At this time, Xiao Chen was already thousands of miles away. A crescent moon hung slanting in the sky, like a cold blade. At this moment, he could already feel the aura of Situ Xuan chasing after him. Even though they were so far apart, he could feel it. This aura is at least the fifth level, and has even reached the sixth level. There is no way he can be a match for this person. Now he has no choice but to escape and return to the realm of the Eight Desolate Alliance, where he will be safe.

In this way, in the past three days, during these three days, Xiao Chen recovered his true energy while escaping to the realm of the Eight Desolate Alliance. Along the way, there were still many forces from the Eight Desolate Ancient Clan who received instructions from Situ Xuan. After giving the order, all these cultivation forces came up to intercept him.

But these small sects don’t even have a strong person in the Taiqing realm, so how can they stop him? It was nothing more than delaying him for a moment, but yesterday, after Sheng Yizi destroyed a sect, the rest were timid and did not dare to blatantly intercept him again.

In the past three days, the news that he killed three elders of the Thunder Clan in Qiyou Rock and destroyed the entire Thunder Flame Sect has naturally spread in the Bahuang Land. He was able to kill three powerful men from the Taiqing Realm. , how amazing is this?

As one of the eight ancient tribes in the wilderness, the Lei Clan has the bloodline of strong men from the Far Beyond Realm, but there are only a handful of Taiqing Realm elders in the clan now, and this time, they lost three Taiqing Realm strong men. , it is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the entire Thunder Clan.

At this moment, in the Bahuang Palace, several elders looked solemn. They had naturally heard about what happened this time. Before that, they never thought that Xiao Chen would make the matter so big this time. Now Even this old ghost Situ came out.

"What should we do now?"

Several other people in the hall looked at the elder who was wearing a black Taoist robe at the head of the hall. He was considered the senior brother of the others. He had the highest cultivation level and was named "Xuan Ye".

After a long time, Elder Xuan Ye said, "This time, Situ Xuan is out. No matter what, we must ensure that Cang Long comes back safely..."

"Elder Xuan Ye, what do you mean..."

An elder in green clothes below looked at him, and they understood each other tacitly. After hearing what Xuan Ye said, they all knew what to do next. How could Canglong, the majestic Eight Desolate Alliance, fall behind? What about in the hands of the Bahuang Ancient Clan?

At this time, in Canglong Palace, Weiyang has been frowning these days. Recently, there are often dark clouds shrouding the Canglong Peak, just like the dark clouds that shrouded Wuyu Tian in the past. It always feels like something big is about to happen.

As of today, Elder Liu and others have not received any news, and they don't know if they have encountered obstacles on the way. Xiao Chen is in danger again and is being chased by Situ Xuan, the great elder of the Thunder Clan. How can she not be worried?

Her heart was hanging outside all day long. When she finally fell asleep at night, she would be awakened by nightmares, dreaming that Xiao Chen was covered in blood and was being chased.

"Thunder Clan..."

At this moment, Hua Weiyang was standing by the window sill, squeezing her fingers tightly, and at this moment, her eyes suddenly became extremely cold and scary, and she no longer looked like the playful and cute girl she used to be. "If you dare to hurt him even a little bit, I will make your whole family taste the pain of my brother's blazing five aggregates..."

On this day, Xiao Chen came to the top of a large ravine, but saw steep mountains on both sides and rapid floods in the middle. This place was another boundary zone, but it was still a long way from the boundary of the Eight Desolations League.

As soon as he crossed the ravine, he saw several figures on the opposite hill. In the middle was a middle-aged man with white hair, and on the left and right were several old men with white beards and hair. The aura of these people was much better than those who had stopped him two days ago. The people are much stronger.

"Either on the way to be chased, or on the way to be chased. Well, it seems that you all know me well... very good. [6] [9] [s] [h] [u] [x] 【.】【c】【o】【m】"

Xiao Chen approached calmly and calmly. Although those few people had some skills, they were not enough to stop him. However, Situ Xuan was chasing behind them, so he could not delay them.

An old man looked at him and said, "Master Canglong Palace, you are here after all. You can't get out of here today, so let's just let him go. We are just ordered to arrest you, not to have any trouble with the Bahuang Alliance."

"Only you want to stop me? Do you know what will happen?"

"I'm sorry then."

After the words fell, several people suddenly attacked. These people themselves were not very high in cultivation, but somehow, they seemed to have used the spiritual energy of this place to form a certain formation, which greatly increased the strength of these people. At the same time, there was a The stock restriction shrouded Xiao Chen.

