"Thank you, King Qin."

Qiao Feng bowed.

Then, he waved his hand and asked many Mingjiao disciples to follow the team of soldiers led by King Qin to the King Qin's mansion.

This scene really shocked many people in the martial arts world, and they were very puzzled.

Could it be that Qiao Feng and King Qin Li Shimin had known each other for a long time?

But Chang'an is the territory of the Tang Dynasty. The power of a country is not something that one or two sects can compare.

Just like the general next to Li Shimin, someone recognized him.

Luo Cheng.

This person followed Li Shimin in battle for many years and made great contributions to the establishment of the current foundation of the Tang Dynasty. He can be said to have made great military achievements.

In particular, Luo Cheng's martial arts value is extremely high, so naturally many people in the martial arts world pay attention to him.

A leader of the Mingjiao and a King Qin of the Tang Dynasty.

How did these two people get together?

The temple and the rivers and lakes have always been clearly divided, and everyone has their own set of rules to abide by.

But what I saw today is very different.

This news spread quickly throughout the martial arts world.

In the Qin Palace, Li Shimin was already hosting a banquet to entertain the Ming Cult members.

"Arrange to clear out a few courtyards for the Mingjiao disciples to stay for a while while recovering from their injuries."

Then, he came to the main hall of the Qin Palace and sat at the same table with Qiao Feng and others who were invited. In addition to Luo Cheng and another general who accompanied him, Dongfang Bai and Xiao Zhao were also sitting at the table.

Qiao Feng frowned and looked at the opposite side. These people were also people from the martial arts world.

Unfortunately, the person opposite him was an acquaintance.

Shi Feixuan.

How could she be in the Qin Palace?

When the people opposite saw Qiao Feng, their faces became even more reserved, and they all stood up.

"Qiao Daxia"

"Hello, Master Qiao."

Qiao Feng bowed and said,"Since you are all guests of the King of Qin, there is no need for you to be so polite."

As he spoke, he looked at Li Shimin.

Originally, he thought that it would be troublesome to deal with the out-of-control of the scales and his own practice of the Fire God's Wrath.

But he didn't expect that the person leading the army was Li Shimin.

Qiao Feng thought of a quick glance at Yang Gong's treasury and had an idea.

Li Shimin was not a fool. He understood it as soon as Qiao Feng mentioned it.

The person who reminded him to receive the gold, silver and jewelry in Yang Gong's treasury that day was probably Qiao Feng.

Of course, the person who took away several natural treasures in front of them in the end was also him.

That's why there was such a fierce but uneventful operation. Of course, the other martial artists were only confused.

After all, the conversation at the beginning and the subsequent behavior were quite inconsistent

""Does the hero Qiao have an old relationship with the King of Qin?"

Shi Feixuan suddenly asked at this time.

Qiao Feng groaned and said,"I guess so.

We once met.

" Li Shimin sighed,"More than just a one-time meeting.

The hero Qiao has helped me a lot.

If you need anything, as long as you don't betray the Tang Dynasty, I will fully support you.

" As soon as these words came out, everyone at the table was shocked.

Even Luo Cheng next to Li Shimin looked at Qiao Feng in astonishment.

But after a moment, he seemed to have figured something out, and his eyes turned friendly when he looked at Qiao Feng.

Their seats were also quite interesting.

The main seat was naturally the King of Qin, Li Shimin.

On his left was the strange general, second from the left was Shi Feixuan, and several other martial artists whom Qiao Feng did not know.

On Li Shimin's right was Luo Cheng, next to Luo Cheng was Qiao Feng, and in that order were Dongfang Bai, Xiao Zhao, and others.

"Let me introduce them to you. They are General Qin Qiong and General Luo."

Li Shimin said and then looked at Qiao Feng and others.

"Qiao Feng, the hero, is now the leader of the Ming Cult. I believe everyone knows that the Saint Lady of Cihang Jingzhai, Master Feixuan, is a fairy.……"

After he finished the introduction, he looked at Dongfang Bai and Xiao Zhao curiously.

