The deafening sound of metal clashing was heard, causing Xiao Zhao and the others to cover their ears subconsciously.

Qiao Feng's eyes were calm.

The Dragon Slaying Saber and the Heavenly Sword were indeed made of the same material.

After being broken, the Dragon Slaying Saber had lost its sharp edge.

However, Qiao Feng still paid special attention to it. Sure enough, there was a clear special sense of destruction on the broken section of the Dragon Slaying Saber. It was more obvious than those left on the Heavenly Sword. It was so obvious after he comprehended the Dragon Subduing Destruction Palm.

However, the sense of destruction on the broken surface of the Heavenly Sword had long dissipated after four or five days.

Qiao Feng threw the two broken blades to Xiao Zhao and asked him to take them.

He picked up the things in the Dragon Slaying Saber.

However, his hand shook and he almost dropped the things he had just picked up.

Because just now he wanted to absorb it out of thin air and add internal force to it, but it didn't work, so he picked it up with his own hands.

At this moment, his palm was filled with huge internal force, emitting white smoke, and he barely picked up the red scale.

Everyone looked at this scene in amazement.

There was actually such a strange red scale hidden in the Dragon Slaying Sword?

"Mr. Qiao, this is……"

Lian Xing was very surprised. Even with Qiao Feng's strength, he could barely hold it. This showed how special this scale was.

An ordinary grandmaster probably wouldn't be able to stay in contact with the scale for a long time.

"I don't know either. I'm afraid I need to study it carefully."

As a last resort, Qiao Feng took the broken side of the Dragon Slaying Sword from Xiao Zhao and put the scale back into the blade, using the blade as a support.

But at this moment, Qiao Feng was even more surprised.

Because of this red scale, the Dragon Slaying Sword was burned red, and the high temperature spread in all directions.

If left alone, it might not take long before the Dragon Slaying Sword was melted into molten iron.

"What's going on? Didn't the Dragon Slaying Sword still wrap around this scale before?"

Huang Rong said in shock.

Qiao Feng frowned and used his inner strength to remove the scale and put it on the ground.

The Dragon Slaying Sword gradually returned to normal.

""What kind of animal do you think this scale is?"

Qiao Feng looked at the scales on the ground and was at a loss for a moment.

He expected that it was either a sword that could cut through the world or something like innate qi.

But he didn't expect that this time it was not a martial arts secret book, but a scale.

This scale was very strange and extremely hot.

Qiao Feng subconsciously protected his hand with his internal force, but he was still burned by it.

Everyone fell silent.

Granny Jinhua said,"There are not many animals with scales. Even if snakes have scales, they won't be this big. What's more, they can emit such a high temperature, which is not like ordinary animals."

The scale on the ground was about half the size of Qiao Feng's palm, and it was indeed not something that an ordinary python could have.

Qiao Feng nodded:"Since it's not a snake, could it be a pangolin or a fish?"

Granny Jinhua shook her head,"I have lived on Spirit Snake Island for a few years, and I have seen many big fish. I have seen scales bigger than this, but fish scales are definitely not like this."

She said with a frown.

Qiao Feng looked at the others, and of course, none of them had seen such scales.

Not to mention the terrifying high temperature on the scales, which was definitely not something that ordinary creatures could have.

Before, he took the two broken pieces of the Yitian Sword to find the owner of the Liehuo Banner and tried to melt and recast them, but the other party couldn't do it.

It can be seen that the temperature emitted by the scales is already far beyond ordinary flames.

Xiao Zhao looked at the broken end of the Dragon Slaying Sword for a while, and said:"There are many strange patterns inside the sword, which should be related to the ability to withstand the temperature of the scales, but unfortunately it was destroyed as the blade broke."

"Let me see."

Huang Rong was curious and came over to observe.

But after a few breaths, Huang Rong blinked her eyes.

"" Why do the patterns here look a bit like the eight trigrams? Could it be that someone carved them with the art of Qimen Dunjia, and used very sophisticated means to activate them so that the Dragon Slaying Sword can withstand high temperatures?"

