The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1812: Divine Cauldron Suppression!

Under the Heavenly Punishment, everyone was so frightened that they retreated far away. But when the Heavenly Punishment rushed down, they saw Xiao Chen and Motian Patriarch raising their hands at the same time, and a burst of true energy that had reached the ultimate state was released. With a "bang", the demonic elements that had reached the extreme level formed a curtain of light, forcibly blocking the ten thousand-foot thunder.


Everyone in the distance was shocked. The strength of these two people was now strong enough to withstand the punishment of heaven. Thinking about it, they felt a chill rise in their backs.

"Your Majesty..."

On the other side of Wuyu Tian, ​​Mingyue and the others held their breaths. The punishment from heaven at this time was not very strong. They could still withstand it with force, but what if there was another disaster like the one at Xuan Qingmen?

The originally dark sky was now dazzlingly reflected by the tens of thousands of feet of thunder. No one dared to come within a hundred feet of it. Even the three Demon Lords were holding their breath and concentrating at this time, far away from the top of the mountain.

"Boom!" Heavenly Punishment is getting stronger and stronger, but Xiao Chen and Motian Ancestor are still facing each other. The two are already on the same level, refusing to give in to each other.

Obviously, the strength Xiao Chen showed today was far beyond the expectations of Patriarch Motian. He had previously thought that this person could only step into the Yuqing realm, but he did not expect that the other party actually had the skills of the Taiqing realm. If no one had taught this person the power, he would not believe it even to death. In just thirty years, he could actually reach a state that ordinary people cannot reach in their lifetime.

Looking at Xiao Chen again, he was still calm and calm at this time. His white hair was as white as snow behind him, intertwined with the wind and snow in the sky. He could only hear him saying lightly, "The ancestor of the Demonic Heaven Sect must be regretting it now. He didn't kill Xiao back then." Bar……"

The Patriarch of Motian remained silent. He really regretted it now. He regretted that when he could kill Xiao Chen, he did not kill the other party. Now that the other party has become more powerful, it is almost impossible for him to kill him again. ✤✻

The two of them faced off in the wind and snow for a long time. Finally, the mysterious thunder in the sky dispersed. At this moment, the Demonic Ancestor suddenly retracted his hand, and at the same time brought the "Extreme Demonic Skill" to the limit, and a wave of Demonic Power... The aura actually burst out from his body, and everyone in the distance was shocked. This is it!

"The Seal of the Extreme Demon!"

Ancestor Motian shouted in a deep voice, and a black magic seal suddenly appeared on his left hand. This seal is no small matter. Once hit by it, even those who have stepped into the holy realm will be stunned instantly!

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Seeing this demon seal suddenly hit Xiao Chen, Ming Yue was shocked, but no one noticed that at this moment, the two fingers of Xiao Chen's right hand turned into gold, and they were pointing straight towards the extremely demon seal. Welcoming him.


When the Heavenly Demon's finger met the Extreme Demon's Seal, an astonishing force suddenly burst out. The entire mountaintop trembled violently, and everyone present was shaken back. Following closely behind, was the ten thousand-foot-long sky. Lei, this time, neither Xiao Chen nor Motian Patriarch forcefully blocked the Heavenly Punishment. They jumped back at the same time, and with a "bang", the Heavenly Punishment fell, causing the entire Zhongyue Peak to tremble. If it weren't for the tens of thousands gathered here, With years of spiritual power, I am afraid that the entire Zhongyue Peak has been wiped out.

After the thunder had gone away, there was still strong wind and flying snow nearby. Everyone in the distance held their breath and remained silent. The moment just now was really frightening, but at this moment, Xiao Chen was still standing on the top of the mountain. Above, his left hand is clasped behind his back, and the golden light on the two fingers of his right hand has gradually faded.

Looking at Patriarch Motian again, he seemed to be on equal terms with Xiao Chen just now, but now his face was flushed and he was panting, which was in sharp contrast to Xiao Chen's calm and calm appearance. Once you come, let's make a judgment.

Now the ancestor of Motian has indeed reached the pinnacle of cultivation. If the restrictions in the world were not too heavy, he could still use more powerful methods. But after all, he is old, how can he compare with a young and vigorous man like Xiao Chen? people? If he fights for another three hundred rounds, he will definitely be defeated by Xiao Chen.


There was still a look of shock on Xie Tianluo's face. Just as he was about to step forward, Demon Tian Luo Ancestor raised his hand and his eyes were still fixed on Xiao Chen. Behind him, Chu Yun was deep in thought and was silent, thinking about his previous confrontation with this person. , the leader has consumed a lot of demonic energy, and the extremely demonic seal just now consumed a lot of his inner energy, and Xiao Yichen's finger strength is really powerful, and he can easily resist the extremely demonic seal. , if the next step cannot be resolved quickly, I am afraid it will be extremely detrimental to the leader.

"The astrological wheel - appears!"

At this moment, Patriarch Motian finally used his ultimate move, and suddenly a blood wheel appeared in the void. The blood wheel was about one foot long, bursting with blood light, and an unparalleled magic weapon power. It immediately pressed down on the top of the mountain.

Xiao Chen naturally recognizes this astrological wheel. Back then, Xie Tianluo and others used this magic weapon to add a killing array to trap their master and himself on the top of Qiongshan Mountain. Now, many years later, this astrological wheel is being worshiped by the ancestor of Demon Heaven. , the power has been significantly enhanced.


In the blink of an eye, the astrological wheel had suppressed him. If Xie Tianluo used this astrological wheel, it would definitely not be able to suppress Xiao Chen, but in the hands of the Demonic Patriarch, it was another matter.

"Your Majesty!"

