The surrounding scenery quickly shrunk, and the hand in the sky grew larger and larger. Xiao Chen glanced back and saw Situ Xuan's ten thousand-foot figure approaching almost instantly.


At this moment, he immediately secretly thought that something was wrong. It must be some kind of magical power of a strong person in the Taiqing Realm. No matter how fast he went at this time, he would never be able to escape from this void, because this void had been destroyed by Situ Xuan's ether. Qingjing's methods have created a certain "law". Nothing can escape this "law" and will eventually be suppressed under his Five Fingers Mountain.

The hand in the sky was getting closer and closer. At this moment, Xiao Chen made a decisive decision. Everything in front of him was an illusion, and they were all laws created by Situ Xuan. But don't forget one thing. His Nascent Soul was rare in the world. The white baby!

Although he cannot create any laws of the Nascent Soul, he cannot condense his own small world like other cultivators, and he cannot create a law like Situ Xuan does at this moment. In this law, Situ Xuan is like the creator of the world. In ordinary existence, no one can break this law.

But he is different. Although Bai Ying cannot create laws, it is precisely because of this that there are no laws. There are no laws, which means that he is not limited by any laws.

The palm in the sky has already pressed down. Facing this terrifying law, it is like the imprisonment of heaven and earth. Nothing can escape from below.


The sixth-order flying dragon also trembled. Under this law, it was trembling and frightened. Xiao Chen pressed its head and said, "Charge forward!"

Feilong was terrified, but at this time he had no choice but to rush towards the palm that was pressing down on him. However, the moment the palm came down, Feilong's huge body was instantly filled with flesh and blood, and was smashed to pieces by that palm. , and a strange scene also appeared. Xiao Chen seemed to be transparent, penetrated from the palm of his hand, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"Huh? How could..."

Situ Xuan caught up with him. The scene just now made him a little unbelievable. How could the rules he created with his Nascent Soul at the expense of his soul be directly broken by that person? It's absolutely impossible, but what's going on?

Thinking back on the past few days, every time he was about to catch up, the other party would always disappear without a trace in an instant. This was really weird. Now he could actually ignore the rules he created. This Canglong made him more and more angry. It was difficult to see through, and the other party was wearing a Canglong mask, and he couldn't see through it, no matter how high his cultivation level was.

Several days passed like this, and on this day, Xiao Chen finally approached the boundary of the Eight Wilderness League. A river appeared in front of it, but the water in the river was fast and the waves on the river were rolling.

The name of this river is "Sui River". After crossing the Sui River, it is the boundary of the Eight Wilderness Alliance. Many battles have taken place near here. Even though countless years have passed, traces of destruction can still be seen on the surrounding peaks, but this It is an ancient river, but it always flows eastward day and night.

In an instant, Xiao Chen has arrived near the river, and behind him, Situ Xuan's aura is also approaching. He has been chased by Situ Xuan day and night these days, and he is already exhausted physically and mentally. If he were not controlled by the other party's Nascent Soul Law, he would probably The situation is already in danger.

"Want to escape back to the Eight Wastelands Alliance? Humph!"

Situ Xuan's eyes were full of coldness, and the murderous aura in his body was getting stronger. He chased after him in an instant, and with a condensation of his fingers, he hit Xiao Chen behind with an unparalleled finger force.

Sensing the murderous intent coming from behind, Xiao Chen's heart froze. He didn't think much about it at this moment. He forcibly raised the real energy in his body, and the devil's fingers condensed in an instant. With a "bang", the two fingers collided, and immediately hit the lower body. The river surged thousands of feet high.

Xiao Chen took advantage of the force of the counterattack and landed on the Suihe River. At this time, he was already in the territory of the Eight Desolate Alliance, and Situ Xuan was still on the other side of the river, but there was no doubt that this old man would chase after him. Come here and fight, even if this is already the territory of the Eight Desolate Alliance.

The Devil's Finger just now was almost the last of his true energy. Situ Xuan had practiced for more than a thousand years, and his cultivation level was far above him. If the other party came after him, he would probably be in serious danger.

"Situ Xuan, have you thought clearly? This is the territory of our Ancient Eight Wastelands Alliance. Anyone who trespasses will die..."

Although the true energy in the body has almost been exhausted, the aura of the blue dragon on Xiao Chen's body is still as majestic as the rushing river. If the opponent is not Situ Xuan, then the four words "Those who trespass will die" will definitely make Its fear.

But at this moment, there was no trace of fear on Situ Xuan's face, only the endless cold murderous aura. "Those who trespass will die. I want to see...if it's true."

After the words fell, Situ Xuan suddenly attacked with a palm. The force of the palm was so fierce that it caused the river below to churn. Xiao Chen was forced back by this powerful energy. He thought to himself that it was not good and he wanted to take Situ Xuan by force. With this palm, the Three Corpse Demons will undoubtedly wake up!