Huang Rong murmured.

Xiao Zhao also said,"It does look like a Qimen formation, but it can be activated after being carved into the body of the Dragon Slaying Sword. I have never heard of anyone being able to do this."

"Yes, it would be fine if the formation was arranged with the help of the terrain, but it was too bizarre to place the formation close to an iron plate and carve it on it, unless the other party was a god."

Huang Rong shook her head firmly.

Because in her memory, not to mention her own father Huang Lao Xie, even if ten of him were added together, it would be impossible to achieve such a magical method.

The two were discussing, and Qiao Feng finally reacted.

Huang Rong and Xiao Zhao should have learned the art of Qimen since childhood. Although they were not the top martial artists, they were also proficient in it.

Neither of them could recognize it, so I'm afraid that the scales can only be thought of in a more mysterious way.

Qiao Feng pondered in his heart.

If it is related to that world...

The Lingshuang Sword seems to be made of the ten thousand year ice spring, and Qiao Feng can't remember other details clearly.

But when it first appeared, it was in the magma, and finally it absorbed the breath of the magma before gradually taking shape.

As for the fire beast, there seems to be one in the Sword Casting City.

But the fire phoenix will not have scales.

There can't be a fire dragon hidden, right?

Qiao Feng was shocked.

He did know a lot about the beasts, but in the world related to the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will, he really couldn't think of any powerful beasts with scales.

Excluding beasts such as dragons and unicorns, The only things left are fish, snakes, pangolins, lizards, etc.

It can't be a fire unicorn, right?

This is getting off topic.

Qiao Feng shook his head secretly.

If it was a fire unicorn, then he would have to use the Snow Drinking Mad Blade that could cut out a 40-meter blade.

The Snow Drinking Mad Blade is much more powerful than the Dragon Slaying Blade.

The Dragon Slaying Blade is just a bit domineering in its name, but its true ability is that it is stronger and sharper than ordinary weapons.

After discussing for a long time, everyone couldn't figure out where this scale came from.

In the end, Qiao Feng could only put the scale aside for the time being.

If you want to keep holding it, you will keep consuming your internal energy, and it won't be too late to take it when you leave.

The others were just curious, but they didn't have much intention of taking it for themselves.

A mysterious scale.

Although it looks quite strange, it doesn't help me much, and taking it will offend Qiao Feng, which is totally not worth the loss.

Qiao Feng was the only one in the field who knew the value of this scale. It is on par with the Heaven Sword and the Dragon Slaying Blade, and uses the same material.

Then it must not be weaker than the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will, but I just haven't found its use yet.

"An hour is almost up, what are your answers?"

Qiao Feng looked at the three people.

Xie Xun shook his head and said,"The Dragon Slaying Sword has caused too many disasters. Now that the Dragon Slaying Sword is broken, I am relieved. But I have said before that I am not suitable to return to the Ming Cult. I hope the leader will not force me."

"Okay, from today on, you are no longer the Dharma King who protects the Ming Cult." Qiao Feng said calmly

"But if I recast the Dragon Slaying Sword, I will return it to you, but this scale inside is what Qiao owes you."

Xie Xun waved his hand,"It's not important anymore. The leader doesn't blame me for bringing a stain to the Ming Cult's reputation. Besides, if you can lead the Ming Cult back to glory, Xie Xun will be satisfied."

Qiao Feng sighed,"Of the four great Dharma Kings of the Ming Cult, only two are still in the sect. If you change your mind in the future, this leader will allow you to come back at any time."

Thinking about it, the Dragon Slaying Sword originally belonged to Xie Xun, and this promise was a way to repay this favor.

"Purple-Robed Dragon King, Xiao Zhao, what about the two of you?"

Qiao Feng said,"If you choose to go back, I will escort you off the island, and I will not hold you accountable for the Great Shift of the Universe.

"If you stay in Mingjiao, your past will be gone with the wind, and you will start over."

"I'm back to Persia"

"I will stay in the Ming Cult."

Two different answers came at the same time.

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