Yuan Shao's face is very ugly now.

Youzhou is adjacent to Yizhou.

He has not fully controlled Yizhou yet.

He may face the threat of Liu Bei in the future. Although there are several forces in Youzhou, judging from Liu Bei's performance today It seems that those forces in Youzhou are probably no match for Liu Bei.

Yuan Shao wants to end his crusade against Dong Zhuo as soon as possible so that he can return to Yizhou as soon as possible to destroy Liu Bei who has not yet risen.

He will not let Liu Bei, a serious enemy of his, develop.

"No, Miss Yan, you can't kill me. I can deal with Liu Bei. Liu Bei can't control Youzhou."

"Wei Yan had a dry tongue and executed Gongsun Zan immediately."

"Yes, miss!"


After Wei Yan heard Su Yan's order, he pulled out his big sword and cut off Gongsun Zan's head with one blow. General Baima of Youzhou died here like this. He was confused before even fighting Dong Zhuo. dead

"Wei Yan, withdraw his troops and return to camp."

"Yes, miss!"

"Everyone, I will not participate in the alliance leader matter. You can just choose the alliance leader. I will support no matter who it is."

Yuan Shao nodded when he heard Su Yan's words and said with a smile,"Okay, then let's all withdraw our troops and go back to camp. When we choose the leader of the alliance, we will send troops to attack Dongzhuo."

"Um! We cannot delay any longer."

Cao Cao also nodded and said, it is a matter of choosing the leader of the alliance. It doesn't matter if Su Yan doesn't participate. If this girl also wants to be the leader, I am afraid that there will be another change in the alliance of princes. But he doesn't want to know what happens in the war.

As the princes They left one by one, and Su Yan also left with Zhen Mi and the two Jiutian Saint Ji. As for the Youzhou troops who surrendered, Su Yan did not order their execution in the end.

There were less than 3,000 Youzhou troops who surrendered, so

Su Yan decided Collect these armies........

Eastern Continent,

Jiuyuan City.

Su Chen and the others have arrived at Jiuyuan City, and the 100,000 troops of the Western Combat Legion have also returned to the Southern Continent. There is no need for the Western Combat Legion to escort them here.

Jiuyuan City has more than 300,000 black-armored troops.

Su Chen is very safe here.

In a luxurious mansion,

Su Chen was sitting in the pavilion drinking tea alone.

When Da Siming arrived with a red face,

Su Chen looked at Da Siming and smiled.

He was so kind to Da Siming's tenderness last night. After enjoying it for a while,

Da Siming blushed when he saw Su Chen's smile and wanted to beat up this bastard. This bastard is a shameless pervert. If everyone else wasn't in other courtyards, I'm afraid she would also have sex with Duan Murong. Just as embarrassing.

Su Chen poured a cup of tea for Da Siming and asked,"Da Siming, is there no news about Donghuang Taiyi yet?"

Da Siming heard Su Chen ask her and said seriously,"Husband, there is no news yet. However, near Jiuyuan City, the people of the Yin and Yang family discovered the message left by Donghuang Taiyi."

"what's the message?"

Su Chen continued to ask curiously.

Da Siming took a sip of tea and said,"Lord Donghuang is chasing Guiguzi from the Zongheng family. Unexpectedly, Guiguzi also appeared in the secret realm of Loulan."

Su Chen understood after hearing that Donghuang Taiyi was chasing Guiguzi.

No wonder Ji Ruxihe never appeared in Loulan. It turned out that she met Guiguzi in the secret realm of Loulan. However, Guiguzi, who had been hiding his head and tail, actually appeared in Loulan. It seems that Guiguzi faked his death. After that, he was still doing some things secretly that no one could see.

But the farmer Liu Ji was dead.

Even if Guiguzi had any plan, it was all in vain. It was even hard to say whether Guiguzi could survive this time.

Su Chen After thinking about it, he said to Da Siming,

"Guiguzi? A hidden villain, Da Siming, notified the master Bei Mingzi and asked him to cooperate with Donghuang Taiyi to destroy Guiguzi."

"I see."

Su Chen thought after Da Siming left that the war in the Eastern Continent was about to begin.

Da Qin was already ruined.

Millions of elite Qin troops surrendered to him. He had 500,000, but Zi Nu's army killed 100,000. The remaining approximately 400,000 elite Qin troops are no longer a concern.

The hundreds of thousands of newly recruited Qin troops are not even equipped with weapons and armor.

They are some peasant troops.

Although the Qin people fight bravely, they are vulnerable to death. It was impossible for the people of Qin not to be afraid.

At this moment,

Gongsun Liji came over aggressively and shouted to Su Chen,"Su Chen, when will you let us leave?"

"You can leave at any time! I am not imprisoned by you."Su Chen looked at Gongsun Liji and said with a smile.

Gongsun Liji has come to trouble him many times in the past few days, but this is also quite good. A beautiful woman comes to entertain him every day, and she is attracted by him every time. He looks so angry and frustrated, this life is not bad.

"Where is Duanmu Rong? Duan Murong wants to leave with me"

"You're eating farts!"

"Inglorious bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

When Gongsun Liji heard Su Chen's words, she clenched her fist and attacked him. This bastard is really annoying. If she doesn't teach this bastard a lesson today, the anger she has suffered these days will drive her crazy. Su

Chen quickly grabbed Gongsun Liji and hugged her and said,"Don't make trouble, Duan Murong can't leave with you. Also, do you have a plan on where to go if you just want to leave?" Go back to the Mo family? Or go back to Wei State, which was occupied by Qin State?"


Gongsun Liji was about to struggle when Su Chen hugged her, but she was stunned when she heard Su Chen's words. yes!

How could she go there even if she left here?

Mohist family?

She doesn’t want to go back to that filthy place,


Weiguo is now just a county of Qinguo, and as long as she shows up in Weiguo, I am afraid that the Qin army will capture her and offer her to King Qin Yingzheng, who has been arresting her.

After a while,

Gongsun Liji realized that this bastard was still hugging her, and she struggled with shame and anger,

"Let me go, you shameless pervert!"

"Haha, you are throwing yourself into a trap, why should I let you go?"


Gongsun Liji was speechless at this bastard.

This happened many times in the past few days. She seemed to be used to this bastard hugging her at every turn, but she was very angry when she thought of what this bastard did to Duan Murong.

Su Chen hugged Gongsun Liji and persuaded her,

"Gongsun Liji, you'd better stay. If you leave here, I'm afraid the Qin people won't let you go, and even the Mo family will take you back."

"After all, you are so beautiful"

"I'm afraid there will be many people who are interested in you."

"Without Jing Ke's protection, do you think you will not be captured by those people in the future?"

Gongsun Liji shouted angrily when she heard Su Chen's words,"My senior brother's death was not caused by you."


Su Chen hit Gongsun Liji's PG hard and said angrily,

"Shit, I just asked Han Fei to kill the people I named. It was your senior brother who killed himself for the so-called loyalty. What does it have to do with me? I didn't let Han Fei kill Jing Ke"

"You dare to hit me? You still hit me there? Go to hell!"

"I'll do it! Here you go again?"

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