The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1840 Cultivation Tower

Xiao Chen went to sit at the head of the hall, and Wei Yang was below him. After a while, Liu San came forward, and Xiao Chen said, "Elder Liu, please tell me what happened.


Liu San snorted heavily at Hua Weiyang, and then said, "Ajiu, do you know that from now on, you are the descendant of Canglong, and you must never be like before and don't understand the rules!"

"Humph! Of course I know!" Hua Weiyang raised her head and said she knew, but in fact, nothing seemed to have changed.

"That's all."

Liu San stopped arguing with her about the rules and said, "In half a year, it will be the Bahuang Trial. You must also know about this matter."

Hua Weiyang chuckled softly and said, "Isn't it just the Bahuang trial? What's so difficult about it?"

"Hey! The little girl has a really good mouth..."

Liu San almost laughed angrily at her and said, "Don't underestimate this trial of the Eight Desolations. There are many difficulties in it. If you fail, you will never have a chance again. Do you know?"

"Okay, okay, I know, please tell me the key points."

"You little girl..."

Liu San suddenly felt that Xinyuehu would not be the only one who did not understand the rules in Canglong Palace from now on. After a while, he spoke again, "Then listen carefully. Next, you and your master are going to go It’s not difficult to get the ‘Human Character Jue’ from the Ancient Eight Desolate Jue in Jiaozu Palace, but it’s much more difficult to get the Earth-Zi Jue from the training tower of the Eight Desolate Palace.”

Hua Weiyang snorted softly and muttered in a low voice, "Aren't you just going to get two mental skills? I thought it was something, blah..."

"Huh? What are you muttering about?"

"Ah...nothing, nothing."

Two days passed like this. Today, Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang were going to Jiaosu Palace to get the Herringbone Jue of the Ancient Eight Desolations. At this time, in the main hall, as soon as Elder Liu left, Hua Weiyang ran to the head of the hall and pestered her. Xiao Chen: "Master, shall we go to Spica Palace now?"

"You, don't spend the whole day angry with Elder Liu."

Xiao Chen lightly scratched her nose. For some reason, he always felt that after she came to Canglong Palace and became his "disciple", she became much more naughty than before. Although the former Master of Lianhua Palace was ancient Spirits and monsters are not so naughty.


Hua Weiyang grinned, like a naughty boy, and sat down on the table in front of him. At this moment, a person walked in from outside the hall, and that person was Xinyuehu. I wonder if she came here today. What's the matter?


Seeing that Hua Weiyang actually ran to the head of the hall and sat on the hall master's table, Xinyuehu immediately covered her mouth and coughed, and said, "Ajiu, what are you doing up there? Don't be rude. , not coming down yet!”

"A little bit..." Unexpectedly, Hua Weiyang turned her head and stuck out her tongue at her just like she did to Elder Liu.

"Hey! Good guy!"

Xinyuehu looked at her with interest, smiled maliciously, and walked towards her. When Hua Weiyang saw her coming to catch him, he slipped away like a rabbit and looked at her warily. What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Xinyuehu stepped forward, stretched out his hand like lightning, and pinched her face. "Can you give me a little try?"

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts, let go, let go..."

Wei Young's face was pinched by her, and she was twisted like a rabbit. She was so painful that she burst into tears. "Master, look at her! Look at her!"

"Hey! There's no point in calling you master..."

Xinyuehu pinched her face and twisted her in front of her, "Tell me, what should you call me when you see me?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..Ferocious woman!"

"Good guy!"

" hurts! Master, please help me!"

"It's no use even if Master comes. Listen carefully. When you see me, you should either call me Palace Master Xinsu or Elder Xinyue. Have you learned to respect your master now?"


"Ahem! What are you doing!" At this moment, a stern voice suddenly came from the door of the palace, "It's so unbecoming to play around in the main hall!"

"Elder Qianji..."

Hearing this voice, Xinyuehu was immediately startled. He quickly let go of Hua Weiyang, turned around and looked towards the entrance of the palace, and saw a figure standing there, with a face covered with frost and a stern expression. He was the one from Spica Palace. Elder Qianji.

"Qian, Elder Qianji, why are you here so soon..."

Xinyuehu also didn't expect that the other party would come from Spica Palace so quickly as soon as she came forward. This speed was too fast.


Elder Qianji walked in with a stern look on his face. Hua Weiyang saw that the aura of this elder's cultivation was unfathomable and completely different from Elder Liu San, so she didn't dare to play around anymore.

"Elder Qianji came to Canglong Palace today, but what's the matter?"

Xiao Chen watched Elder Qianji walk in, thinking that he was about to go to Jiaojie Palace with Weiyang, but he didn't expect that the other party came first, and the Elder Qianji in front of him had unfathomable cultivation and his status in Canglong Palace Yi Gao, the other party is polite, so he will naturally treat him politely.

"Master of Canglong Palace."

Elder Qianji cupped his hands, and then took out a jade slip from his sleeve and said, "This is the human-shaped formula of the ancient Eight Desolate Jue. I heard that the palace master is going to the Bahuang Palace to get the earth-zip formula with the descendant of Canglong. After discussing with the elders of Qian Ji Pagoda, we all agreed that with the strength of Canglong Palace Master, we can obtain the Human Character Technique, so I brought this secret here directly to save time."