At this critical moment, three sword energies suddenly flew from behind. With a "boom", they blocked Situ Xuan's palm power. In the next moment, three figures were seen landing in front of Xiao Chen.

These three people are all old men with white beards and hair. One is wearing black clothes and has a deep breath. One is wearing green clothes and has an immortal spirit. The third one is wearing red clothes and has cold eyes... These three people are Bahuang. The three elders of the temple.

"Oh?" Situ Xuan looked at the three people who suddenly appeared and said calmly, "Xuan Ye, Qingshi, Yanshan... It must have been six hundred years since we last said goodbye."

Elder Xuan Ye calmed down and smiled softly, "I haven't seen him for many years. Why did Elder Situ break into my place of the Ancient Eight Desolations Alliance today?"

Situ Xuan's eyes were still cold and he pointed at Xiao Chen, "This person... killed three elders of our clan a few days ago."


Elder Yanshan has always had a fierce temper, and he couldn't bear to see him like this at this moment. He said coldly, "Okay, Situ Xuan, Canglong is here. If you are brave enough, you can try to cross the Suihe River today!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. Elder Xuan Ye still had a faint smile on his face, and his eyes fell on Situ Xuan. He was called "courtesy first, then soldier". He looked harmonious and polite, but if Situ Xuan If he really dares to cross the Suihe River and enter the territory of the Eight Desolate Alliance, he will never show mercy.


In the end, Situ Xuan let out a gloomy sneer. No matter how high his cultivation level was, there were three people on the other side, plus a mysterious blue dragon. He would not be so stupid as to forcefully cross the river to arrest people at this time.

"Elder Yanshan is joking. What I mean is...he'd better not leave the territory of the Eight Desolate Alliance within a hundred years..."

Situ Xuan's words were cold, full of murderous intent and threats. At the end of his words, he looked at Xiao Chen with a cold look in his eyes.

"A hundred years..." Xiao Chen glanced at him and said calmly, "I'm afraid that in a hundred years, the grass on your grave will be three feet high."


Situ Xuan snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and turned into a sword light, flying away in the direction it came from.

Xiao Chen looked at the direction in which he left, thinking deeply in his heart. This old man was very advanced and not easy to deal with. He had suffered a lot in the past few days. If there was a chance in the future, he would have to kill him. people……

After a long time, when Situ Xuan's aura completely disappeared, Elder Xuan Ye took a deep breath, as if he was relieved, and asked, "Canglong, how are you? Are you okay?"

"Nothing serious at the moment. Thank you to the three elders for taking action."

Xiao Chen looked at the three Bahuang elders with advanced cultivation in front of him, and at this moment he finally had the feeling that he was no longer the only one.

"'s okay."

Elder Xuan Ye nodded, looked in the direction where Situ Xuan left, and said, "Situ Xuan is a very high-level person. Your Eight Ancient Desolations Art has not yet been solidified. It is already very difficult to escape from this person..." ...Canglong, you have to remember that the enemies you encounter in the future will only get stronger and stronger."

Xiao Chen looked at the elder Xuan Ye in front of him. He always felt that there was something in his words at this time. He also saw that the other two people had different expressions and asked, "The three elders came here today. Do you have anything else to do?"

After hearing this, the three of them looked at each other. Elder Xuan Ye said, "There is indeed something. Let's talk about it while walking."

At that moment, the four of them headed towards the Bahuang Palace. Along the way, Elder Xuan Ye only said that he had something to do and asked him to go to the Bahuang Palace, but he did not say what it was about. Xiao Chen thought about it and realized that there were three things about it. The elder didn't say clearly, so it must not be a trivial matter.

But at the moment, he has not received any message from Liu San and others. He wonders if they have returned to Canglong Palace safely. He said, "I asked Elder Liu and others to return to Canglong Palace first. Now half a month has passed. I don't know if they have returned safely." Return, now I want to go back to Canglong Palace. As for what the three elders just said, if there is no rush... I will come to Bahuang Palace another day."

"This..." The three elders looked at each other, and finally Elder Xuan Ye nodded, "That's okay. If Master Canglong Palace is in a hurry, he can go back first."

"Okay, I'll take my leave now."

Thinking that there had been no news from Liu San and others for so long, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a little worried. At this moment, he bowed his hands to the three elders. When he was about to leave, Elder Xuan Ye suddenly stopped him again, "Canglong... …etc."

"Elder Xuan Ye, is there anything else?"

Xiao Chen stopped, and Elder Xuan Ye looked at him. He wanted to say something, but hesitated. In the end, he just said, "It's nothing. careful on the road."

"Hmm... Okay." Xiao Chen didn't stay any longer, and immediately spread out his body skills and flew towards the boundary of Canglong Palace.

After a long time, until he had disappeared, Elder Qingshi next to Elder Xuan Ye said, "Elder Xuan Ye, are you sure... you want to tell him this matter so soon?"

Elder Xuan Ye stared at the direction Xiao Chen left. After a long time, he took a deep breath and said, "After all... he is Cang Long."

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