Li Shimin said,"That's right, I hope Brother Qiao won't despise me."

Qiao Feng raised his hand to stop him from talking.

After thinking for a moment, Qiao Feng said,"I am a man of the rivers and lakes, used to living in the open air. Things will change in the future, and I am afraid that my actions will make it difficult for you in the court."

Li Shimin showed his joy,"If Brother Qiao only has these concerns, then I think there is no problem. Although I am the King of Qin of the Tang Dynasty, I can't help but have a heart of chivalry and justice. I also believe that Brother Qiao will not do anything unkind or unjust."

Qiao Feng nodded,"Well said, I also believe that you are capable, so I gave you the treasure house. From today on, we will become brothers with different surnames, but I have another sworn brother, he is the prince of Dali."

Li Shimin laughed and said,"It's okay, it's okay, I know about this. In terms of age, I am still the second brother, and Brother Duan is the third brother."

He immediately bowed and saluted:"Shimin greets the eldest brother."

Qiao Feng helped him up,"Then I won't be hypocritical, second brother"

"Big Brother"

""Second brother."

The two smiled at each other.

Qiao Feng's heart was slightly shaken.

At the beginning, he gave the treasure house to him, but it was a decision he made after considering for a long time.

The chaos in the world needs a person with both literary and military skills to pacify. There are very few people who have this talent.

Qiao Feng would never choose Wanyan Aguda and Yelu Hongji.

Even if he is the only one in the martial arts world and reaches the top of the world in the future, it is ultimately a personal strength, so Li Shimin is the best choice at present.

Seeing each other today, whether it is the words at the table or the conversation just now, Qiao Feng confirmed that he did not choose the wrong person.

The two left the study together.

But in a quarter of an hour, an astonishing news came from the Qin Palace.

Qin King Qin of the Tang Dynasty and Qiao Feng, the top martial arts master, are sworn brothers, which almost makes them drop their jaws.

Not to mention that most people in the martial arts world will never leave the court, and people in the court look down on people in the martial arts world.

Li Shimin is not an ordinary person in the court, he is the prince of the Tang Dynasty and holds a large army.

Qiao Feng is one of the most famous people in the martial arts world.

Once this news comes out, it will probably cause a stir in both the martial arts world and the court.

"" Master, do you really want to become sworn brothers with him?"

Dongfang Bai's eyes were full of shock.

Qiao Feng nodded slowly.

Dongfang Bai said:"Master, do you know the consequences of becoming sworn brothers with him?"

Qiao Feng smiled and said:"The world cannot tolerate Qiao, and the government cannot tolerate Li Shimin."

"Why is the Lord……"

Qiao Feng looked at the half moon above his head and said,"I have never been afraid of the affairs of the martial arts world, but if he can't handle the affairs of the imperial court, he will have failed my expectations."

"What about the Ming Cult?" She asked subconsciously.

Qiao Feng smiled and said,"Since the people of the Ming Cult have chosen to follow me, why would they be afraid of this little hardship?"

Dongfang Bai opened his mouth, and the shock in his eyes gradually dissipated.

Yes, he is Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng tilted his head and looked at Dongfang Bai:"What? Are you afraid?"

Dongfang Bai smiled, with a strange light flashing in his eyes

"The leader is not worried, so why should I be afraid? There is nothing in this world that I, Dongfang Bai, am afraid of."


Qiao Feng looked at Xiao Zhao who was dumbfounded.

"Are you afraid, Xiao Zhao?"

Xiao Zhao replied:"Master, do you want to hear the truth?"



Qiao Feng laughed,"You are right to be afraid, but you are following me, what are you afraid of?"

Xiao Zhao murmured,"Afraid of losing the peaceful and tranquil life, afraid of being displaced and insecure again, afraid of not being able to follow the leader anymore.……"

Qiao Feng patted her head and said,"Silly girl, what are you afraid of? With me here, how can I let this happen?"

"But I believe in the leader." Xiao Zhao turned her head to avoid Qiao Feng's hand and smiled.