Just when Mingyue and others were nervous, Hua Weiyang suddenly twisted her fingers to form a seal, and something flew out of her sleeves and hit the astrological wheel with a "shashasha".


The two magic weapons collided in mid-air, shocking everyone's eardrums to the point of bursting. For a moment, no one could see clearly what they were, but they could actually block the astrological wheel of Patriarch Motian.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

A wave of evil aura surged, and everyone finally saw clearly that it was actually a black Nine Dragon Cauldron. The nine divine dragons on the cauldron were lifelike, and there was a faint sound of dragon roars, but inside the cauldron, there was a constant black evil aura. It spread out, making the whole cauldron look somewhat evil.

"That is……"

Everyone has never seen the ancient Fulong Cauldron, so they don't know that it was refined by a man with great supernatural powers in the ancient world thousands of years ago. How can its power be comparable to the astrological wheel of the ancestor of Demon Sky?

It's just that in the hands of Hua Weiyang and Xiao Chen, this ancient Fulong Cauldron can only exert one-tenth of its power, while in the hands of the Demonic Heaven Ancestor, the Astrological Heavenly Wheel can exert its full power, but even so, At this time, the two magic weapons were fighting together, and the Astrology Wheel was obviously defeated by the Ancient Fulong Cauldron.

"Is that..."

At this time, from behind, Chu Yunshen could tell at a glance that the cauldron had an extraordinary origin. It was definitely not a human thing. Where did this person come from?

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, the Ancient Fulong Cauldron kept suppressing the Astrology Heavenly Wheel, and Patriarch Demon Tian finally showed a look of difficulty on his face. While he was controlling the magic weapon, he had to beware of Xiao Chen's sudden attack. Behind him, Xie Tianluo and others had already arrived. They were shocked. What they knew was that the astrological wheel was the leader's most powerful magic weapon, but at this time, he couldn't beat that cauldron?

"Senior Motian, it seems that your magic weapon needs to be remade."

Hua Weiyang laughed loudly. Although she and Xiao Chen were suspected of fighting the Demonic Heaven Ancestor at this time, it was the Demonic Heavenly Ancestor who sacrificed the magic weapon just now. Who can blame this?

After the words fell, Hua Weiyang suddenly made a seal with both hands, and the ancient Fulong Cauldron suddenly became more evil. The sound of dragon roars continued to be heard from the cauldron, which shocked everyone around them and covered their ears. People like this can't hear this breathtaking roar of a dragon at all. When they hear it, their souls may be shaken by the cauldron.


Hua Weiyang's hand seals changed, and the Ancient Fulong Cauldron immediately pressed towards the Astrology Heavenly Wheel. With a "bang" sound, the Astrology Heavenly Wheel was suddenly covered with cracks. The Demonic Heaven Patriarch's face suddenly turned pale, and this continued , I was afraid that the magic weapon would be destroyed, so I quickly recited a spell and took back the astrological wheel.

Although the Star Wheel was saved, this time, the Ancient Fulong Cauldron suddenly suppressed him, with a heavy evil aura that no ordinary person could stop.


Chu Yunshen secretly thought that something was wrong, and stretched out his hand in an instant, trying to pull the leader back from the air. Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen also made a move at the same time. He stretched out his hand and forcibly kept the Demonic Heaven Ancestor, and the Ancient Fulong Driven by Hua Weiyang, Ding was suppressed in an instant.

"Boom--" A heavy sound came from the cauldron, and the entire cauldron pressed down on Patriarch Mo Tian.


The ancestor of Motian held the tripod's feet with both hands, but his feet suddenly fell into the cracks of the stone. The ancient Fulong Cauldron was still pressing him down. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been pressed by this cauldron long ago. His body was shattered to pieces. Even Ling Yin was suppressed by this cauldron that day. How could the Patriarch of Motian withstand this cauldron?


Seeing that the leader could no longer lift the cauldron, the disciples of the Demonic Sect behind him were so frightened that they hurriedly stepped forward, but even with the combined strength of everyone, they could not shake the cauldron at all!

"What is the origin of this tripod..."

People from various sects in the distance were shocked. They didn't expect Xiao Chen to have such a powerful magic weapon in his hand. No wonder he felt confident today.

In the distance, Daoren Ye, Bailizu, and Master Yihun were also silent, with a little shock on their faces. The three of them were much higher than the others here in terms of cultivation and knowledge, but at this time It is impossible to see the origin of this tripod.


Patriarch Motian was holding the cauldron with both hands, with veins popping up all over his face, but he could not lift the cauldron. What was even worse was that he found that the evil energy in the cauldron was gradually eroding towards him.

Ordinary people are suppressed by this cauldron. Even if they are not crushed for a moment, as long as time passes, they will turn into a pool of pus and blood under the cauldron. And if they are put into the cauldron, they will never be able to come out again, and they will definitely be destroyed. The souls were refined by the Ancient Fulong Cauldron.


The Patriarch of Motian used his magic power to the limit, but still could not break through the cauldron. Xiao Chen walked over step by step. Looking at the appearance of the Patriarch of Motian, he also realized how terrifying the ancient path of reincarnation was. A cauldron is so powerful. God knows how many terrifying things there are in the ancient world.

"Xiao Yichen, do you think... you can suppress me here at Zhongyue Peak with just this cauldron?" Demonic Heaven Ancestor stared at Xiao Chen, his eyes about to burst. At this time, there was already an expression on his face The magic pattern and his eyes became extremely blood red.

Of course Xiao Chen knew that it would be difficult to suppress the Demonic Heaven Ancestor here today with just a single Fulong Cauldron, unless... he used the Nine Cauldron Fulong Formation.

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