In his opinion, Dongfang Bai was definitely an extraordinary woman. Luo Cheng had secretly told him that Dongfang Bai's strength was far beyond his own.

But Xiao Zhao looked like a maid. Even though she was very beautiful, it could be seen that she only followed Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng laughed and said,"This is Dongfang Bai, the leader of the Sun and Moon Sect. Now she is also considered a member of our Ming Sect. This is Xiao Zhao, my close maid. Of course, she is also the daughter of the Purple-Robed Dragon King, but she is the little princess of our Ming Sect."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

They were not surprised by Xiao Zhao's identity. No matter how good her identity was, her strength was there.

But when the three words Dongfang Bai came out, except for Shi Feixuan, everyone else on the opposite side became nervous.

It can be seen that Dongfang Bai's reputation in the martial arts world is not very friendly.

Dongfang Bai nodded slightly when he heard Qiao Feng introduce himself, and did not speak, being extremely cold.

Xiao Zhao smiled and greeted everyone.

Following Qiao Feng, she had no psychological burden

"I didn't know that Master Qiao had come to Chang'an. I'm a little rushed tonight, so I hope you don't mind the wine and food in our house."

Li Shimin looked at Qiao Feng with a smile on his face.

Qiao Feng smiled back:"Haha, it's okay. We are children of the martial arts world, and we are used to simple meals. We can only enjoy such fine wine and food with the help of the King of Qin."

While chatting and laughing, everyone present was surprised.

What kind of relationship did Li Shimin have with Qiao Feng?

He treated Qiao Feng with more respect than other martial artists, and toasted him from time to time, and he was just short of sworn brotherhood.

After the banquet, Li Shimin took Qiao Feng to his study.

"Qiao Daxia, that day……"

Li Shimin hesitated to speak.

Qiao Feng knew what he meant, so he said,"Yang Gong's treasure house was originally in the territory of the Tang Dynasty. I discovered it by accident. If it were made public, there would be a bloody storm, and even a fight between several countries.

"Qiao has observed that the King of Qin is the only one who has great potential in the Tang Dynasty. I hope you can make good use of the treasure and give the people of the world a peaceful future. Don't let Qiao down. Qiao is not qualified to comment on other things, so I won't mention them."

Li Shimin was stunned.

"I...why don't you give the treasure to my elder brother, Mr. Qiao?"

Qiao Feng smiled and didn't answer.

Li Shimin, however, looked solemn and bowed, saying:"Thank you, Mr. Qiao, for your esteem. Although the Prince of Qin's Mansion is small, it will always be open to you."

Qiao Feng waved his hand,"No need. If there hadn't been an accident today, I think the Prince of Qin would never know that the person next to Yuema Bridge was me. I had no choice but to agree."

Li Shimin sighed,"It's a pity that Mr. Qiao is such a hero for the people, but he has no interest in the government."

Qiao Feng smiled and said,"After all, there is an insurmountable gap between the rivers and lakes and the government. There shouldn't be too many people like me in the rivers and lakes. I hope that if the Prince of Qin meets me in the future, he can give me a way out."

Li Shimin's face changed slightly, and said,"If there is such a day, I will never take action against people in the martial arts world.""

"A knight who breaks the law with force, if there is ever a day when you reach that position, you can say this again.

Qiao Feng waved his hand and was about to leave.

Li Shimin looked confused and uncertain, then his eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward to hold Qiao Feng

""Master Qiao, for the gift of the treasure, I... no, Shimin has no way to repay you. I have always heard about Master Qiao's chivalrous deeds in the martial arts world, and I admire him very much. If you don't mind, Shimin is willing to call Master Qiao a brother."

Seeing his serious expression, Qiao Feng raised his eyebrows and said,"You also want to become my sworn brother?"

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