Ren Woxing, the former leader of the Sun Moon Sect.

After Dongfang Bai rose to prominence, he retired as deputy leader.

Qiao Feng took one look at him and lost interest in him.

The main reason was that Ren Woxing was only at the Grandmaster level. Facing Dongfang Bai, even a hundred of them would be useless.

The reason why Ren Woxing did not resist or even want to take back the position of leader was probably because Dongfang Bai was too strong, so strong that they could not even think of such a thing.

"Tong Baixiong, Ren Yingying……"

Dongfang Bai briefly introduced himself, and Qiao Feng also met everyone.

""Greetings to the chief cult leader."

Everyone shouted in unison.

Qiao Feng raised his hand:"No need to be polite, everyone."

The terrifying internal force lifted up more than 20 high-ranking members of the Sun Moon Sect who were bending over.

They were shocked and had no more second thoughts.

Qiao Feng was really as powerful as the rumors said. No wonder he could make the cult leader surrender and let the Sun Moon Sect return to the Ming Cult.

Dongfang Bai waved his hand and signaled everyone to disperse.

""Master, please follow me into the sect."

Qiao Feng nodded:"Okay, Dongfang, you don't have to be so polite, just be casual."

From the beginning, Dongfang Bai acted very formal.

Dongfang Bai smiled slightly and didn't say much.

A group of people followed Dongfang Bai and Qiao Feng into the interior of Black Wood Cliff.

The meeting hall of the Sun Moon Sect was now filled with fine wine and delicious food.

Dongfang Bai said:"Master, since you are at Black Wood Cliff, we naturally have to entertain you."

Qiao Feng saw this and could only pull Xiao Zhao to sit down.

The high-level people of the Sun Moon Sect kept toasting, and even Qiao Feng couldn't stand it anymore, and secretly used his inner strength to dissipate most of the alcohol.

Now Qiao Feng really didn't dare to get drunk.

With Qiao Feng's previous display of skills, the people of the Sun Moon Sect didn't dare to act rashly. However, Qiao Feng secretly observed that these people were very afraid of Dongfang Bai.

Obviously, in front of the believers, the leader was not as casual as he was in front of him.

After a few simple chats, Qiao Feng found that the Sun Moon Sect was relatively peaceful, and there was not as much intrigue as he had imagined.

This may be largely due to Dongfang Bai's powerful strength that far exceeded theirs.

The banquet gradually dispersed after two hours. Many believers were drunk and were forcibly taken back to their respective residences by their companions to sleep.

They didn't dare to stay at the scene when they were drunk.

If something happened, even if Qiao Feng didn't say anything, if the leader of the Dongfang Sect got angry, they wouldn't be able to stand it.

"" Master, aren't you going to participate in the Huashan Sword Contest?"

Dongfang Bai asked Qiao Feng with a slight blush on her face.

At this moment, in the meeting room, besides a few maids, there were only her, Qiao Feng and Xiao Zhao.

Qiao Feng shook his head:"I will go, but I won't participate in person. Someone from the Ming Cult will participate on my behalf.""

"Oh? Is it Yang Xiao? With his strength, he probably won't be able to achieve much success. Could it be the new deputy leader?"

Dongfang Bai frowned.

Qiao Feng smiled and said,"You will know the new deputy leader of the Ming Cult when the time comes, but you will definitely participate, right?"

Dongfang Bai thought for a while and said,"I should participate. Only by fighting with masters can I improve the fastest."

Qiao Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he asked Dongfang Bai to change the method of improving her cultivation last night. She must be busy rebuilding the second level of the Sunflower Manual now.

Otherwise, she will definitely look for him to spar with him, once a day.

The next day, Qiao Feng and Xiao Zhao prepared to leave.

But looking at the three horses prepared by Dongfang Bai, he was a little puzzled.

"We don't need to travel fast, two horses will do."

Dongfang Bai said,"It's time for me to go to Huashan too."

Qiao Feng was surprised,"Isn't anyone else in your sect going?""

"They will follow behind.

Qiao Feng said,"That's fine, but we will stay in Chang'an first and then go to Huashan when the time comes."

