Dongfang Bai followed closely.

Soon, the backyard was surrounded by many disciples of the Ming Cult.

""What's going on?"

Dongfang Bai frowned and asked.

Qiao Feng waved his hand and asked the disciples to disperse.

"Everyone withdrew. It was Master Wu who didn't control the heat well."

After everyone dispersed, Xiao Zhao whispered,"Master, there seems to be something wrong with that scale." Qiao Feng nodded

,"Indeed, the scale didn't move before. I just thought that I didn't find a way to use it, so I asked Master Wu to use its heating properties to recast the sword. Unexpectedly, he stimulated the other side of the scale."

Qiao Feng hit Wu Jincao's body with a few palms in the air, and an icy breath enveloped him.

This was caused by Qiao Feng using the Tianshan Six Yang Palm.

This martial art is called the Six Yang Palm, but it is actually the Yin and Yang Palm. After it is fully developed, Yin and Yang are interdependent, and cold and hot alternate at will. It can emit hot palm power and can also condense ice. It is quite mysterious.

Wu Jincao slowly recovered, and the pain in his body was reduced a lot.

"Thank you, Master."

He looked at the scale with lingering fear, and before Qiao Feng could ask any questions, he told the truth.

"Master, I just used this scale to melt the Dragon Slaying Sword and made a blade embryo to forge it.

"Unexpectedly, the scales next to me suddenly burst into terrifying heat. I was too slow to react and was burned. Fortunately, the burst only lasted for a moment, otherwise I might not be able to see the leader."

Qiao Feng took a few steps forward and looked at the red scale lying on the ground.

This scale was now as if it was stained with blood, slightly different from before, and the high temperature it emitted was even more terrifying.

With this temperature, even Qiao Feng was not sure if he could bring it back if he came to the Spirit Snake Island again.

It seemed that the temperature had only increased a little, but the internal force consumed to isolate the temperature had increased by more than twice.

"You guys step back a bit first."

Qiao Feng pondered for a long time and spoke.

Dongfang Bai, Xiao Zhao and Wu Jincao all stepped back and looked at Qiao Feng from a distance.

They were also very curious and wanted to see how Qiao Feng dealt with it.

Qiao Feng's eyes were solemn, and he raised his hand to pick up the scale.

The violent heat rushed towards him, burning through Qiao Feng's body protection.

But he had already activated the Vajra Indestructible Magic Skill, and his body turned dark gold, and he was not burned.

Qiao Feng's heart became ruthless, and he raised his hand and printed a palm on the scale.


The scale seemed to be stimulated and made a strange sound, but it was intact.

A red blood light rushed out and rushed straight to Qiao Feng's face, and was grabbed by him.

If this really hit, Qiao Feng would probably be disfigured.

White smoke came out of Qiao Feng's palm with a puff, making his face twitch a few times.

The severe pain came, and he subconsciously increased the output of his internal force.


Xiao Zhao cried out, her face full of worry.

Dongfang Bai also looked solemn, ready to help at any time. Qiao

Feng's eyes suddenly exuded a powerful aura, and he suddenly put his palms together, allowing the blood light to continue to burn his palms.

Boom... a heat spread out in all directions with Qiao Feng as the center.

Dongfang Bai frowned, and immediately used her internal energy to protect Xiao Zhao and Wu Jincao behind her.

She could block it, but it didn't mean that Xiao Zhao and Wu Jincao could do it. They would definitely be severely injured by this hot power.

By then, it would not be as simple as disfigurement.

But after only ten breaths, beads of sweat appeared on Dongfang Bai's forehead.

""Back off."

She shouted.

Xiao Zhao and Wu Jincao quickly retreated to the rear.

But the backyard was only this big. At this moment, it was swept by this scorching power, and the surrounding walls began to crumble.

A shadow slowly rose in the center of the backyard. The huge Dharma image was wearing red armor, frowning and glaring, like a god. Residents within hundreds of meters could probably see it.

The Four Symbols of Heaven's Will, the Wrath of the Fire God!

Qiao Feng looked up to the sky and roared, and pushed his palms horizontally to the sky. A fire dragon soared into the sky and slowly dissipated after dozens of feet.

Then, the heat dissipated, everything returned to calm, the huge Dharma image disappeared, and the courtyard was razed to the ground.

The disciples of the Ming Cult lay on the ground wailing.

Dongfang Bai looked at Qiao Feng in doubt.