"Human life is inherently short, but some people keep coming to die."

Although Xiao Chen has exhausted a lot of energy these days to avoid Situ Xuan's pursuit, it is still easy to deal with these cultivators who have not yet reached the Taiqing realm.

With one movement of his palm, he dispersed the formations of several people. Those people lost control of their bodies, but quickly stabilized themselves and attacked Xiao Chen again.

Xiao Chen no longer had much soul power to summon the Holy Son. He didn't want to get entangled with these people at this time. After shaking them away with a palm, he wanted to use Lingxian Steps to leave, but these people saw what he was thinking. , but kept obstructing him, not confronting him head-on, but kept dragging him back.

Soon, Xiao Chen felt the aura of Situ Xuan behind him again. At this moment, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded in the sky, and then a large shadow shrouded it. A strong wind whipped up around him, and it turned out to be a huge flying dragon. , swooped down towards him.

"The sixth-order flying dragon...came just in time."

Xiao Chen immediately felt the aura of the flying dragon in front of him. It was similar to the flying dragon from the Thunder Flame Sect before. It was at least the sixth level. Its speed was as fast as lightning. It was definitely not comparable to those low-level flying dragons. With this flying dragon, he couldn't care less. There is no way to escape the entanglement of these people.

I saw the flying dragon spread its wings, its claws were like hooks, and it suddenly grabbed him, trying to push him to the ground. The power of such a sixth-level flying dragon was extremely terrifying. Even if he had ten thousand dragon scales on his body, he would not be He was injured by the power of the dragon soul, but once pinned to the ground by those terrifying dragon claws, it would be impossible to break free for a moment.

The moment the flying dragon swooped down, he saw the opportunity and immediately launched the Ling Xian Step, appearing above the flying dragon. There was also a middle-aged man standing on the flying dragon's back. He appeared like a ghost. Here, I couldn't help but be shocked, "You..."

"Now this flying dragon is mine."

"What did you say?"

"Get out of here, don't stand on my dragon."

Xiao Chen kicked the middle-aged man off the dragon's back, and then rode on the dragon's neck. The flying dragon immediately became violent, tumbling in the sky, trying to throw him out.

"If you don't want your head to blow up, just be more honest with me."

Xiao Chen put two fingers together, and the Demonic Finger came out instantly, pressed it on the dragon's head, and said coldly, "Fly forward as fast as you can, otherwise there will be a hole in your head."


The sixth-order flying dragon was still furious, but it seemed that it could feel the terrifying power contained in the demon's fingers. It did not dare to make any mistakes, so it could only swallow its anger and fly towards the Eight Desolate Alliance with Xiao Chen.

"What...what's going on?" The middle-aged man who was kicked down looked confused, and just watched the sixth-order flying dragon disappear with Xiao Chen.

At this time, Situ Xuan also caught up and glanced at a few people. Those people were suddenly frightened and trembling all over. They threw themselves on the ground and kept begging for mercy, "Elder Situ, forgive me, that person, he is really..."

"Can you be any more useful?"

Situ Xuan's face was gloomy and he was very angry. He originally asked these people to delay here for a while, but they didn't delay and gave the opponent a sixth-level flying dragon.

"Elder Situ, you, please listen to my explanation..."

The middle-aged man was so frightened that he didn't even dare to raise his head. Situ Xuancai didn't have time to listen to him chattering here, so he put his two fingers together and turned into a flash of light, chasing Xiao Chen.

In the past few days, he found that every time he was about to catch up with the other party, the other party would always distance himself from him in an instant. After repeating this several times, he was already a little annoyed. If he hadn't practiced for many years and had a calm mind, Just now he saw those people giving each other a sixth-level flying dragon, and he went into a fit on the spot.

Soon, he caught up with Xiao Chen's figure again, and in front, Xiao Chen was holding the flying dragon. Seeing him catching up so quickly, he felt something bad in his heart. He put his two fingers together and pressed against the flying dragon's head, "Give it." Let me go faster!"


The flying dragon roared unwillingly, flapped its wings vigorously, and immediately accelerated a lot. In the blink of an eye, it was hundreds of miles away, and it gradually distanced itself from Situ Xuan.

"Still want to leave."

Situ Xuan's face was cold. He raised his palm and used some magical means. Xiao Chen only saw that the surrounding mountains and rivers were shrinking rapidly, and in the sky, there was a palm bigger than the mountain, pressing down on him. down.

(I wish you all a Happy New Year!)

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