Xiao Chen was a little surprised. He originally thought that the elders of Qianji Pavilion were sticking to the rules, but he didn't expect them to be so reasonable. This was just right and could save him a few days.

At this moment, he walked down, took the jade slip from Elder Qianji, and said, "Well, thank you very much, Elder Qianji."

"Master Canglong Palace, you are serious."

As Elder Qianji spoke, he glanced at Xinyuehu and Hua Weiyang and said, "If there is nothing else to do, Qianji will leave."

"Elder Qianji, please..."

Xiao Chen personally sent him outside the palace and watched him turn into a sword light and leave. Then he turned around and looked at Xinyuehu and Hua Weiyang, "You two, are you still making trouble?"

Hua Weiyang stuck out her tongue and whispered to Xinyuehu, "Who was that person just now? He looked so fierce..."

"Quickly shut your mouth." Xinyuehu looked back at her and whispered, "Be careful, that's Elder Qianji, he's very powerful..."


Weiyang stood on tiptoes and looked outside to see if Elder Qianji had gone far away. Xiao Chen opened the jade slip in his hand, and the first line read: "The sky moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement; the terrain is strong." , A gentleman carries his wealth with kindness..."

Suddenly, he remembered that night in the Black Emperor's Abyss, Elder Liu used a move "Terrain Kun" to break through the Black Emperor's Yin Wind barrier. No wonder it looked so powerful at the time. It turned out that he used the Ancient Eight Desolate Techniques. The moves in it, and this sentence originally came from the "Book of Changes". When he first went to Xuanqingmen, Yang Xiaoran used this book to fool him. Later, it was the senior who blamed him who carefully taught him the mysteries and the Nine Yins and Nine Yangs. The name of Xuan Gong is also replaced by the sixteen characters inside.

"Let me see, let me see."

Hua Weiyang also ran up and took the jade slip from his hand. Of course, there are so many herringbone formulas that it would be impossible to write them down on one jade slip. What is written above is just a catalog. As for the detailed mental methods, they are all written in The spiritual power is engraved in the jade slip. When you need to read it, you only need to gather a spiritual power.

Xinyuehu also came over, looked at the jade slip in Hua Weiyang's hand, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect those old antiques in Qianji Pavilion to be so reasonable sometimes..."


Xiao Chen didn't say much. He looked at the direction where Elder Qianji left just now. It seemed that Qisu Palace had great expectations for him this time and wanted to see what his abilities were. So this time, he definitely couldn't Let everyone down.

The next day, he and Wei Yang came to the Bahuang Hall and explained their intention to several Bahuang elders. The elders led the two of them to the training tower.

The whole tower has a total of thirty-three floors, which means "Thirty-three Heavens". It goes straight into the sky and is so high that it cannot reach the top. If you want to get the Earth-Character, you must pass many tests and go to at least the twelfth floor. You can get it, otherwise you will not be qualified to practice the Dizi Jue.

This time Xiao Chen brought Hua Weiyang to get the Earthly Word Jue, which obviously aroused many people's discussion. In the past, the newly appointed palace master, whether it was the master of Canglong Palace or the other three palace masters, had to practice for a few years first. Only after you have laid a solid foundation for the Renzi Jue can you take the successor to the cultivation tower and obtain the Earth Zijue.

How could anyone be like him, who has only been here three months and already has to lead his successor to learn the Earth-Character Technique? Is this confidence or arrogance? Once you fail, you will not be allowed to enter the cultivation tower again for the next ten years.

"In the training tower, there are many illusions and many dangers. Lord Canglong Palace, have you really thought about it clearly?"

"Well...please ask some elders to open the barrier."


As a golden light flashed, and with the joint efforts of several elders to cast spells, the entrance barrier of the cultivation tower opened. Xiao Chen did not hesitate and immediately stepped inside with Wei Yang. It was just as the elders of the Eight Desolations said. , as soon as they entered the tower, it was only the first floor, and the two of them felt a dangerous aura coming towards their faces.

Xuanwu Hall.

"Does he think that he can compete with me if he gets the Earth Word Jue..."

Elder Xuanwu's voice was low. The two guardian elders next to him smiled and said contemptuously, "This man is too arrogant and will never succeed. After this trial of the Eight Wastelands, it will not be too late to deal with him slowly..."

"This person doesn't matter. The only thing I'm worried about now is the strange movement I felt that night..."

Suddenly, Elder Xuanwu's eyes became particularly deep. The two elders next to him were stunned and asked, "What is the palace master worried about..."

Although Elder Xuanwu was wearing a mask at the moment, he could still feel that the expression on his face was full of fear, and what could make him fearful must not be something simple.

"Behind Canglong Peak, under the abyss...that's all, it's nothing."

In the middle of his words, Elder Xuanwu suddenly stopped talking, and the two guardian elders stood nearby. Seeing this situation, it was difficult to ask.

Three days passed like this. At noon on this day, a golden light suddenly shone in the training tower. The next moment, Xiao Chen and Wei Yang were already outside.

"They're out!"

Many disciples have been guarding outside in the past few days. When they saw the two people coming out, they were all shocked. The golden light just now came from the twelfth floor, which meant that they had reached the twelfth floor. In just three days, he actually went to the twelfth floor and obtained the Earthly Word Jue. This strength is truly astonishing.

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