers had offended this little girl. Now if they can catch Liu Bei's three brothers, the war can be stopped, which made them feel very sad. It's worth it. They don't care whether the three Liu Bei brothers live or die.

Yuan Shao nodded to Su Yan and said hurriedly,"Okay, Miss Yan, we will send people to capture the three Liu Bei brothers right now, but you have to keep your word.""

"I will definitely do what I promised. No matter whether the three Liu Bei brothers are killed or captured, I will stop the war."


Yuan Shao and Cao Cao immediately ordered their generals to arrest the three of Liu Bei. As long as the three of Liu Bei are caught, this meaningless war will stop.

At this moment, next to the coalition of princes, a star High on the tree, two beautiful and sexy women appeared on the treetop. When they found Su Yan, they looked at each other and were very happy.

"Let’s go and see Princess Changle"

"Um! But don’t reveal the identity of Her Royal Highness the Princess."


At this time,

Su Yan looked at the war and nodded. The Jingzhou army performed well this time. Although it was still unsatisfactory, after all, they had been trained by Huang Zhong and Wei Yan for half a month. She believed in these The army will be stronger in the future


Gan Ning suddenly noticed that two people were arriving quickly. He hurriedly led his guards to protect Su Yan and Zhen Mi. Yuan Shao,

Cao Cao and other guards from the princes also noticed the coming people, and these guards hurriedly guarded them. respective lords

"In Huanyinfang, Jiutian Shengji Miaochengtian (Xuanjingtian) meets Miss."After the two women arrived, they hurriedly knelt down and saluted Su Yan.

When Su Yan heard that these two people were from Huanyinfang, he asked suspiciously,"Are you Aunt Li Maozhen's subordinates?"

Miao Chengtian lowered his head to Su Yan and said,

"Yes, miss! Su

Yan looked at the two beautiful masters of Huanyinfang and continued to ask,"How do you know I'm here?" Xuan

Jingtian looked at Su Yan, smiled and said,

"Miss, Huanyinfang received a secret letter from Madam Jing Salamander. The Empress ordered us Jiutian Shengji to lead people in different directions to search for Miss. We did not expect to meet Miss here."

"So that’s it, I thought my mother-in-law came in person."Su Yan was relieved when she heard Xuan Jingtian's words.

She was very worried that her mother Jingyu or other aunts would come and take her back.

Huanyinfang was also notified of her arrival this time, so they probably wouldn't catch her. Return to NTUBar?

It's uncertain whether Empress Li Maozhen will capture her and take her back.

Su Yan touched her chin and thought that he would have to find a way to convince Aunt Li Maozhen in the future, but she didn't want to be captured back to the Southern Continent at this time.

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