"Not even the sound of Palace Master Huanyin's piano can deal with it..."

After hearing what Zi Yuan said, Xiao Chen frowned even more. He had seen Xiao Cangtian having a mad attack before, his mind was crazy and his skills were greatly increased. It was indeed very scary. That time, he and Wei Yang were almost injured in each other's hands. Here, what on earth is going on?

Xiao Cangtian was indeed hit between the eyebrows by Master's Xuantian Finger, but he did not go crazy after that. At least when he saw Xiao Cangtian, the other party talked to him and taught him the method of cultivation, speech and consciousness. All very clear.

At that time, Xiao Cangtian had never seen a mad outbreak. When did this madness start? Is it because he practiced the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques and the Heavenly Book at the same time? Then why is it okay for him to practice the Heavenly Book and the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques?

Zi Yuan continued, "Every time Senior Xiaoxiao gets mad, he seems to remember something, but in the end he can't remember it. It always feels like Senior...has lost some memories."

Xiao Chen thought for a moment and asked, "Can't even the two seniors Qingfengjian and Medical Saint Medicine Saint be able to cure this mad disease for the senior?"

Zi Yuan shook her head, "The two seniors, Medical Saint and Medicine Saint, have also thought of many ways, but in the end, they all failed..."

After hearing this, the expression on Xiao Chen's face became even more solemn. What kind of disease was the strange senior suffering from? Even the Medical Saint and the Medicine Saint were helpless, so no one in the world could cure his mad disease.

"Zi Yuan, please tell me how senior looks like every time he has a mad attack."

"This..." ✪✥

Zi Yuan thought for a while, then she followed the way Xiao Cangtian used to do when she was mad, and covered her head with her hands, "Ah! Kill, kill, kill... all things are born with humans, and humans are not the same as heaven, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!" Ling Yin...kill! Feng Xuanzhi...kill! Xuan Yin...kill, kill, kill!"

"Okay, I understand. I'll go see senior after some time. Besides..."

"Is there anything else, Your Majesty?"

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Zi Yuan asked.

At this moment, Xiao Chen had a slightly strange expression on his face, and a trace of sadness seemed to flash in his eyes. Zi Yuan rarely saw him look like this, and asked, "Your Majesty, what is it?"

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and asked, "I asked you to investigate Ningcun before. How about it now after so many years? But we found clues?"

"The matter in Ningcun..."

After hearing what happened in Ningcun, Ziyuan slowly lowered her head, bit her lip gently, and said in a voice as soft as a mosquito, "It's because my subordinates are not doing things right..."


Suddenly, Xiao Chen's expression became stern, and Zi Yuan trembled slightly. She had rarely seen His Majesty look so cold and stern at this moment. Although His Majesty was always cold and cold outside, he had always been very tolerant of them. , even if you do something wrong, you will not really be punished...

"Your Majesty, please calm down..."

Zi Yuan hurriedly said, "My sister has been asking people to investigate this matter before, but to no avail. Later, I asked Zhui Ming to investigate... Still no clues were found. The incident in Ningcun back then was really too strange. Some words, I I don’t know whether to talk about it or not…”

When she said this, she carefully raised her head, looked at Xiao Chen, and stopped talking. Xiao Chen's expression slowly softened and he said, "That's what you say.

Seeing that His Majesty's tone softened, Zi Yuan continued, "Sister Zhui Ming went out to investigate before and thought the matter was very strange. Ningcun is at the foot of Xuanqingmen Mountain. Who dares to go and kill people under Xuanqingmen? And what's even more strange is, how many people in Ningcun? A whole family was killed in one night, and they were not discovered by the people of Xuanqing Sect until the next day. How is this possible? The seven lords have great powers, how could they not even notice it at that time..."

After hearing what she said, Xiao Chen's eyes gradually became sharp, "Are you saying that this matter has nothing to do with the Xuan Qing Sect..."

Hearing this, Zi Yuan trembled all over, lowered her head quickly and said, "I never dare to say these things nonsense, it is just my personal speculation..."

"That's all, please step back..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen felt a sense of powerlessness welling up in his heart. It was difficult to avenge his parents' blood feud, but at least he had found his enemy, and Ning Cun... he didn't even know who the person who killed A Niang was.

Ever since she went to Xuanqingmen, almost every day and every night, Aniang was looking forward to when she could go back, even if it was just to sit and have a meal as usual...

Every winter, as usual, she would knit new clothes for herself, stuffed with cotton, for fear that she would be cold in the winter, but she didn't know that she had a skill, and no matter how cold the winter was, she would not be cold again. The hands are red.

"Your Majesty..."

"It's okay, you can go back."

Xiao Chen walked to the hall alone. It was still the same as before. The huge Wuyu Hall was always deserted. When he was not here, no one came to the whole hall. It was deserted. When he came back, the hall was deserted. It became more deserted.

A few days later, Xiao Cangtian remained silent at Cliff Peak. Xiao Chen planned to go over and take a look today, but Weiyang was a little worried. She had seen Xiao Cangtian's appearance when he was having a mad attack before. It was too terrifying and no one could get close to him.

"Weiyang, it's okay, you are just outside..."

At this time, Xiao Chen gently stroked Wei Yang's hair, and then walked into the secret palace, passed through several long corridors, and came inside. It was very quiet, with only the clear sound of dripping water coming from inside. Come.

"Senior? Are you in there?"

