Beside the battlefield, the princes such as Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were very surprised when they heard Su Yan talking to the two Jiutian Sage Ji from Huanyinfang. The mysterious Huanyinfang was actually related to Su Yan. Even Jiutian Sage Ji was interested in it. Su Yan knelt down and saluted.

And Su Yan actually called Li Maozhen, the empress of Huanyinfang, his aunt?

Is the Empress of Huanyinfang married?

This made the princes look at each other in surprise. Although Huanyinfang was not the most powerful Jianghu force in the Northern Continent, Huanyinfang was also a top force.


The world will meet!

Five pairs of cities!

Xuanming Sect!

These four powerful rivers and lakes forces are the overlords of the rivers and lakes in the northern continent.

As for whether there are any hidden powerful Jianghu forces, that is not something they know.

Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Sun Jian, and even Yuan Shu, some of the princes, looked at Su Yan and their eyes lit up.

The background of this little girl must not be simple.

They were all sent to Jingzhou to find out what the background of this little girl was. If this little girl was just having fun and had no intention of competing with the princes for territory, then this little girl and the others would win over to their respective camps.

At this time, on the battlefield

, under the wolf-like attack of the Jingzhou army, Gongsun Zan's army completely collapsed. Gongsun Zan's army, which did not have a numerical advantage, was killed by the Jingzhou army's frantic fight for military glory.

The remaining thousands of troops were forced to kneel down and surrender.

More than 400 white horse rebel cavalry were all killed in the battle, and no one surrendered alive.

This time the Jingzhou army also suffered six to seven thousand casualties, but this is not bad. Youzhou's army was already very strong, but the Jingzhou army had not experienced many wars.

The Jingzhou army was the peasant army that fought against the Yellow Turbans in the uprising. If they had the same number of troops, I am afraid that the Jingzhou army would have been wiped out by the Youzhou army.

Had it not been for the 10,000 Jingzhou cavalry this time, the Jingzhou army would have suffered tens of thousands of casualties.

Wei Yan saw that only Gongsun Zan was left on the horse and refused to surrender, so he shouted loudly to Gongsun Zan,"Gongsun Zan, if you don't get off your horse and surrender, your army is already finished.""

"Ha ha! I didn't expect that my general, White Horse, was not destroyed by Dong Zhuo. This time, I would be destroyed by a little girl."

Gongsun Zan looked at the tens of thousands of Jingzhou troops around him and his expression was very ugly.

The ten thousand powerful Youzhou army did not destroy Jingzhou's soft-footed shrimp army. This was something Gongsun Zan did not expect. He had never paid attention to that person. The little girl in my heart didn't dare to look down upon her now.

Gongsun Zan rode on his horse and looked in the direction of Su Yan and shouted,"Miss Yan, I still have an army of more than 100,000 people in the Netherworld. You'd better let me go." Otherwise, my second brother will lead an army of 100,000 to attack your Jingzhou."

When Wei Yan saw that Gongsun Zan still dared to threaten Miss Yan, he hurriedly shouted at Gongsun Zan,"How dare you, capture him for me, I will kill him if he resists.""

"Yes, General!"

"You dare, I am the White Horse General granted by the imperial court, you......."Gongsun Zan saw the surrounding troops surrounding him. This made him so angry that he did not dare to resist. The archers around him kept pointing at him. He didn't want to die yet, nor did he want to die here like this.

When the princes saw that Gongsun Zan had been captured and the 10,000 Netherworld army surrendered, they had no choice but to surrender.

Moreover, none of their men caught Liu Bei and the others at this time. They all guessed that Liu Bei and the others had already abandoned Gongsun Zan and fled.

On the hillside,

Wei Yan led people to escort Gongsun Zan to Su Yan and saluted,"Miss, bring Gongsun Zan!"

"Woo woo woo....."

Su Yan looked at Gongsun Zan who was gagged and bound and said with a smile,

"Let him go!"

"Yes, miss!"

After Gongsun Zan was released, he looked at the surrounding princes and became very angry. This time he was attacked by Su Yan's army. These princes were watching the show without any intention of helping him.

Gongsun Zan looked back Xiang Su Yan said bluntly,"Miss Yan, let me go, there is no need for us to fight to the death.""

"Gongsun Zan, where are your three generals?"Su Yan smiled and said to Gongsun Zan,


Gongsun Zan was very confused when he heard Su Yan's words. He didn't find Liu Bei and the others at the beginning of the war. Gongsun Zan thought that Su Yan had caught Liu Bei and the others. Now after hearing Su Yan's words, Gongsun Zan felt that Liu Bei and the others might have been killed early. So he ran away.

Gongsun Zan thought that he regarded Liu Bei as a friend, and even took him in when Liu Bei was in the most difficult time. Liu Bei would abandon him and run away after causing trouble. This made Gongsun Zan very angry.

Su Yan looked at Gongsun Zan angrily He shook his head and said,"Gongsun Zan, I think Liu Bei and the others have fled to Youzhou. Your Youzhou may become Liu Bei's Youzhou in the future. Do you believe it?""

Su Yan will not underestimate Liu Bei.

That Liu Paopao is indeed a hero. He will run away decisively when he sees something is wrong. No wonder her father thinks so highly of Liu Bei.

Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Jian's son Sun Ce, These three people are her main opponents in the Han Empire.

Liu Bei must have returned to Youzhou when he escaped this time. Liu Bei has two half-step masters, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. They may have bribed many people in Youzhou. , Youzhou will probably have the surname Liu from now on.

Gongsun Zan shook his head in disbelief and said,"Impossible, I still have more than 100,000 troops in Youzhou, and my second brother Gongsun Yue is here in Youzhou, how can Liu Bei possibly Seize military power and control Youzhou?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you, Wei Yan, execute Gongsun Zan."Su Yan has no interest in talking to Gongsun Zan, a loser, or even a loser.

If such a person doesn't kill him, I'm afraid he will be killed by other princes in the future, and may even be secretly plotted by Liu Bei. die

"Yes, miss!"

Cao CaoWhen Su Yan was about to kill Gongsun Zan, he hurriedly said,"Wait a minute, Miss Yan, can Gongsun Zan not kill him? Liu Bei wants to control Youzhou. If you let Gongsun Zan go back, wouldn't it be impossible for Liu Bei to control Youzhou?"

Cao Cao thought If Liu Bei takes control of Youzhou, then he and Yuan Shao will have to face villains like Liu Bei.

He will not underestimate Liu Bei now.

Judging from the performance of Liu Bei's three brothers today, Liu Bei's two brothers are very powerful and will be defeated by thousands of people on the battlefield in the future.

If Liu Bei controls Youzhou, the more than 100,000 elite troops in Youzhou will also be controlled by Liu Bei. Yuan Shao in Yizhou and himself in Yuzhou will face the threat of Liu Bei.

Su Yan looked at Cao Cao, shook his head and said,

"Cao Cao and Gongsun Zan can't defeat Liu Bei. Liu Bei may have secretly received the support of many officials in Youzhou in the past few years. Gongsun Zan may have been ignored by Liu Bei a long time ago. What's the use of keeping a useless person?"


When Cao Cao heard Su Yan, he didn't know what to say.

The other princes couldn't help but nodded when they heard Su Yan's words.

Judging from Liu Bei's performance today, what Su Yan said is really possible. In the big tent, Liu Bei's brother Zhang Fei dismissed Gongsun Zan's order. Liu Bei I'm afraid they really secretly control the army and officials in Youzhou.

"Everyone, this time when the princes gather together, they must first deal with Dong Zhuo. After Liu Bei, everyone just needs to be careful to guard against him."

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