Granny Jinhua suddenly turned around and glared at Xiao Zhao:"You're not going back to Persia?"

Xiao Zhao gritted her teeth and said,"I'm not going back. For your selfishness, I have never lived like an ordinary girl in these years.

"You let me sneak into the Ming Cult and become a maid. I was scolded or beaten every day. It was the leader who let me go free.

"Now that the leader has let bygones be bygones, why do you insist on returning to the Persian headquarters?

"If the Persian headquarters really regarded you as one of their own, why would they burn someone alive just for losing their virginity?

"Here, you are the Purple Shirt Dragon King

"In the Persian headquarters, you are just a tainted former saint, an enemy hunted by the headquarters. Why bother to persist in doing something that is thankless?

"If you want to leave, go back by yourself. Anyway, I won't leave. This time I want to make my own decision."

Xiao Zhao had never said so many words before.

After she finished speaking, she gasped for breath because of nervousness and excitement.

If it weren't for Qiao Feng in front of her, she probably wouldn't have the courage to say these words when facing her mother alone.

"Xiao Zhao, you……"

Granny Jinhua's face was stiff, she pointed at Xiao Zhao and was speechless.

"You want to make a big move just to go back to the headquarters to atone for your sins and get them to allow you to return to the headquarters.

"And because of the common sense of human relations, you women are bound to the position of saints, and because of this, you are burned alive. This headmaster will not recognize such a headquarters."

Qiao Feng waved his hand and turned to leave.


Granny Jinhua suddenly spoke.

Qiao Feng frowned and said impatiently:"What else do you want? Oh, Xiao Zhao, you recite the Great Shift of the Universe to her."

Granny Jinhua suddenly took off the gray wig on her head and the disguise mask on her face.

Qiao Feng watched all this indifferently.

He had known for a long time that Daiqisi was in disguise. After all, she was only in her forties and it was impossible for her to be so old.

But her original appearance was like a young and beautiful young woman, with a very similar style to Zhu Yuyan.

Twenty years ago, she was a beauty praised by everyone in the martial arts world.

Her real appearance shocked the rest of the people.

Just now, she looked like an old woman in her seventies or eighties, with a hunched body.

Now it is completely the opposite. She is a radiant and mature beauty.

She looked at Xiao Zhao, and saw Xiao Zhao staring at her with tears in her eyes and pursed her lips. She gently raised her hand to wipe away her tears, and then suddenly knelt on one knee towards Qiao Feng.

"Purple-Robed Dragon King, Daiqisi pays respect to the leader.

Qiao Feng subconsciously took a step back and looked at Daiqisi in confusion.

"Why don't you want to go back to the headquarters?"

She shook her head and said,"Xiao Zhao is right. The headquarters has been hunting me down for so many years. I have been hiding and surviving until now, but I am still thinking about how to atone for my sins and let my own daughter suffer so much. I am unworthy of being a mother.

"If I go back, no matter what the result is, I will still be separated from my daughter by thousands of miles. How many times can I see her again in this life?

"For both public and private reasons... I hope the leader can allow Daiqisi to return to the Ming Cult."

Qiao Feng's mouth trembled, and he raised his hand to help her up.

"The leader agreed.

Xiao Zhao was stunned, then walked forward in surprise.

"Silly child, how could I abandon you? Alas... In the past few years, I was too obsessed"

"" Mom, just stay. I, I'm fine." Xiao Zhao was very excited, and then she said a series of words, some of which were even incoherent.

After the two of them hugged each other and finished expressing their feelings,

Qiao Feng said,"I also know a little about the grievances between you and the Ming Cult. There is a reason why Hu Qingniu did not save the dying, and it is not directed at you."

Daiqisi's eyes flashed fiercely when she heard this. How could she not know.

But it was her husband who died because of this.

Qiao Feng said again,"And as far as I know, he will never save people outside the Ming Cult in his life. One reason is that he saved someone when he was young, but that person killed his own sister.

"Secondly, his wife Wang Nangu liked to poison people, but he would save their lives, so they often quarreled and the couple was not in harmony, but he loved his wife very much, so he had to decide not to save people outside the Ming Cult, because Wang Nangu would definitely not poison people in the Ming Cult."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. They didn't expect Hu Qingniu to have such an experience.

In the past, when they heard his rule, everyone just thought he had some personality quirks.

