The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1839 The Eight Ancient Desolations Technique

The moonlight was melting, and Xiao Chen stood by the window sill, silent. He knew that Weiyang had always had a strong spiritual power in her body. Every time she fell into a long sleep and woke up again, the seal of this spiritual power would It would weaken a level, and the power she could use would be stronger, but in his opinion, this was not a good thing.

The last time, Hua Weiyang faced off against the three demon masters, Ye Daoren, Bailizu, and Yihunshi. After unlocking the seal of his own spiritual power, he immediately attracted heaven's punishment. He arrived in time at that time, He resisted the punishment of that day, and at that moment, he felt that the punishment caused by Wei Young was not simple, and it was definitely not the kind of punishment caused by ordinary people using too much force.

As for what the heavenly punishment caused by Wei Young was, Xiao Chen couldn't explain it for a while, but there was always a bad feeling, a feeling that even God did not allow her to exist.

Therefore, Xiao Chen has never wanted Hua Weiyang to unlock her spiritual power seal, not only because this spiritual power will attract heavenly punishment, but also every time she unlocks the spiritual power seal and uses her spiritual power wantonly, the next time she will... She will inevitably fall into a longer sleep, and he is a little worried about the hidden dangers. If it continues like this, one day, she will sleep for thousands, thousands, or even ten thousand years... and never wake up, unless he can help her. Change your fate against the will of heaven.

And this time in the Bahuang Trial, if she does not unlock her spiritual power seal, she will never be Qin Wuyi's opponent. Qin Wuyi has been practicing for many years, and his cultivation level is no longer inferior to that of some elders of the Bahuang League. He must not be defeated. Treat him as a disciple, not to mention he is a descendant of Xuanwu, and his power of Xuanwu cannot be underestimated.

After a while, Xiao Chen turned around and looked at Liu San and asked, "By the way, last time, Elder Liu told me about the 'Eight Ancient Desolations Art'. How is it now?"

"The Eight Ancient Desolations Jue..."

Liu San thought for a moment, then came back to his senses and said, "Yes, I came to the Hall Master tonight just to talk about this matter. Now that the Hall Master has a successor, according to the practice of the Eight Desolate Alliance, You can take Ah Jiu to the cultivation tower to ask the elders for the ancient Eight Desolate Jue..."

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "You told me last time that the Eight Ancient Desolate Jue is divided into three volumes, 'Heaven-Character Jue', 'Earth-Character Jue', and 'Human-Character Jue'. Is that so?"

"Yes, that's right."

Liu San nodded and said, "If the master of the palace wants the mental method of the Renzi Jue, we have it in Canglong Palace. The mental method of the Renzi Jue is kept in Jiaosu Palace and Qianji Pavilion. The palace master must go to the Qianji Pavilion." , only those who pass the tests of the elders can obtain it and practice it.

"What about the Earth-Character Jue and the Heaven-Character Jue?" Xiao Chen continued to ask.

Liu San looked at him and smiled, "The Dizi Jue is in the Bahuang Hall. If the palace master wants it, he can only take Ah Jiu to the training tower of the Bahuang League. After passing the test of the Bahuang elders in the training tower, he can Get it. As for the Tianzi Jue... Unless we can win this Bahuang Trial, we are not qualified to get the Tianzi Jue. Even I have never seen the Tianzi Jue. "


Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, and he remembered the two people from the Suzaku Palace he met in the Black Sea. The Eight Desolations Qi in each other at that time was really powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to compete with Chu Guhong's Four Evil Formations. He thought it was just a matter of practice. This is because of the Ancient Eight Desolations Technique. This Ancient Eight Desolation Techniques are by no means an ordinary cultivation technique. Otherwise, how can we compete with the Ancient Reincarnation Way after so many years?

Liu San explained, "There are seven levels of the Human-Character Jue, and there are also seven levels of the Earth-Character Jue, including the Heaven-Character Jue, which is also seven levels, and each of them is very different..."


Xiao Chen looked at him and asked, "Where has Elder Liu's Eight Ancient Desolations Art reached now, and to what level has it reached?"

"This..." Hearing him ask about his cultivation, Liu Sanguai was embarrassed. He smoothed his beard and braid and said with a smile, "Why don't you guess, Palace Master?"

"The Seventh Layer of Earth Characters?"

" can you do that?"

Liu San smiled sheepishly, scratched his head and said, "I have only practiced the Eight Ancient Desolate Art to the second level of the Earth Character Art. As for the Seventh Level Earth Character Art, I don't know how many palace masters and masters have practiced it over the years." Whether the two elders Qianji Duanmu have reached the level of cultivation, they probably haven’t yet.”

"So hard?"

Xiao Chen thought that the Ancient Eight Desolations Jue was easy to practice, and asked, "How many people in the Eight Desolations League have practiced the Tianzi Jue now?"


Liu San almost choked himself without a mouthful of saliva. He raised his head, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Palace Master, look at what you said. Is it possible that you caught a lot of Zijue people that day? To be honest, I After so many years, I haven’t seen anyone who has practiced the Eight Ancient Ancient Desolate Jue to the Tianzi Jue, including the Master of the Vermillion Bird Palace and the Master of the White Tiger Palace. They are still stuck in the Seventh Layer of the Earth Zi Jue. As for Elder Xuanwu, I don’t know him either. Have you touched the threshold of Tian Zi Jue?