The next day, Li Shimin had already sent people to prepare the incense table in the center of the Qin Palace.

Li Shimin even called a few high-ranking officials who looked very majestic.

Qiao Feng took a glance and found that there were both civil officials and military generals. He didn't know them now, but if he said their names, they would probably be familiar to him.

But he didn't care about that. If

Li Shimin dared to do it so formally, he would dare to accept it.

The two of them became sworn brothers, not to Guan Gong or the ancestral temple, but to report to heaven and earth.

At noon

"Big Brother"

""Second brother."

After the sworn brotherhood, the two smiled at each other and went to the main hall hand in hand.

Only Dongfang Bai, Shi Feixuan and other people from the martial arts world were left looking at each other, as well as the ministers in the court with heavy faces.

Some of them even had livid faces. After Li Shimin left, they did not follow him to the main hall, but went directly out of the Qin Palace and went to the Tang Dynasty Palace.

Shi Feixuan had a strange look on her face, and she went to the main hall as planned.

Dongfang Bai and Xiao Zhao were mentally prepared and were not surprised. They had already sat down.

This was a banquet specially set up by Li Shimin to celebrate their sworn brotherhood. It was more sumptuous and luxurious than last night.

At the beginning, the atmosphere at the table was a bit solemn, but after a few words, it became lively. This was because except for the people in the martial arts world, the rest were military generals.

Drinking and eating meat with big mouthfuls is the atmosphere that everyone likes, instead of being uncomfortable with being pretentious.

Even a woman like Shi Feixuan who was naturally quiet , seemed to be inspired at this moment, and frequently accepted the toasts from everyone. His little face was flushed from drinking, which made him look even more adorable.

The banquet lasted for most of the day, until the night fell on the sky. The hall was full of drunk people.

Qiao Feng couldn't even walk steadily. Today, he didn't use his internal force to dissolve the alcohol, so even though he could drink a lot, he was still a little drunk. There were not many people who were sober at the table.

Dongfang Bai, Xiao Zhao, and Shi Feixuan.

There were two people left on Li Shimin's side, Li Jing and Yuchi Gong.

Li Jing drank less, while Yuchi Gong simply had a good alcohol tolerance.

But he was not much better, he walked unsteadily and wanted to challenge Qiao Feng.

If Li Jing hadn't pulled him, he would have been beaten.

Because Qiao Feng was ready to"compete" with him, he was quickly pulled away by Dongfang Bai and Xiao Zhao.

After leaving the hall.

Shi Feixuan's voice came faintly:"Master Qiao, have you chosen him?"

Qiao Feng, who was supported by Dongfang Bai and Xiao Zhao on both sides, didn't even turn his head

"What do you mean by"selected"? We are just like-minded. I think you are the one who selected him. However, Qiao advises you not to make trouble, otherwise Cihang Jingzhai, Jingnian Zen Sect and even the Shaolin Temple combined will not be able to protect you."

After saying that, Qiao Feng waved his hand and left with Dongfang Bai and Xiao Zhao.

At the spot, Shi Feixuan gritted her teeth and then pursed her lips and left.

Outside the Qin Palace, the sky was in turmoil at this moment.

The whole Chang'an was full of rumors.

"The latest information from Tianjilou: Datang and Mingjiao have been secretly cooperating to unify the world"

"The Tang Dynasty has 300,000 troops stationed at the border of Western Xia, among whom there seems to be a Mingjiao master"

"The Huashan Sword Contest is approaching, Qiao Feng's actions must be a conspiracy"

"Huashan is within the territory of the Tang Dynasty, fellow martial artists must be careful"


Qiao Feng knew nothing about this and was lying on his bed in his bedroom.

""Master, are you sleeping like this? Master Dongfang, what should I do?"

Xiao Zhao looked at Qiao Feng helplessly.

Dongfang Bai glanced at Qiao Feng and found that he was already asleep, breathing evenly, and rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Don't worry about it, let's go."

Not long after the two left, a slender figure quietly came to the window.

Qiao Feng's eyelids moved, and then his breathing returned to normal.

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