However, Xiao Chen didn't know the method of the Nine Cauldron Fulong Formation. The ancient Fulong Cauldron was in his hands, but it still couldn't exert its power for the time being, so today, it would be difficult to trap the Demon Sky Patriarch here.

Of course, he came here today just to intimidate the various factions and the three Demonic Lords, but he did not really want to suppress the Demonic Heaven Ancestor at Zhongyue Peak.

He knew very well that Patriarch Motian's cultivation level was on par with his own. If the other party was forced to take risks and took risks, he would not be afraid of causing disaster. is correct.

At this moment, he walked towards the Demonic Heaven Ancestor step by step. Looking at the other person struggling under the ancient Fulong Cauldron, he said lightly, "Wuyutian and the Demonic Heaven Sect are not in conflict with each other, but in recent years, they have taken advantage of the situation." While I was away, the leader did a lot of things behind his back..."


The Patriarch of Motian smiled coldly, "What you call a well-watered business is to annex various factions and bring them under your command. From then on, you can gather the power of your spiritual veins and work for you, right..."

Xiao Chen still looked indifferent, put his hands behind his back, and said, "They voluntarily entered my door, what? Why not?"

"Voluntarily join your door...haha!"

Ancestor Motian laughed loudly and said fiercely, "Xiao Yichen, I can't help you, but if you want to kill me today, it won't be that easy..."

"Kill you? No."

Xiao Chen still spoke indifferently, looked at the ancient Fulong Cauldron, and said, "No one can survive under this cauldron for more than an hour. After one hour, it will turn into a pool of pus and blood, but after all, the leader is a senior of the Demon Sect." , how could Xiao kill a senior..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand, and the Ancient Fulong Cauldron immediately flew up. The Demonic Sky Ancestor was finally able to breathe. At this time, his face turned red and he just looked at him without saying a word.

Xiao Chen said, "I hope the leader understands that from now on, I don't want to see these things happen again, otherwise... Xiao doesn't mind letting any force disappear from this world, just like... the Scorpion Sect."

As soon as these words came out, not only those people from the Demonic Sect behind, but also people from various sects nearby were trembling. Back then, Yin Chunqiu's entire family was wiped out, and not even the young and old were left behind. It was really shocking. The ruthlessness of this method is rare even in the Demon Sect.

The ancestor of Motian squeezed his fingers tightly, and his eyes seemed to be about to burst. He was indeed the one who arranged the Scorpion Sect back then. He originally wanted to test Wuyutian's bottom line, but he didn't expect that this person would destroy all the Scorpion Sect. …

And after that time, the three words "Wu Yu Tian" really made people tremble, and no one dared to be his enemy easily again.

"Okay, that's it for today. Xiao's family is busy with affairs, so I'll excuse you."

As Xiao Chen said this, he turned around and walked towards Wuyutian. The top of the mountain was covered in wind and snow, and everyone held their breath and stared at the young man motionless.

"elder brother!"

Xian'er rushed out of the crowd and threw herself on Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen gently held her in his arms and stroked her hair, "Xian'er, are you cold?" As he spoke, he took the hand from Yang Xiaoran. He took a mink fur cloak and wrapped it around her.

"Hehe, Xianer is not cold."

"Well...then, let's go back."


Xian'er's smile was pure and innocent. Even though she had been out of Penglai Wonderland for many years, she was still as innocent and innocent as before. Of course Xiao Chen couldn't kill anyone in front of her today, not even a single one. And no one in the distance expected that, It is unimaginable that this cold person could have such a tender side.

"Oh, right……"

Xiao Chen gently held Xian'er's hand, turned his head and looked at the three Demonic Masters in the distance, and said loudly, "Three seniors, if you want to come to Wuyu Tian someday, Xiao will sweep up the couch to welcome you at any time..."

As soon as he said this, many people present trembled. Could it be that he wanted to recruit the three demons? Once even the three Demon Dao Lords enter the Wuyu Heaven, then the entire Five Immortal Domains will probably be dominated by the Wuyu Heaven gang.

The three Bailizu did not express their opinions at this time, and they had never joined the Motian Sect. They had helped the Motian Patriarch before, so they naturally had their own ideas.

"Let's go..."

The group of people went down the mountain. The wind and snow became stronger, covering the footprints behind everyone. But nearby, everyone still held their breath and watched Xiao Chen's figure gradually disappearing into the wind and snow... If you ask who this person is? He is the most powerful Lord of Wuyu Tian in the Five Realms of Immortality in recent decades. His experiences in this life can be described as legendary.

After returning to Wuyutian, everything became orderly again. This time at Zhongyue Peak, Xiao Chen shocked all factions in the world. From now on, no one dares to peek at Wuyutian's spiritual veins.

The stars and moon are bright tonight, and there is tranquility on the lonely peak. The candlelight is swaying in the room, and Xiao Chen's shadow is reflected on the window. The room is very quiet at this moment. There are only Xiao Chen and Ku Lingzi. After so many years, Ku Lingzi Zi still hasn't found a suitable body, but his soul is still powerful. Maybe his cultivation is not as good as Chu Guhong's, but his soul is stronger than Chu Guhong's soul.