"so tough?"

"What do you think?"

Liu San rolled her eyes at him, "This is a hundred times more difficult than entering the Taiqing Realm. I have only heard of it. It was many years ago. At that time, there were a few gifted elders who practiced the Ancient Eight Desolations Art to the level of heaven." Word Realm, and they had already gone to the Nine Heavens..."

"I see……"

Xiao Chen thought carefully in his heart. It seems that this Ancient Eight Desolate Art is indeed not simple. The wisp of Eight Desolate Qi left by the old Canglong can help him condense his clone. If he can practice this Ancient Eight Desolate Art to Tianzi It's really hard to imagine how powerful the Jue is. Perhaps by condensing the energy of the Eight Desolations in the Tianzi Jue, one can forcibly resist a magical attack like the Demon Finger.

If one practices the Ancient Eight Desolations Art and condenses the Qi of the Eight Desolations, will it be able to make up for the shortcomings of Wei Yang's spiritual power seal? Even without breaking the spiritual power seal, Wei Yang was still able to defeat Qin Wuyi.

"Well...I will go and talk to Ah Jiu about this tomorrow. There is still half a year until the Eight Desolations Trial. Everything else is fine, but the time is inevitably a little rushed. I don't know how far I can practice."

"Don't worry, Lord..."

Liu San smiled and said, "With Ajiu's talent, it will definitely be very fast. When the time comes, I will arrange for you to go to the Canglong Secret Realm. In the secret realm, the power of the Canglong Spiritual Vein is condensed. One day of cultivation is comparable to ten days outside."

"That's very good."

The next day, Wei Young didn't appear until noon. Xiao Chen thought to himself, had she not gotten up yet? Could it be that he just came to Canglong Palace and is still a little unaccustomed?

"Elder Liu, have you seen Ah Jiu?"


Liu San looked outside the palace and wondered, "Didn't she come to serve morning tea to the master of the palace today?"

"I didn't see her." Xiao Chen said truthfully.

"This girl! That's all right!"

Liu Sanyi flicked his sleeves and said sternly, "I was so ungrateful the first day. I'll pay it back in the future. I'll call her over. Palace Master, please wait a moment..."

"Elder Liu, wait." Xiao Chen stood up from the chair and reached out to stop him.

"Palace Master, what's wrong?"

Liu San was about to leave the hall when he heard Xiao Chen calling him, so he turned around and saw Xiao Chen walking down from the head of the hall and said, "Forget it, I'll go."

"This... is okay too."

Liu San thought for a moment and then said, "This little girl just came here and doesn't know the rules. Palace Master, you can't spoil her. If you spoil her a few more times, you won't be able to go to the house to unveil the tiles. When you see her later, you must do it." Teach her a lesson."

"'s natural."

Xiao Chen nodded and went outside. Different from other disciples, the descendant of Canglong had his own separate courtyard pavilion. Xiao Chen walked up to the attic and saw that the door was not closed, so he knocked lightly, "Weiyang, are you still here?" Aren't you up?"

"Hmm...huh? Hmm..."

In the room, Wei Yang's sleepy voice came, as if he hadn't woken up yet. Xiao Chen gently opened the door and walked in, "Wei Yang, get up, it's already noon."

"Huh? Hmm..." Seeing him walking in, Wei Yang put her head into the quilt and muttered, "No, let's sleep a little longer..."

"Obey, get up. Elder Liu is already angry because you didn't come to the hall this morning."

"Wuwu...I'm not his disciple..."

"Get up quickly, or I'll be angry too."

"Ugh...Master is fierce." Weiyang held the quilt with both hands, revealing half of her face, and looked at him with resentment with her small eyes.

"Okay, get up quickly. Elder Liu and I have something important to tell you today."


Weiyang was still lying on the bed. After a while, she rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Master, I need a hug, otherwise I won't get up..."


In the end, Xiao Chen couldn't resist her, so he had to take her off the bed. Wei Young gently rubbed her body against him. "From now on, Master will come to coax Ah Jiu every day, otherwise he won't get up..."

"You, put your clothes on quickly. After washing up, we have to go to the temple."


Weiyang pouted her little mouth, looking very cute. Xiao Chen looked at her and suddenly remembered that when he was a child at Zixiao Peak, his master was always so strict and never smiled. He did not dare to be as naughty as Weiyang.

In Canglong Hall, Liu San waited for a long time. The master and apprentice finally came and immediately said sternly, "Ajiu! Why don't you come to the hall to serve morning tea to your master this morning? Do you know that as a descendant of Canglong, first of all, It’s about respecting teachers and respecting morality…”

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Wei Yang suddenly rolled her eyes at him and stuck out her tongue at him, "A little bit..."

"You! You! This, this, this, this... Palace Master, look at her, look at her!"


Xiao Chen walked in front, coughed and said, "Ajiu, don't be rude to Elder Liu."

"Oh..." Weiyang puffed her lips, glanced at Elder Liu again, made a face, and immediately hid beside Xiao Chen.

"You, this, this, this... have gone against it! You have gone against it!"

Liu San was so angry that his beard almost stood up. Xiao Chen was walking in front and couldn't laugh or cry. From now on, this Canglong Hall will be very lively.

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