The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1887 The Man in Black Robe

"Elder Qianji..."

Elder Chonghua stared at the old man in black clothes on the mountain, and moved closer to Elder Qianji, while the disciples were behind. The young man who was exploring the way earlier had a blank look on his face and murmured, "How could... these three people , when we came here just now, we didn’t see it at all..."

Xinyuehu also walked forward and looked at the old man in black clothes who was writing on the mountain. At this moment, he seemed to suddenly remember something and murmured: "Dongxiao... Yaoqin... Bifeng, these three people , could it be..."


Elder Qianji's eyes were stern, he flicked his sleeves, and led everyone to move forward. It was getting darker and darker, and even the last trace of afterglow on the horizon was gradually being swallowed up by darkness. Everyone was nervous. There were a few birds in the woods on both sides from time to time. Crows fly out to scare people.


At this moment, Elder Qianji suddenly stopped, and the others also stopped, especially the disciples, who seemed even more nervous at this time. This weird atmosphere was really suffocating.

Slowly, a thick layer of fog began to form nearby, and everyone subconsciously moved closer to each other. Elder Qianji said attentively, "Spread out, don't get close."

Hearing this, the people who were still close together looked at each other and quickly dispersed. Just when everyone was nervous, a piano sound suddenly sounded from somewhere. The sound came slightly unexpectedly, like On the calm sea, a sudden wave surged in, making people nervous.

"Pretend to be a ghost..."

Elder Qianji flicked his sleeves and spat out a burst of force from his palm, dispersing the dense fog nearby. In front of everyone, there were three strange peaks. The night fell lightly, and they could be vaguely seen. On the three peaks, each Standing there was a figure, the same one they met before, the person playing the flute, playing the piano, and holding the pen.

On the mountain peak on the left, there was an old man in green clothes playing the flute. At this time, he started to play again. The sad sound of the flute reached everyone's ears. On the mountain peak in the middle, the old man in purple clothes also started to play the piano. On the mountain on the right, the old man in black clothes started to play. He swung his pen quickly and wrote lines of words in mid-air.

Xinyuehu stood forward and said coldly, "I have long seen that there is something wrong with the three of you! You are pretending to be a ghost here... and you haven't shown up yet!"


A sound of piano sound came, and everyone felt the strong internal power. There is no doubt that the Taoism of these three people must be very terrifying, but what are the origins of these three people? They don't look like people from the Bahuang Ancient Clan...

Elder Qianji walked forward, stared at the people on the three peaks, and said coldly, "I haven't asked you yet, how should I call these three fellow Taoists..."

Finally, the music and the sound of the flute stopped, and then the clear voice of the person playing the piano came from the middle, "Leave the Xun Huo Zhu, people, you can pass."

Upon hearing this, the disciples became even more nervous. Liu San and the other elders stood in front, looking at the three people blocking the road. They could obviously feel that these three people's Taoism was definitely not shallow, but why had they not seen it before? , and have never heard of these three people? Qin, flute, pen...

Elder Chonghua said, "The purpose of the three Taoist friends here to raise doubts is to find the Xun Fire Pearl... Canglong Qisu was originally a thing that was lost to me in Canglong Palace many years ago, but now everyone in the world wants to take it into their own hands. If If I don't take out the Xun Fire Bead today, what will happen to the three fellow Taoists?"

"That's easy..."

The person playing the piano said lightly, and as soon as he finished speaking, a sharp piano sound was played. The inner energy hidden in this piano sound penetrated directly into the soul of the Yuan Shen. Elder Qianji and Elder Chonghua immediately pointed out, and there was a "bang" , the two fingers gathered together to resist the sound of the piano, and the surrounding vegetation and rocks were shattered into powder.

Liu San couldn't help but was secretly shocked. What was hidden in this man's piano was full of murderous intent, but the sound of the piano just now seemed to have tried his best to contain the murderous intent. This man's cultivation level was... very high.

At this moment, the man with the flute on the left spoke again, "The three of us don't want to fight with you. You should stay with this Xun Huozhu. Don't force the three of us to take action..."

"Hmph... Such a loud tone."

Elder Qianji's eyes were cold. At that moment, golden energy flowed around his body, and a strong Qi of the Eight Desolations surged out of him.

"Hmm...the sixth level of the Earth-Character Art, worthy of being the Elder Qianji of Spica Palace."

The person playing the piano in the middle slowly raised his hand from the strings and said calmly, "If there is a fight, not to mention whether a few of them can leave safely, just the disciples behind them, will one of them be able to withstand it?" This piano sound..."

Hearing this, the disciples were all startled and subconsciously stepped back. Although Liu San and others were highly cultivated, they knew that they might not be the match for these three people. Moreover, in the past half month, they had already become mentally and physically exhausted. Tired, exhausted.

"Hand over the Xun Huo Bead to ensure that everyone is safe..."

At this time, the old man in black clothes on the right also raised the pen in his hand, and three powerful auras pressed at him at the same time, which was really suffocating.

At this tense moment, footsteps suddenly came from somewhere. In such a quiet and tense atmosphere, such an external footsteps were very noticeable.


A faint laughter came from the darkness, and everyone's expressions condensed. Who is coming again? The people who came this time were unable to sense its aura at all...

"Oh?" At this time, the man playing the piano on the mountain in the middle said calmly, "It turns out that there are fellow Taoists here. You might as well show up and see..."

"Wanxia Pass is really lively, haha..."

The sound was getting closer and closer, but everyone could still not see where the person was, nor could they tell where the breath was, just like a ghost-like existence.

"Who is there?"

Xinyuehu's expression condensed, staring into the darkness, while slowly standing next to Liu San, she became alert, wondering whether the person coming this time was an enemy or a friend.

Finally, a figure slowly walked out of the darkness, but he was wearing a black robe and a mask on his face. He obviously didn't want people to see his appearance, and even his voice was very strange. It's so ethereal that you can't tell who it is.

Xinyuehu stared at this mysterious man in black robe without moving. She could not sense the aura on his body at all. This man had such a high level of cultivation.

But what is going on with this inexplicable feeling of familiarity? Why does she always feel like she has seen this person somewhere? Although her appearance can be hidden, those eyes, those eyes...

"It's you!"

Xinyuehu was suddenly shocked. It was many years ago. That time she encountered danger and almost lost her life. There was a person who saved her. He was also wearing a mask and could not sense the breath, but those eyes were unmistakable. , it’s these eyes!

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