At this time, after hearing Xiao Chen's experience in the miserable state of Wan Zhang, Ku Lingzi also sighed. In fact, he had already seen that Xiao Chen's skill must have been passed down by someone, but he didn't expect that it was actually a Tai Qing realm. A strong man who gave him his entire body of cultivation before he died.

As for the subsequent pursuit of Sheng Yizi to avenge the Sanqing elders, although Xiao Chen said it calmly, Ku Lingzi could imagine that that night must have been a matter of life and death. If Sheng Yizi had not died, what would have happened? It was the two of them... This boy was just a fool. The man named Luo Yun actually took this risk with him. It was obvious that he was also a loyal person.

"But on this matter, boy, you did a good job..."

After so many years, Ku Lingzi knows very well that most people in this world know how to protect themselves wisely. Even if they have the cultivation of Elder Sanqing, they will never take the risk to kill the Holy Son... There are really few people like Xiao Chen. There is less of it.

Some things must be done by someone. Everyone understands this truth, but they also all know that there is only death behind failure, so no one is willing to die.

Xiao Chen looked at the lights on the candlestick and recalled in his mind Luo Yun's words "Chen'er, you did a good job" after he told his master that day. This was the first time he heard his master's words after so long. recognized.

"Hmm... But having said that, what are your plans next? Although this skill allows you to step directly into the realm of Taiqing, after all, it is not something you cultivated yourself."

On the Zhongyue Peak that day, Ku Lingzi was the only one who could see that although Xiao Chen's offensive seemed to be flowing smoothly, it was actually not completely smooth. In this regard, it was not as good as the ancestor of Motian who practiced the Heavenly Realm's Wonderful Book and Extreme Demon. articles.

Of course Xiao Chen also understood that even though he had been trained by Chu Guhong for a year under the black water in a difficult situation, he was already able to use this skill freely, but he could only use it freely and with the skill he had cultivated on his own. There are still some differences.

"It doesn't matter. After some time, I will be able to completely refine it freely. It won't take more than ten years, or as short as a year."

As Xiao Chen spoke, he walked to the window sill and looked at the night outside the window. Over the years, he and Ku Lingzi were both teachers and friends, and said, "It's you, old guy, your body... I have to find a way to go to the Netherworld." The Soul Master has brought it back for you."

"This matter... is not the time yet." Unexpectedly, Ku Lingzi stood up slowly and walked towards him. Xiao Chen turned around and said, "What should I say?"

Ku Lingzi walked next to him, looked at the bright moon outside the window, put his hands behind his back, and said, "The Netherworld Dao is not as simple as you think. After all, the Netherworld Soul Lord already had the strength of the Holy Realm thousands of years ago, and now he has cultivated What a state it has reached... Moreover, the world is not as simple as the Demonic Heaven Sect. Their foundation is so strong that it cannot be frozen three feet in a day." At the end of his words, he looked at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen looked at him, and of course he understood at this time that although Wuyutian has gained momentum in the five realms of Xianyuan in recent years, it has insufficient foundation and no extremely powerful person is in charge. It all relies on the ancient restrictions outside Wuyutian to make people Inviolable.

"What you mean is to find a way to recruit the three demons."


Ku Lingzi nodded, "If these three people are willing to come to Wuyutian, that would be great, but judging from the appearance of those three people, they probably won't come unless there are special circumstances."

Xiao Chen gradually frowned. After all, Wuyutian was only founded thirty years ago. How can it really compare to Tianwaitian, the ancient reincarnation path, and the four seas and eight wastes?

Whether it is the outer world or the ancient way of reincarnation, all over the world, it is because the restrictions of heaven and earth on earth are extremely heavy. Once the restrictions of heaven and earth gradually weaken, then Wuyutian will be in danger immediately. He must Before that, let Wuyu Tian truly gain a foothold in the world.

"This matter...let me go back and think about it again."

Xiao Chen looked out the window. Although in the ancient immortal world, he still had a "Netherworld Heaven". Although the power was not small and much larger than the Wuyu Heaven outside, there was no one in the Netherworld Heaven that he could say. That kind of peerless strong man.

Late at night, Xiao Chen left Gufeng and returned to Wuyu Hall. Ziyuan was waiting outside the hall as usual, waiting for his return.

"Your Majesty... you are back."

"Hmm... Ziyuan, have you seen Senior Xiao Cangtian in the past few days?"

"Laugh at Senior, he..."

Zi Yuan slowly lowered her head. Seeing her expression at this time, Xiao Chen thought, could what Mingyue told him before be true? During this period of time, the strange senior's madness often broke out?

Zi Yuan raised her head and said, "After returning that day, Senior Xiao went back to Cliff Peak and never came out again..."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen frowned and asked again, "I heard Mingyue say before that his mad attacks are becoming more and more frequent. What's going on?"

"I, I don't know either..."

Zi Yuan also frowned and said, "Just a few months ago, before Your Majesty came back, Senior Xiao almost injured Palace Master Weiyang and Madam Xian Shu several times. Every time Senior got mad. , his skill has increased tenfold, and no one can stop him, not even the sound of the master of the Phantom Palace can't deal with it..."

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