After arriving here, for some reason, Xiao Chen actually felt a bit cold. Perhaps it was because of the techniques practiced by Xiao Cangtian. After all, in the past, he was called the "Nine Yin Blood Demon".


Just when Xiao Chen's voice fell, Xiao Cangtian's voice came from the depths of the secret palace. The voice was a little low, a bit like breathing. Xiao Chen walked in carefully, and saw bursts of blood in the entire secret palace. , and Xiao Cangtian sat cross-legged in the middle of the blood, with messy hair hanging on his shoulders, and he looked indeed a bit scary.

Seeing Xiao Cangtian's appearance at this time, Xiao Chen suddenly recalled that when they first met at the foot of the mountain behind Xuanqingmen, the other person had his hair disheveled like that.

"Senior Blame, how are you?"

At this time, Xiao Chen walked over slowly, Xiao Cangtian gasped slightly and shook his head, "It's okay... You came here suddenly, is there something wrong?"

"I came here to see senior. I heard before that senior..."


Xiao Cangtian nodded, knowing what he was going to say, Xiao Chen asked, "But the practice is not smooth? Or is there something different in the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques..."

"No..." Xiao Cangtian shook his head, then raised his head, looked at him and said, "Boy, how did you get this skill?"

At that moment, Xiao Chen told the story of the Eastern Ancient World again. After listening, Xiao Cangtian nodded, "This can be considered a romance, but it's a pity that the Sanqing elder you mentioned..."

Hearing his clear words at this time, Xiao Chen was still worried about the madness in him, but he didn't know how to speak. Xiao Cangtian glanced at him and said, "I know what you want to ask... When this madness breaks out, even I can't I don’t know who I am, there seems to be something I can’t remember...boy..."

"Senior, tell me."

Xiao Chen looked at him, wondering why he suddenly became so solemn at this time. After a while, he saw him pointing to his forehead and saying, "Here..."

"Senior...what's wrong?"

Some doubts flashed across Xiao Chen's face, Xiao Cangtian pointed at his head and said, "Boy... listen carefully to the next words, I suspect... I suspect someone has taken away a ray of my soul memory. , there is something very important that I have never been able to remember... Every time I have a mad attack, I seem to be able to remember it, but then I have no memory at all. "


Xiao Chen couldn't help but be slightly surprised. Who has the extraordinary ability to take away a wisp of spiritual memory from the strange senior?

At this moment, he remembered again that when Xiao Cangtian was mad, Suye temporarily sealed his mind. At that time, Suye told him that a ray of spiritual memory of the strange senior had probably been forcibly erased. Could it be that Suye Is what he said true? Who has such means...

Xiao Cangtian said, "That person may also be looking for the fragments of the Heavenly Book... Anyway, kid, you have to remember... In the future, you must be careful of anyone who comes close to you."

"I know...but it's your fault, senior..."

After hearing what he just said, Xiao Chen was still a little worried about Xiao Cangtian. He always felt that things were not that simple. Xiao Cangtian shook his head. At this moment, his face suddenly turned pale, "It's okay, you can go back...don't worry about me." "

"Senior... take care, and tell me if you need anything."

Finally, Xiao Chen left. After he left, Xiao Cangcai slowly raised his head and looked in the direction outside the hall. In his mind, he recalled the little boy back then and said to himself, "Boy, now you I have grown up. At that time, I thought I was going to die. In the last days, I still have a young boy to accompany me. It can be regarded as God’s mercy on me... Ahem, cough! "

At the end of his words, he suddenly coughed violently. He stretched out his hand to cover his mouth. When he slowly opened his palm, there was actually a mass of blood on his palm.

"Haha...it seems that the time is almost here after all...cough...cough cough..."

Speaking of Xiao Chen, after leaving the secret palace, he always felt that he blamed his senior for not telling him something. This feeling was indescribable, just like that night at the foot of Xuanqing Mountain when the other party left without saying goodbye.

"How? How about blaming Senior?"

At this time, seeing Xiao Chen coming out, Hua Weiyang immediately walked up, with a nervous look on her face, looked into the hall, and asked with concern.


Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "Senior, he is fine for the time being, don't worry..."


After hearing what he said, Hua Weiyang felt a little relieved. The two of them walked outside. On the way, Xiao Chen asked, "By the way, how is the Bone Demon doing recently? Has he been in the Ten Thousand Bones Array and hasn't come out?"

Hearing him ask about the Bone Demon, Hua Weiyang smiled, "You brought him out from Fengyuntian, and now he doesn't go anywhere. He stays in the Ten Thousand Bone Formation all day long to recharge his batteries."

"That's...that's fine."

Xiao Chen nodded, remembering the trip to the ancient immortal world. Thanks to the help of the Bone Demon, he originally promised to take him to the Tomb of Gods and Demons to absorb the souls of ancient gods and demons when he had the chance, but now there is the Ten Thousand Bone Array , and this Ten Thousand Bone Array is made up of the bones of an ancient god. The Bone Demon can practice in it, which is much more useful than devouring the souls of gods and demons in the Tomb of Gods and Demons.

Afterwards, a peaceful day passed like this. When the Mid-Autumn Festival in August was approaching, Weiyang wanted to drag Xiao Chen to the mortal world again, but on this day, a mysterious guest came to Wuyutian. He brought a letter over, and this letter was actually sent from Tianzhu City.

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