Xiao Zhao didn't speak, because the person Hu Qingniu didn't save that year was her father.

Daiqisi also said nothing.

She also knew a lot, and even hated the Ming Cult because of Hu Qingniu's affairs.

But who knew that now, by mistake, her daughter really joined the Ming Cult.

The others were full of emotion.

Xie Xun said:"Hey... I never told you about this before, just because I didn't want to mention something that made you sad, but it can't be undone after all.

"But fortunately, you and Xiao Zhao have returned to the Ming Cult. With the leader here, the headquarters won't dare to do anything wrong, so I'm relieved."

The former Golden Lion King had a smile on his face, and he seemed really happy for his mother and daughter.

After Qiao Feng finished speaking, he didn't say anything else.

That being said, he didn't expect Daiqisi to let go of her hatred and become Hu Qingniu's friend.

After all, what happened was too complicated, and he was just an outsider.

To be honest, he, the leader, hadn't met Hu Qingniu yet.

Hu Qingniu's failure to save him didn't mean he killed him.

But in the end, he refused when Daiqisi came to him for help, and watched her husband Han Qianye die.

Qiao Feng didn't want to become a judge, so he just told them what he knew and let them deal with it themselves.

As long as Daiqisi didn't betray the Ming Cult again, it would be fine.

"Xie Xun, come with us back to the Ming Cult."

Qiao Feng looked at Xie Xun and said.

Xie Xun nodded.

With his strength, he really couldn't get out.

If it was the enemies he had killed, that would be fine, dying in battle would not be in vain.

But for those who came only for the Dragon Slaying Sword, he didn't want to die unclearly.

Everyone followed Qiao Feng and left the cave openly.

Qiao Feng's left hand turned into dark golden skin, with red scales attached to his internal force.

The grass and trees outside the cave automatically moved away under the mechanism, revealing the cave entrance.

Daiqisi hesitated and said,"Master, if we go out like this, won't it be too conspicuous? What if there are masters besieging us?……"

Xiao Zhao said,"The leader is very powerful. Ordinary grandmasters are no match for him." Daiqisi nodded. She certainly knew how powerful Qiao Feng was.

But they didn't know that Qiao Feng was thinking about something else.

He came to the Spirit Snake Island without making a big fanfare.

But the Azure Dragon Society wanted to gather people on the Spirit Snake Island, so they must be doing something.

They didn't know they were on the Spirit Snake Island, so what would they do?

Suddenly, Daiqisi frowned and said,"It's impossible. Even if I left more traps, it would be impossible to stop several grandmasters for so long."

Several people stood on the mountainside and looked around, but did not find any enemies.

Qiao Feng's expression condensed,"Let's go and take a look."

Everyone immediately walked towards the place where Daiqisi lived at the beginning.

But before they got close, Qiao Feng shrugged.

"The smell of blood."

Xie Xun said.

Qiao Feng glanced at Lian Xing and said,"If there is any accident, you should take Xiao Zhao and Huang Rong away first, don't worry about me, there are not many people in the martial arts world who can hurt me."

After saying that, he immediately used Qinggong to rush over.

When he arrived at the place, he only saw blood all over the ground, but no trace of people.

"What's going on?"

Qiao Feng looked around and at the ground.

This series of footprints was heading to the other side of the Spirit Snake Island.

He returned to the crowd.

""What's on the other side of the Spirit Snake Island?"

Qiao Feng asked, pointing to the opposite side of the shore where everyone landed.

Daiqisi said,"There are only coastal cliffs over there, there's nothing there." Qiao Feng frowned and said,"All those people who surrounded the Spirit Snake Island before are gone, there's only blood all over the ground, and judging by the traces, they all went over there."

"How could it be? There is nothing there. Could it be that……"

Her face changed slightly

""What did you think of?" Qiao Feng asked.

Dai Qisi said:"There was an earthquake a few years ago, which caused a bottomless canyon to split on the Lingshe Island, but I didn't pay much attention to it. The islands in this sea area will shake from time to time."

""I'll go over and take a look. You guys go wait on the boat at the shore."

Qiao Feng said, and then he slammed the red scale in his hand deep into the ground, and moved a few huge rocks to bury the place completely.

This way, he wouldn't have to worry about being discovered.

But it might be unnecessary for him to do so. The person who could take it away had to be at least a Grandmaster.

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