There are still six days until November 21st, the day of the sword fight.

Dongfang Bai has no objection to this.

When the three of them arrived in Chang'an, there were already disciples of the Ming Cult who welcomed them from the city gate to a courtyard.

"Hello, Master. There are too many martial artists in Chang'an these days. All the inns are full and the better manors are also occupied. I hope you will forgive me."

Qiao Feng waved his hand and said,"As children of the Jianghu, you don't need to care so much about material things. Master Wu, have you found the items needed for casting?"

The person in front of him was none other than Wu Jincao, the master of the Five Elements and Sharp Gold Flag of the Ming Cult.

Wu Jincao said,"Master, Chang'an is a prosperous place with everything, and the quality is top-notch. I have already found everything. Do you want to cast a weapon for yourself?"

Qiao Feng looked at Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao took off the cloth bag on her back and opened it on the table in the yard.

Two broken swords and two broken knives came into everyone's eyes.

"Dragon Slaying Sword……"

Wu Jincao exclaimed.

He had seen the Heavenly Sword before. Qiao Feng had given it to him when he returned to the Ming Cult the second time and asked him to recast it.

But no matter how hard he and the leader of the Fiery Flag tried, they could not melt the broken Heavenly Sword. They had no choice but to give up.

""Master, I really can't recast this. The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Slayer is made of the same material. It can't be melted, and I can't recast it."

Wu Jincao looked a little embarrassed.

Qiao Feng said,"Since I'm looking for you again, there must be a way to melt them."

Then, he placed the red scales wrapped in his internal force on a broken piece of the Heaven Sword.

Everyone stared at this scene in surprise.

In just over ten breaths, the Heaven Sword turned red, and the temperature around it rose rapidly.

"this this this……"

Wu Jincao stuttered in shock, then turned excited.

""Master, as long as it can be softened, I have a way to connect it. But compared to the original, it must be much worse. However, it seems that this scale can melt the broken sword directly. I think it can be directly recast and made into two complete magic weapons."

Qiao Feng said,"No need to go to such trouble. Just make it according to the shape of the Heavenly Sword."

Wu Jincao said,"What about the Dragon Slaying Sword? Didn't the Master let people spread the news that the Dragon Slaying Sword was broken and useless?"

"The Spirit Snake Island is a conspiracy. Ordinary martial artists went there for the Dragon Slaying Sword, but lost their lives for nothing. That's why I let you spread rumors like this.

"In that case, the Sword of the Heavenly Sword should be recast as it is. As for the Dragon Slaying Saber, you can use the raw materials to cast a similar sword, just don't make it the same as the Dragon Slaying Saber."

Wu Jincao nodded,"I understand."

Qiao Feng instructed,"You can recast the two magic weapons here, and come to me if you have any questions."

Although with Wu Jincao's strength, even with the help of iron tools, he can only take the scales for a short time, but he has to watch it to prevent others from stealing it.

After all, Chang'an is not far from Huashan, and most masters will choose to stay in Chang'an temporarily.

When they returned to the bedroom, when there were no outsiders, Dongfang Bai was a little curious,"What exactly is in the Sword of the Heavenly Sword and the Dragon Slaying Saber?"

Qiao Feng smiled and said,"The Sword of the Heavenly Sword contains a martial arts secret book that has never been heard of in the martial arts world, and the Dragon Slaying Saber contains the scale."

"Ah? Besides generating heat, does this scale have any other benefits?"

Qiao Feng shook his head,"I haven't found any yet."

Dongfang Bai was not curious about martial arts secrets. There were too many martial arts in the world, but few could surpass the Sunflower Manual.

Besides, he himself had not been able to fully comprehend the Sunflower Manual.

At night, a sudden exclamation came from the backyard.

""Master, help me."

Qiao Feng was practicing martial arts in the house. At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, waved his hand to open the door and jumped out.

He heard it clearly. It was Wu Jincao's voice.

Someone attacked at night?

When he arrived at the backyard, Qiao Feng saw Wu Jincao lying on the ground in a miserable state.

His eyebrows and hair were all burned off, and his clothes were torn and had traces of burn marks.

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