Qiao Feng closed his eyes at this moment, and his skin was red.

At this moment, Qiao Feng's mind was in chaos.

The heat almost burned his consciousness blurred, but suddenly he heard a shocking beast roar, which made him He regained his clarity of mind.

Tap, tap, tap...

In the infinite distance, in a gray world, a ball of flames rushed over.

Only when it got closer, Qiao Feng could see clearly.

His eyes widened.

This is... the Fire Kirin?

Then the drop of blood that he had just absorbed from the huge fire element to practice the Fire God's Wrath, was it the blood of the Fire Kirin?


Qiao Feng only felt that the Fire Kirin hit him and passed through his body, and then he began to become illusory.

Later, he suddenly woke up.

Opening his eyes, he raised his hands to look at his palms.

There was a blood-red scale mark on the palms of both palms, which gradually faded and disappeared.

The red color on his body also slowly faded.

Looking around, Qiao Feng secretly thought that it was not good. Sure enough

, countless martial arts masters were flocking in from all directions, and there were more than ten masters at the grandmaster level alone.

In a few days, this number will probably increase several times.

Tap, tap, tap...

There were also troops rushing in neatly, surrounding this place from afar.

""Master, let's leave this place first."

Xiao Zhao said anxiously.

Qiao Feng shook his head:"I can't leave."

If it were just martial artists, they wouldn't dare to stop him.

But with so many disciples of the Ming Cult, if they still clashed with the Tang army in Chang'an City, it would be tantamount to declaring war. If he was fine, those disciples of the Ming Cult would suffer.

It's not difficult to break into the formation alone, and it's also okay to capture the leader of the other side, but if so, the Ming Cult might be labeled as a demon cult again.

"Don't worry, just follow me."

After a few breaths of contemplation, Qiao Feng picked up the two pieces of Yitian Sword and the half-cast Dragon Slaying Sword and walked out.

With the Tang army coming out, these martial artists gave the Tang Dynasty a face and did not break into the center.

But they all understood that something must have happened with the strange phenomenon just now.

Either a treasure was born, or someone cultivated a magical skill.

Qiao Feng caught a glimpse of the figure sitting on the leading horse from a distance, but he smiled.

Many Mingjiao disciples followed Qiao Feng without saying a word.

""May I ask what sect you belong to? Why are you causing unrest in Chang'an?"

A general beside the man shouted.

Qiao Feng saw that the man was already at the level of a grandmaster. He must be protecting the leader.

Qiao Feng raised his hand and everyone stopped.

"I am Qiao Feng of the Ming Cult, leading all the disciples of the Ming Cult here. I did not intend to cause a disturbance today. This was an accident, so please forgive me."

The leader asked,"So it is Qiao Feng, the hero. How do you explain the fire dragon phenomenon just now? There must be a result for the harm to innocent people in Chang’an City."

Qiao Feng glanced around and said,"This leader and my subordinates were forging a precious sword here. Who knew that when the sword was about to be completed, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the sky, causing the blade to become unstable and severely injuring the person who forged the sword, which led to this shock.

"According to my observation, only the courtyards on both sides were damaged, and there were no casualties outside the Ming Cult. We, the Ming Cult, are willing to compensate the owners of the courtyards on both sides according to the losses."

As he spoke, Qiao Feng lifted up the knife blank and showed it to everyone. The residual heat on it had not yet dissipated.

He turned his eyes and looked at the leader and said,"Your Highness, the Prince of Qin, we had a quick meeting at Yuema Bridge three months ago, and we parted without having time to talk more.

"Our residence was accidentally destroyed tonight. Qiao is shameless. Can you ask for a place for the disciples of the Ming Cult to rest and recuperate?"

Dongfang Bai looked at Qiao Feng in surprise.

It would be fine if there was no conflict with the Tang army. Since Qiao Feng knew Qin Wang Li Shimin, why would he say that?

Wouldn't this deepen the conflict between the two sides?

The others were just as confused as Dongfang Bai, or even more confused.

But who would have thought that after Qiao Feng finished speaking, Li Shimin spoke directly after a few breaths of silence.

""Master Qiao is joking. If it is a misunderstanding, then we are just worrying too much. Please follow me to my mansion for a talk."

In the darkness, they could not see Li Shimin's expression, but after listening, their doubts turned into surprise.

The development of the matter seemed to be beyond their expectations.

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