The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1886 The mysterious three people

Let's talk about Liu San and his party. In the past half month, they escorted Xun Huozhu back to Canglong Palace. They were also blocked by the Bahuang Ancient Clan on the way. However, the two elders Qianji and Chonghua finally saved the day.

On this day, everyone walked to the evening, and they were not too far away from the boundary of Canglong Hall. If you go slower, you can reach Canglong Hall tomorrow, if you go faster, you can reach Canglong Hall tonight.

"The Wanxia Pass is ahead. Everyone, please be vigilant."

Elder Qianji looked solemn as he passed through Wanxia Pass, and further on, he reached the boundary of Canglong Palace. Now there is only the last section of the road left. Xunhuo Zhu must not make any mistakes on him.

"Elder Qianji."

At this time, Xinyuehu walked up with a very solemn expression. She looked at the dusk-dark mountains in front of her and said, "It's almost dark. There are many ferocious beasts in Wanxia Pass at night. Should we... Let’s rest for the night and leave again at dawn tomorrow morning?”

At this time, everyone stopped and looked at the mountain peaks shrouded in twilight. They felt an indescribable gloominess. It was true that there were many ferocious beasts in Wanxia Pass at night, but they could hear it at this time. , what Elder Xinyue is really worried about is not the ferocious beasts at night, but the fear that someone will set up an ambush at Wanxia Pass at night.


At this moment, a group of black crows suddenly fluttered up in the woods on both sides and rushed towards the sky. Its cry sounded like a cry. The disciples couldn't help but shudder. They had just escaped from the wilderness and experienced the Thunder Flame Sect. Life and death, everyone has already been like a frightened bird.


Elder Qianji looked at the mountains in front of him. After a while, he looked at Elder Chonghua beside him, "Elder Chonghua, what do you think?"

Elder Chonghua stared at the twilight peak in front of him, then looked at Liu San, who was supporting Elder Feixing with a frown, and asked, "Elder Liu, do you want to continue walking?"

Obviously, everyone wants to bring Xun Huozhu back to Canglong Palace as soon as possible to avoid long nights and nightmares. The last step is now. If there are no obstacles along the way, they can return to Canglong Peak in about midnight.

But what Elder Xinyue said makes sense. The terrain of Wanxia Pass is steep, and it is inconvenient to walk at night. Once someone sets an ambush inside, it will be difficult to deal with it.

"A few elders...or else this will happen."

At this time, a young-looking man walked up, took a look at the mountains in front, and volunteered, "My junior brother and I will go forward to investigate first. Several elders will wait here for a while."

"Well..." Finally, Elder Chonghua nodded and said, "Be careful and don't disturb the ferocious beasts in the mountains."

"Okay..." The man nodded, then looked at the junior brothers behind him, "You guys, follow me.

Soon, the figures of several people had disappeared into the mountains shrouded in twilight. They all broke out from dangerous places such as wild lands, and their sense of danger was naturally many times more acute than ordinary people.

About a stick of incense later, it was getting darker. The few people who had just gone finally came out. The leading man raised his hands and said, "Elders, my junior brother and I entered just now and found nothing unusual..."


Hearing this, Elder Qianji and Elder Chonghua looked at each other, then looked at Liu San and Xinyuehu. Since there was no danger, it would be better to leave as soon as possible without delay.

Everyone finally decided to set off through the Wanxia Pass overnight. They no longer hesitated and immediately advanced into the mountains. Entering the mountains with thousands of peaks and rocks, the sky became darker, and the sun could not shine in many places. The rocks were jagged, as if someone was standing behind them. Under the dim dusk, they looked particularly eerie and terrifying.

"Watch your surroundings and be careful."

The group of people carefully hid their breath, and after walking for a while, the sound of a flute suddenly came from nowhere. Listening to the sound of the flute, sometimes it was soothing and urgent, sometimes sad and sad. The sound of the flute should be melodious and melodious, but at this moment here. The sound of the flute gives people a sad feeling. I don't know who is playing it here.

"Be careful..." Elder Qianji became alert. This is Wanxia Pass. Who would play such a shrill flute sound here?

"Elder...look there!"

Suddenly, a disciple looked at a mountain peak in the distance with a look of shock. On the cliff at the top of the mountain, there was a man playing the flute. The man was an old man with hair as white as snow, wearing a blue robe. , eyes closed slightly, the sound of the flute came from there, but it echoed repeatedly through the valley, and no one could tell from which direction the sound came.

Elder Qianji immediately became on guard. As night fell, there must be something weird about this person playing such a sad flute sound here alone...

After a while, the old man in green was still playing alone on the top of the mountain, with his eyes closed, and seemed not to notice the group of people below.

"Let's go...leave this guy alone."

Liu San also tensed up his nerves. At this time, he was protecting the disciple behind him and carefully passed through the canyon. It was not until a long time that he could no longer hear the sound of the flute coming from behind.

"That person just now... was so weird."

Xinyuehu frowned deeply and glanced back while speaking, but she didn't know if it was an illusion or something. In a blink of an eye, there was nothing at all on the top of the mountain. Where did the person play the flute come from?

"Stop looking...go!"

Elder Qianji looked solemn, and Elder Chonghua led the way. After walking for a while, the sky became darker. At this moment, from somewhere, the sound of the piano suddenly came again.

Listen carefully to the sound of the piano. At first, the sound is gentle, like the cool breeze under the pine, giving people a refreshing feeling. But later, the sound of the piano gradually becomes faster and faster, like an iron horse crossing the valley.

"Who's playing the piano?"

The disciples were as frightened as birds. When they heard the increasingly murderous music, they immediately froze on the spot and did not dare to move forward. After a while, the music slowly calmed down and they saw a mountain in the distance and a cliff. The withered pine was hanging upside down, and under the tree, there was an old man with white hair sitting in purple clothes, holding a three-foot Yao Qin on his knees. He was very similar to the old man in green clothes who was playing the flute just now, and he was also thinking about himself. Play.

At this moment, everyone became nervous. First there was a mysterious old man playing the flute, and now there is a man playing the piano. What is weird here?


Elder Qianji's eyes were cold, and a cold murderous aura suddenly appeared on his body. He wanted to see who was playing tricks here!

The group of people walked for a while, and the sound of the piano gradually disappeared. It was getting later, night was coming, and there was only the last trace of afterglow on the horizon. At this moment, another mountain peak appeared in front of everyone. And on top of the mountain, this time there was an old man holding a pen.

But look at the old man wearing long ink clothes, with a stylus in his hand like a sword, constantly waving it, the whole process is smooth and flowing, it is not only a copybook, but also an exquisite sword technique.

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